
Industry Success Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Drake to have been on the charts 478 weeks of the 522 weeks."
"Everything that has to do with solar and wind is booming."
"Chris Hemsworth is like one of the only actors to have become famous via the MCU and has managed to find film work outside."
"In order to be super successful in any industry, you kind of have to have a business mind."
"We need to continue to build this, continue to fix this, and... oh mulligan time again!"
"We've done it, this is a five-star import-based oil industry and we're making lots of money."
"I want to see this industry succeed. I want to see the people in it be successful on their own, and together."
"There's been a glut of great games released in 2023. A fantastic year for video games."
"The market for video games is currently thriving. In 2020, Animal Crossing New Horizons made $2 billion in revenue alone, surpassing the entirety of the music industry."
"Both received mediocre reviews, but the lower budget Olympus Has Fallen reaped higher returns and even managed to churn out a sequel."
"Marvel's best at is taking their ideas and just saying you know what this is a crazy [ __ ] idea we're gonna go with it and now we can't do no wrong."
"The success of PlayStation is aligned with the success of the industry."
"If you're smart, hardworking, and don't have behaviors that sabotage yourself, you will be successful in this industry..."
"Big-budget superhero movies are perfect. That's why they were so bankable."
"Absolutely, it should be between a doctor and a patient or might I add an alternative health care provider and a patient because that's the other thing."
"Arkane studios have done it again and with now three major triple-a games under their belt I look forward to seeing how they'll evolve their formula in future."
"Nintendo doing great and the games that shouldn't be doing great are continuing to do great, mainly on name recognition alone."
"Kojima Productions is very happy with the sales of Death Stranding."
"Ghost of Tsushima was an emphatic reminder of how Sony managed to be so successful in the last console generation."
"You don't have to top Fortnite to be a success, but if you do, you're the biggest success."
"Marvel has a more proven track record... they don't need to convince the audience."
"I'm really proud that Bastion happened and that it was well received enough by people that we could keep making games."
"AMD, obviously. Team red has been crushing it lately."
"Catherine showed the world that she was able to hold her own amongst all these funny people."
"The fact that the One Punch Man anime exists at all is something of a small miracle."
"The key is to think short term... because in the long term the companies that will end up winning are companies with actual real world working products."
"Transistor came out, and unlike Bastion, within a month, we knew it was going to enable us to make another game."
"We made games we want to play. We believe that when you trust your gut on making something awesome, all the different forms of success you might want will just flow naturally."
"PlayStation 4 is absolutely crushed it this generation by basically being a gaming device first."
"At the end of the day, all that matters is if you make a great game... everything else is going to follow behind it."
"As much as I'm not like the biggest Microsoft fanboy, they've done very, very well."
"Esports took off and it made crazy amounts of money."
"Independent Artists who are willing to put in the work and find a way are in the best position to win."
"Tech world is one of the few worlds that are winning during this pandemic."
"It's not by chance that you see so many 90 plus blockbusters from Sony." - Jade Raymond
"That's the gumption that it takes to be a success in this industry."
"Since 2012 gamers have been obsessed with Supercell's Clash of Clans MMO strategy game."
"Tesla and Lucid are absolutely, positively destroying it, and it is really great news for the EV sector."
"Ubisoft are on the cusp of greatness with this franchise."
"80% of a multi-million seller is better than zero% of a flop."
"The only way you're going to make money in this industry is if you get off the couch and you go make it happen"
"2023 has been just a historically good year for games."
"When Marvel does well, I'm happy. Because that means superheroes are doing well. And that means DC will do well." - Henry Cavill
"Telltale grew popular with Incredible storytelling."
"It's been an absolutely incredible year for the world of video games."
"It's crazy when you mentioned Cardi B though, she's kind of like proof that you could be a social media star and then breakthrough and actually be the hottest in your category."
"When you do right by people or just in the industry, it'll just come naturally to you."
"Instead of just oversaturating and dying, the MOBA genre decided to offer us some of the best examples that genre in the last few years."
"D4 is now the second best-selling game of this year behind Hogwarts Legacy."
"Adam was lucky to be David Spade and Rob Schneider's friend because they advanced their careers in New York."
"Despite all odds, YoungBoy was still on top and continued to defeat the industry..."
"Every video game company wants what Nintendo stumbled upon so easily in 1989: Tetris."
"The success of this movie did well for Freeman who was able to quickly get into Hollywood."
"You get more and further along in this industry when you don't do what they think you should."
"Luke James is a great talent that is going to be a star for years to come in this industry of given the right opportunity."
"Pay for the damn course or the product. By buying someone else's course who is successful in the industry, will save you hours and hours of time."
"Consistency is key. You want to kill it in your industrial field."
"There are many major pop stars who have little to no songwriting ability, some have very little stage presence, some don't have particularly strong voices, but they are still successful in the music industry."
"Hollywood cracked the magic formula, keeping the creatives in the loop."
"You can be fully yourself, be smart, and be able to get out here and dominate in whatever industry you are in."
"Sony is on a hot streak, they are just killing it."
"The tech industry is an American success story."
"Relationships are the key to success in this entire industry."
"Singapore's success in the oil refining and petrochemical industries relied on close collaboration, speed to market, technical proficiency, and capital."
"If you want to go far in this game, you're gonna have to really add some substance."
"We've done great work as an industry across Europe at restoring confidence."
"He changed the name of the company back to Activision, he refocused on games."
"They probably think we're too good for being considered hair metal, but you are, no matter even if you do go Diamond."
"Just because the success of the video industry has been like a fairy tale, that doesn't mean it will necessarily live happily ever after."
"If BTS is part of this particular industry and they are amazing, then the whole industry or at least many other acts from this industry are as amazing, right?"
"This is a great day for our industry, for the consumer."
"Seventy percent is mindset in our industry."
"Nutanix has been pretty fortunate to see success in every major industry."
"Once people see that you're putting in the work, it's very easy for you to get whatever you want in this industry."
"Michelle Yeoh has that spicy delicious career narrative that's part of the driving force behind why everything overall at once is doing really well."
"Toyota's on a roll, and we should celebrate that."
"This is perhaps the best operating sector in the whole American economy."