
Family Memories Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"So it's just a couple of matching beds this was a combination of thinking of one of my grandparents when I was a kid had like old beds that were up in the attic like this that they were just there forever."
"I couldn't forget moments like that, you know, I never want my kids to, you know, I'm saying, so I try to stay on point with all their birthdays."
"This is the quilt that all of us kids played with as kids for our babies."
"Our lives like a pearl necklace, a great mom. It's all strung together with the finest silk thread of memories."
"I felt as if my mother was right there in the room."
"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good. Oh my lord, now I have one for each son. How perfect."
"I've got loads of photos of my kids, but this book is amazing."
"That's a classic though, I can't hate it. My sister and I, we were out so many VHS."
"He's not going to remember it, but they will remember that their childhood was magical."
"I remember when I was a kid going to work with my dad and the jaguars had that as an actual hood ornament so much history with the jaguar name."
"We both think of her every day and speak about her and laugh together at all the memories."
"Legacy box is a simple, safe way to digitize your treasured videotapes, film reels, and photos."
"Every time I walk out of Target, it reminds me of my grandparents, how like whatever they're cooking, I mean obviously it's coffee, but then there was some kind of sugary dessert."
"Remember the time when days felt shorter when you guys begged to stay another day at the camping park, the view of the Grand Canyon, the road that took us there? My happiest days."
"Look how happy that little girl is. She'll remember that for the rest of her life."
"To this day yup yup, oh what a save to this day my mom because I made her watch it, you know, like a thousand times as a kid."
"YouTube is a very good tool for creating family memories."
"Thanks Mom for making that Knuckles cake way back when. And Dad, thanks for not fixing the family camera because we both know watching TV is better."
"My mother would always sing around the house... she had such a pretty voice."
"Our grandmother had finished life — there was more, I think, of a celebration and respect and recognition to what she had accomplished."
"My mom made her this cute little picture that she got this is from the day that we announced that Ellie was pregnant to her family on Thanksgiving"
"Crazy to my brother Riley for getting his pilot's license. Why do we have such fun memories of Far Cry 3?"
"We grew up on a lot of ABBA and stuff because of him but he loved them."
"Invest in a table you love, where memories are made."
"So many memories start flooding my mind of my brother."
"The photo widget is life-changing, like having a personal assistant for your family photos." - Greg Joswiak
"Look at this one if this not Uncle Michael I don't know what is. He'll be so proud that that's on our tree for him."
"Your wife and your children will remember you more than anyone else."
"The Mayo children hold many fond memories of impromptu road trips with their mother which makes her mysterious disappearance all the more heartbreaking."
"The first console that we ever had was the Sega Genesis, and my first memory in my entire life was waking up to see that my dad had stayed up all night to get the best bike in Road Rash on the Sega Genesis."
"I wanted to make a photo album of all the photos I could find of me, her, and my sisters."
"Cars, I love them. They're a hobby, but they're a hobby because it brings me back to family."
"We've actually finally made some good positive happy memories here."
"I loved that old house. Our family made a lot of memories there, and it was super fun to play in and around the home with my cousins."
"It's these moments that count, the best way to honor your mother."
"My dad one time, we would film like home videos and we did like MTV Cribs."
"LEGO is so much more than just a toy, it's about making memories at an affordable price."
"But mostly I think about how nice it would be for Harry's brother and father to see the wall and one day maybe even have some of their own carefree photographs included on it."
"When you had that moment when you gave the cassette to be played the music that your mom liked, I literally had to pause the movie because I started sobbing."
"An amazing tale to one day tell his grandkids."
"It reminds me of my dad's eight-track stereo that he played while we worked out in his shop."
"I love flowers and I got that love from my grandma."
"I want to help you craft those pixie dusted memories that you've been dreaming of at Disney. You want those magical moments with your family and I want to help you for one get there way less stress and also just feel good about your vacation."
"I want my kids' first memories 100% mornings at the beach. [ __ ] right, like it's gorgeous."
"What would you give to see the way your father was at your age? Time steals memories."
"Take on this DIY project and build your family a beautiful place to build memories for years to come."
"I think every culture has soul food, and I think it's something that evokes warm feelings, childhood memories, time spent with family."
"The umami of crab butter fills the whole room, becomes the most unforgettable thing for the kids in the family."
"My grandparents had a holiday vacation home on the Isle of Wight in the UK."
"We have kept those napkins... and we will definitely be keeping those napkins forever and showing them to our future baby one day."
"This will be a great story to tell the grandkids."
"I mean I'm such a softie especially at Christmas time, it's when we get to reminisce about where do we get that ornament and do you remember when we made this ornament and all of those great things."
"I just want to capture this family as they are."
"When Walt Disney dreamed of a theme park, he envisioned a place where families could come together to create memories that would last a lifetime."
