
Philosophical Musing Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Looking forward to announcing... my final decision."
"It's not the size of the universe, it's how you use it."
"The purpose of humanity is for every person to achieve their highest potential," the speaker mused. "If everyone did that, the human race continues to move forward."
"Pain is the only universal constant. Pain is all. It is the key to creation and destruction both. Thus does he who masters pain become a god." - Yurian Rakharth
"It's like saying, what does the Joker do? It's freaking, there's no point, and that is the point."
"Destiny is a fact. It is, oh, I don't recognize the name."
"Truth without the weight of Great Expectations."
"Life is like a machine, we're just a bunch of cogs in a machine."
"I think, I probably quoted Mark Twain as saying I was dead for billions of years before I was born and never suffered the smallest inconvenience."
"The ultimate message of the blog is a rather haunting one questioning just how far the rabbit hole goes."
"Am I really an individual? I do sort of like to believe that we're all a little more connected than we think."
"What else is there to do? It's like Anthony Hopkins says in the Lion in Winter..."
"You sure don't act as though you're living in an illusionary world created by an evil demon."
"I knew a man who once said, 'Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.' I wonder, did your friend smile at his own death?"
"You don't always get what you deserve, do you?"
"In time, you will know what it's like to snooze, to feel so desperately wide awake yet to rest nonetheless. Run from it, sleep arises all the same."
"If Cthulhu existed today, not much would change. The world would still turn, people would still live their lives, dogs would still chase squirrels - the works."
"To everything there's an expectation, even the devil got expectations, doesn't he?"
"Mindful of the importance of the samples that were found and the fate of poor Mac Brazel, who was the farmer in the Roswell Incident, they set in motion a scheme to ensure the complete safety of the Welsh crash fragments."
"With more love means more heresy and with more heresy means I don't know more good times."
"None of us gonna make it out here live so you got a choice do you want to leave on a better truth or better falsehood."
"I waffle David I go pessimistic and optimistic back and forth."
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."
"We really live in real-life Pokémon, don't we? We just get to choose our Pokémon."
"There's something wild and untamed and enormous inside these heads of ours."
"Death and taxes are the only two things that are certain in this world."
"The power of love knows no bounds, I guess. Kind of strange, dude."
"There's a sense of things very... destined..."
"Life is incredibly confusing and really doesn't make any sense if you stop and think about it."
"The cool thing about rules is, well, wherever you go, right?"
"I discovered at a very early age that if I talk long enough, I could make anything right or wrong." - "So either I'm God or truth is relative."
"Maybe if you live your life fully, that's good enough."
"Knowledge is power, and power is... nice, I suppose if you're into that kind of thing."
"The magic into tragedy, two mysteries of life."
"It's all janos it's all nowhere and whatever you want to call it."
"I don't believe in karma, but if I did, I'd back hmm, you know what I'm saying here."
"Love makes the world go round, baby, and it's better than lyrics directly referencing what's happening in that moment of the Sonic lore."
"It may just be something that's naturally occurring."
"Even if you die without killing a single person, at least you tried."
"Perhaps Minecraft is no less real than life itself."
"Is there a border we will never cross?"
"Time's just a construct, great Scott!"
"If God didn't want them sheared, he wouldn't have made them sheep."
"You don't often get perfection in life, do you?"
"Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed."
"It is inevitable, I suppose, as Thanos says, it is the inevitable."
"Have you ever heard the expression, the best things in life are free?"
"Life is like a box of fries, you never know what you're going to get."
"Justice is not always triumphant in the world."
"Life is so uncertain and the blessings we have today might not be here tomorrow."
"In some ways, 'more real' than our own."
"Hogwarts is a very mysterious and magical place," James said. "Who are we to question its inner workings?"