
Communication Ethics Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"I think it's important when we have a discussion on like can words hurt you, what level we're having the discussion at."
"Words have an impact... to say that we shouldn't consider the impact... is ludicrous."
"There's no reason to meet each other and threaten and to exchange verbal attacks. That's not the point."
"We have to be able to have reasonable good faith dialogue about things we disagree about."
"Pick your battles... is what you're saying truthful, is it helpful?"
"I think the most important thing is you have to create an environment where a person feels like they can say anything without being super judged."
"Dialogue and discussion are great that said we expect those points of view to be expressed respectfully."
"I wish there was no link whatsoever, but as long as there is a link, let it be a truthful link."
"Arguing is disrespect. Disagreement is acceptable."
"If you're not bold enough to go say that to somebody's face then you probably shouldn't tweet it."
"Even if you have nothing good to say, can't you stay quiet?"
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it."
"I think everybody needs to take this learn from this situation and really think before you say things or before you tweet things or before you even feel things."
"If you get nothing to say, nothing nice to say, just don't say it."
"If you won't say something to somebody in person, don't say it online."
"If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all."
"When you speak with honesty and integrity... that makes the world safer."
"But most of all that is that the majority of your audience are young people to begin with so by putting out this message that it's a prank or that we were trying to prank our viewers it sends out a negative message to younger folks."
"If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all."
"Be impeccable with your words, speak with integrity."
"It's not simply to tell people what they want to hear and say, 'Here's my evidence for it.'"
"If you continue to communicate with the person after you tell them it's over you are being unkind to that person."
"If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."
"Don't insult their intelligence by lying to them."
"Words and actions have meaning and impact, even if your intent is not to be harmful, hurtful, or cause harm."
"Avoid foul and abusive language... Let everything that come out of our mouth be good and helpful and useful."
"We used to call spin lying. Now we study it and admire it."
"Don't treat the bearer of bad news as if they were to blame for it."
"Good faith implies sincerity, honesty, openness, and charity."
"Your words are not meant to... glorify yourself."
"There is a limit. There is a certain way of talking to people. You cannot cross certain lines."
"If you can't talk to someone, you shouldn't talk about someone."
"These words have nothing to do with ethnicity, nationality, or region. They actually have to do with contribution."
"A public statement always deserves a public response."
"A public comment deserves a public response."
"The way we speak of ourselves and others, the way we construct story matters. It will reflect back to you every time, so you want to be impeccable with your word."
"Your apologies better be as loud as the disrespect."
"Answering before listening is stupid and rude."
"Do not treat people differently or make them feel different if you don't have anything nice to say."
"We don't have to argue with anybody. We don't have to curse and go around acting bad with our words."
"It's not about destroying; we need to change that language."
"If you have nothing nice to say, just don't say anything at all."
"If you're going to sit here and try to strawman me and say it's okay to lie if it's for the betterment of getting attention on something, congratulations."
"If it's not good for the person who's going to hear it then don't say it."
"Listen carefully, summarize generously, and oppose gently."
"You cannot use your voice to promote hate; it doesn't matter what you do not agree with."
"There's a fine line between straight-out lying and being tactful and using wisdom."
"Your words should pass through three gates before you speak them out: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?"
"Is it kind, is it true, does it need to be said?"
"Don't say in text what you wouldn't say in words to their face."