
Intense Experiences Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Terrifying every second of it is going to be like life or death."
"This was one of the most intense moments in Payday 2 for me."
"Every possession feels like a football game, life or death."
"Are we playing a game? This [ __ ] does not feel like a [ __ ] game anymore."
"That's not just a movie scene man that's like real life times millions."
"This guy felt days of and suffering within a moment and collapsed. Oh that's terrifying you've never seen anything like that anywhere."
"It was without a doubt the single most pant-wettingly scary thing that ever happened to me during my entire childhood."
"From start to finish, it's an incredible whirlwind of WTF moments."
"It felt like a war zone where the population is uprising."
"An intense narrative experience filled with powerful life or death choices."
"There comes a moment when you have to arm your ejection seat if you have to make an emergency exit, there is an explosive charge that literally blows your entire seat out of the plane with you in it. I was keenly aware."
"Buckle up, it's going to be a floody, disturbing ride."
"It's gonna be rather drastic... and I feel like it's gonna be rather emotional and intense."
"They went primal on me, Jeff. They went deep."
"This ride may actually be more scary than the last, as it offers a whole range of opportunities to get so scared that you wind up in brown trouser territory."
"Watch documentaries about the fire festival. Fucking intense."
"This place is just off the charts with Paranormal Activity."
"I'm so thankful I had you because I was like I'm freaking out like this scene is like we almost we both almost passed out."
"It's just been pure madness. It's insanity intensified."
"Holy [__], we got something that I am going to have nightmares about until the end of time."
"An incredibly intense experience, an enormous learning lesson."
"Just unreal, like, almost unthinkable happening in this game."
"It feels like you're living through your absolute worst fears and nightmares, but they're real."
"Night comes, and the lady tucks that boy in while asking his name, which triggers a Vietnam level PTSD from that boy's dreams."
"So I said something like, 'I'm so sorry I'm being so nuts' and then I was like, 'I've been trapped in rooms and lived with women who have killed their own children, so I can handle you, Whitney. We are cool.'"
"Teleport Interference was absolutely nuts, that was batshit insane."
"It's kind of crazy how much occurred in Kurt Cobain's life in such a short period of time... it's so unfathomable to me to think about how it all happened in such a short period of time."
"So that is the story about the time that I got raised on by the FBI and it was honestly like the scariest like it was like something out of a movie like they did genuinely [] up your [] like that like ages right?"
"Hours of boredom punctuated by minutes of mayhem."
"What I saw occur in the house that night... I will never ever forget the feeling that I had just watched my mom die."
"Oh my god this is the most freaky part of the entire game I swear."
"That was the most intense moment of my life!"
"I can still see that face staring into my soul."
"Dude, I looked over, little Trav's in my door, he was literally in my door the first [ __ ] Chase, he hit the door, dude, it's [ __ ] sick, man, it's sick all."
"I think it's the most single terrifying noise that I've ever experienced."
"This is getting serious and this year is going to be absolutely insane."
"She's holding her up, she's holding her up, and it's, you know, my I'm watching this thing and it's like crazy."
"When it was three guys, I was like, 'These are obviously, you know, these three guys that I love.' But once you became this, what I like to call the fearsome foursome, that's when stuff started getting crazy."
"An experience that is genuinely and persistently frightening."
"Oh my god, okay, I've never felt so hot in my entire life."
"Granny Ruth delivers Eve's baby, her beautiful, bloody baby."
"When you're in the middle of these battles, the adrenaline and immersion take over."
"Oh my god is it satisfying I felt the visceral hit like in my chair I visibly like I felt that man goodness gracious."
"I feel like I've just run a marathon. It was a bit of a marathon of a fight when you think about it."
"To so many people, the Stanley Cup is so much more than an aggressive way to drink way too much [__] water."
"When a cryptid creature is only feet from you, you become a whole new person inside."
"Adrenaline is a hell of a drug... turns out being electrocuted is bad for your heart."
"I'm shaking so bad right now, this is awesome."
"It was the Hunger Games, but it was so much fun."
"I'm actually scared for once, next-level stuff."
"It's like a crazy, wild experience."
"Better than an orgasm, the chills."
"That whole last 80 pages was just an absolute roller coaster."
"I'm telling you, all in all of my exploring that I've done, all the paranormal stuff that I personally encountered, that was probably in the top ten most gut-wrenching moments I should say."
"The experience was intense while flying forward could feel exhilarating; backwards had a whole different level of terror."