"I remember watching it with my dad as a kid."
"It's really cool to just think of all the families that were here all excited."
"You might have been annoyed that your grandma always had the camera out at family events, but 10 or so years down the line, you'll be nothing but grateful."
"When Dad brought home his first car with front head restraints... they were a safety device."
"Sometimes the best memories you make are the ones with your family by your side."
"I want to focus on making memories with my family and the amazing blessings that I have in my life."
"It just sparks off those memories, those really warm fuzzy memories that I have with my nanny and my nan."
"I think when I first sit in it, I'll probably wish Grandpa was somewhere near me."
"It's really cool to have our eldest here watching, and she'll remember this."
"I have lovely memories of just family Christmases."
"The first time I got excited about writing was when my Nana and Papa got Microsoft Word on their computer."
"It's Zara's first Christmas and Ryder's second Christmas."
"I miss everything about my grandmother, just to wake up, come outside, and just to see grandma, hey grandma."
"I think my mother is smiling at us from heaven when we are eating and enjoying Aunt Michelle's food together as a family."
"Her home was happy when her children and Shenia were there, and that is how it will remain in his memory forever."
"This brings back great memories of the days I would go berry picking with my grandmother."
"We're feeling very grateful and very lucky to have all been together, a lot of core memories made this week."
"Happy birthday, Nanny Pinky, oh you remembered, thank you, this is the best gift ever."
"Every time I see a bottle get sold, I think of mom and Jan."
"Stories of the crystal clear waters, the baby ducks, the abundant snacks, the first successful net job, the ones that got away, and the lessons only a grandpa can teach, those are the things memories are made of here in Michigan's out of doors."
"That's something that your family will never forget."
"How many times do you get to do like a photo shoot with your kids and your family in like a beautiful place with a sunset?"
"We're excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and the chance to create new memories with our Beloved School Bus."
"It's the house that I almost had Sage in, and we raised Sage there."
"That's my grandparents' home and we've got a lot of fond memories in that old house."
"My dad purchased one of these back in the day secondhand, and I still have the body set to do a reproduction of how he had it."
"I can hear my mom chuckling. That is genius."
"Well, I'm busy trying to make memories with them so the button they do move out, they've got a lot of happy memories inside when they go."
"I was camping up in Herbert Arizona with my brothers and my dad."
"One of the things my husband and I thought would be really fun is to have a little section in our everyday life of when each of the kids got their car."
"I remember being a teenager, and my mom used to take me to do things quickly, you know, she had three kids."
"The reason I fell in love with vlogging was to document my life of my kids and just see all these memories I'm making."
"So excited to just think about all the memories we're going to make together."
"It was a very beloved car, and the family would take it off down to Cornwall for the weekend, and a lot of good memories were had in it."
"A best day is for seeing all over again when you look at Daddy's pictures."
"After the laughter, each of the family sat silent, their heads filled with the old memories, tragedies, and hopes which now lived on in stories."
"I absolutely love going to my grandma's house because there was always so much stuff between the basement, the attic, the curio cabinets."
"Some of my favorite memories with my kids are our family trips to McDonald's."
"Just something to mark what we've all been through."
"I love it when there's that one car, that one family car, that you've been everywhere with."
"I think it's one of my best dishes that I had in my life because I remember when I was youngest, the meaning from the table of my grandmother, this is magic."
"Something about cinnamon, egg, and the milk, it just says, you know, it just reminds you like family."
"It just reminds me of when I would always visit my cousin's place and they had a nice pool in their backyard."
"We camped at the tracks and, you know, those were great memories."
"I remember my mom doing that as a kid; she would put cinnamon sticks on the stove, and it would make the whole house smell like fall."
"I remember going camping for a week with my family and getting so used to mosquitoes that when I got back home, our Doberman Pinscher snuck up on me and licked my elbow, and I swatted her by mistake and I felt so bad."
"Every time I wear it, I think of my grandma, the one who taught me how to knit."
"A lot of good times in this house."
"I'm so thankful that now, as my kids are getting older, I'm so thankful that we have the ability to take more pictures and videos than we did when I was a kid."
"The last time I laughed like this was when I acted at home with Dad. Those were the happiest days of my life."
"Your son and you will have memories forever."
"I remember my mom and my dad would just sit there having their sundowner drink and the bush babies used to come and hop next to them and hop away into the tree and off they go to feed for the night."
"Epcot is the place for awe-inspiring discoveries and fun-filled memories your family will talk about for generations."
"Making memories, family vacations with kids under seven, you don't want to have a lot planned."
"It's when you lift the trophy, they're the nights you remember with your family going and having a party."
"We're gonna miss the days of having little fingerprints on here but hopefully one day I'll have my grandchildren's fingerprints all over these doors."
"Tell her some nice things so she can remember this video."