
Optimistic Future Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"The facts don't bear out your description of the world. Violence is decreasing, and people are living longer. Far from being bleak, the future looks bright."
"Solar power’s future is as bright as the sun that fuels it."
"Fundamentally though, as far as I can tell, solar power’s future is as bright as the sun that fuels it."
"I have no doubt, none, that this is who we will be, and that we'll come together as a nation, that will secure our democracy."
"When our nations are greater, the future will be brighter."
"Your future is bright because Jesus himself is standing there."
"They felt very lucky to know you, like you were their true counterpart."
"There is a future that is beautiful and bright... it is free of this battling and power struggle."
"This could be a reminder to keep doing the best you know every day to prepare for a beautiful future."
"The future of Avatar has never looked brighter."
"If we deliver this plan together, then we will together build our way back to health and we will not just bounce back, we will bounce forward stronger, better, and more united than ever before."
"If you do these things, the next generation and the generations that follow will live in a world far better than the one we today."
"Life will blossom in our path and eventually the galaxy will shimmer with beautiful Earth-like orbs."
"A world where we use technology to use all our human potential and to create even a better world."
"The future is bright for the merc with the mouth."
"We need four more years of this administration, this president, his leadership, his policies, and it will be better than okay, it will be amazing."
"A time of boundless love and many blessings is upon you."
"The future of Pokemon is brighter than it has been in years."
"We're gonna survive, gonna build your better world."
"You're going to have freedom, you're going to have money, you won't have any problems holding you back."
"We're headed towards a vastly different world where life actually gets more fun and better."
"The series future has never looked brighter."
"We are very smart and we are very capable of making a world that actually works."
"It might change some people's whole lives to something maybe even more positive if we understood that there is a lot at stake in the future of this planet surviving our own survival."
"Our history may be full of pain but our future has limitless possibilities."
"The next time we see each other, it will be at the dawn of a whole new world, a peaceful, happy world."
"We're going to get to a 99% global literacy rate... I think this is a very, very, very positive thing."
"There does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel."
"Bricks have fallen but we'll rebuild, we're gonna build back better."
"Something beautiful would start from this moment."
"Expecting the fact that the way that it's going to be is the way that it'll always be. Things are changing right now, and if you play your cards right, they are going to change for the better."
"Change the world. No, that's the goal, man. It's to get enough people to watch the show and think about an optimistic view of the future with science."
"The future has never been brighter, and reliability will continue to get better."
"America's golden age is just ahead and together we will make America powerful again."
"Blessings are coming towards you; material stability is on the horizon."
"The future is more glorious than we can imagine, and God is more generous than I could have assumed."
"Only the beautiful future in front of you exists, accept that as reality, that is the only true reality."
"It's going to change the way we communicate and it's going to change who we communicate to, but I'm very confident that the outcome will have a happy ending." - John
"This future that we're heading into can be glorious."
"There could be a turnaround... that's going to lead to success."
"I do believe the South will rise again, but this time it'll be on our terms."
"The future is bright because no matter what happens, it's just a question of time before it goes ballistic."
"Let's focus on the strides we have made and work together for a better tomorrow for everyone."
"The only thing beyond this point is a shining future."
"The future is already established, and that future is good."
"This is not a threat to our national security, this is the key to the beginning of a whole new world."
"The future is very, very bright. You just need to get through this little bumpy patch."
"There is a brighter future to look forward to in this connection."
"We have got such a brighter future ahead and I want to see everyone get there."
"We will defeat this crisis, we will protect our beautiful children, and we will ensure that tomorrow is better, brighter, stronger, and greater than ever before."
"We will get through this. When we do, a better future is possible, and we will build it together."
"There's a very happy future ahead of you two."
"There's a much more fruitful destiny ahead of you."
"The legacy of the iMac isn't ending, it's just evolving, and the future looks pretty good."
"This decentralized technology will lead us into a second renaissance."
"We will actually experience how good it can really get."
"We are at the dawn of the golden age of college football."
"Your life is truly about to ascend in multiple ways."
"The future is incredibly miraculously positive. There's no other way to think and there's no other way to go."
"A knight in shining armor coming in for you, there's definitely love around you."
"The universe is about to bless you with a brand new beginning and abundance."
"I could not be happier, so hyped for the future."
"Things will turn in your favor. Fortune is yours because you've chosen to move forward."
"Blessings times three coming in for you guys after a very hard lesson or journey."
"It's like blessings times three coming in for you guys after a very hard lesson or journey."
"Once we're done with all this that those dark dimensions can't touch earth anymore earth is going up here and they can't touch that."
"As far as crypto gaming goes to me it seems like the future is bright."
"God has a good plan for you; your destiny is bright."
"The future is really positive for the medium."
"We must stride confidently forward in good faith, building on the lessons of that horrific past and moving purposefully towards a common future."
"My family is chosen, my body is healthy, my future is fantastic."
"Let's use that agency to create a wonderful future."
"This is going to be a future where many will benefit and we will have a society where people are included rather than excluded."
"From the bubble title to injuries to a laughable rotation, and now being great again, team's future remains bright."
"I'm better; we will have the best baby in the world."
"You got too much in front of you, life is good, it's only going to get better."
"They see a happy future, they see the abundance and the good things; they don't want you to get away."
"We want the future of life to exist and be as awesome as possible."