
Product Focus Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"You focus first things first on making a good product."
"By bringing in lots more nostalgic aspects that cater to a very specific demographic you run the risk of the product being more about that than about being something new."
"It's become so much about the product and not enough about the art."
"Tesla has always placed their products and vision first."
"The real money is in the product. We gotta go to other people. That's what helped me with my shoes."
"We're mass producing swill which has guaranteed us an infinite source of income."
"But that's good because, you know, whenever I think e-commerce and whenever I think dropshipping my mind goes straight to like trinkets and it goes straight to like iPhone covers and it goes straight to like little things."
"If you make stuff for everyone you're kind of making stuff for no one that's a bit of a cliche but it's absolutely true right."
"I think this is definitely the breadwinner in terms of the one that they're promoting most."
"Bet on product, bet on people, don't bet on promises."
"Valuations tend to be bubbles, I go by the product the company produces."
"Just focus on that one product that's going to basically recover all those losses plus give you like a very and some amount of profit."
"If you focus on the product everything becomes easy it starts to feel like you can't build the company fast enough because there's so much demand for what you have."
"It's not about winning or losing, it's about leaving the people with a product."
"You just need one or two consistent products to make great income on amazon fba."
"Product by far the most important. No questions asked. The product is always always always going to be the most important thing."
"Ebay is pushing four categories the hardest... collectibles, sports cards, sneakers, watches, and handbags."
"Focus on selling high ticket quality products."
"The product is the king. That's what really matters."
"Products are the things that actually create long-term sustainability."
"To me, it's all about product, it's all about people using your products every day."
"PlayStation 4 is absolutely crushed it this generation by basically being a gaming device first."
"It's not about the volume production, it's about the quality."
"Apple just had one goal that they're going for."
"Really if companies want to win in today's marketplace they should spend 80 percent of their time on the product and the service and making that the best they can and only 20% of their time marketing and sales like telling people about it."
"EK needs to severely rethink its own strategy regarding product."
"It's not about the person, it's about the product."
"The machinery is all designed so that you have one piece of machinery that does one type of product really well."
"Tesla focuses on the product. I trust the people." - Elon Musk
"And that completes our meal at Ganbara. Absolutely incredible. Truly product driven, respected, freshest, really nice people, incredible owners, all you could want in San Sebastian."
"Our product and the specific qualities of our product be technical entertaining game playing one of the maps community activities that's it that's what we focus on and that's what we take from Blizzard."
"Kudos to Patriot Ordnance Factory, well done. Someone, some manufacturer paying attention to the problems I've been ranting about for years."
"...they carried on making Sports focused iware products."
"Focus on the product, product, product."
"This clarifies ecoflow's products targeted at specific use cases rather than just offering progressively larger batteries and inverters."
"Product-led sales will box out top-down sales. Why? Because product-led sales focuses on user value."
"...it's about selling chocolate milk that is what the program is all about."
"You need to have a single flagship offer."
"Focus on performance, focus on what the product does and not what's inside."
"I'm not in love with the tools; I'm in love with the final product."
"One additional feature I'd like to add though is just a workflow that's going to redirect a user through to a dedicated product page."
"Focusing on final products can be daunting."
"Your product should always be the focus."
"We'd rather grow grassroots than spend a bunch of dollars on marketing versus putting in the content of the product."
"What we focus at Ninja is a smooth and a fluid user experience."
"Begin with 1-1-1: One person that you're selling to, one product that you're selling, and one method of getting customers."
"Focus on product, focus on product, focus on product."
"The music itself is the main hub as far as the product goes."
"We're not here to talk about spaghetti, we're here to talk about pillows."
"The number one product are plants; this is what's going to drive the majority of your sales."
"Battery life matters a ton, and we focused a lot on that as well."
"You need to shift from project to product at an organization level."
"The home page is very clean, it's product-centered."
"We always strive to build the best product, best quality, more so than the most. We've never been a production-driven company, we've been a quality-driven."
"Mozilla is going through changes, new CEO, more layoffs, changing the products they're prioritizing."
"There's no iron team and there's no one bigger than the product."
"It's calling itself a curl boosting system which tells me that they have really put the focus on curly hair with this."
"We just want the box and what comes in the box."
"Not trying to make a name for themselves but instead make a pure product."
"Working products are valued over comprehensive documentation."
"Let's do something with minimal design and just something that really lets the actual product shine."
"You can't worry too much about what everyone's saying... focus on building a product that people love."
"It's been interesting because I feel like a lot of the standout products for me in the past have been eyeshadow palettes or eye-related, and this year a lot of brands are focusing on complexion products, lip products."