
Machines Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"These machines last forever if they're properly maintained."
"The more military style machines the team had originally envisaged are still in the game."
"What does it mean to be a machine? Were they just as conscious as humans?"
"We are not machines, and if we behave like them, then what is the point in winning?"
"Legendary and history-altering machines throughout F1 deserve to be talked about and remembered."
"We're signing over more and more control, more and more speed, more and more of our systems or decision-making to machines."
"The ultimate use case of Bitcoin in say a 100 or 200 or 500 years will not be humans but machines."
"The superb build quality of the machines make even the old ones valuable and useful."
"Selected analog machines offer offer scaling and semitones with higher resolution so I think that's similar to the sample start and stop where we get yeah better resolution so you can really dial in much better that's very very nice indeed."
"After watching the machines struggle as they have tonight, I find myself cautiously optimistic that human artists will continue to succeed and prosper in a world beset by AI."
"It seems that it might be a little more systemically fatiguing to perform some free weight lifts compared with similar machines."
"Don't feel intimidated with having to go out and buy machines to be able to create this look."
"I wonder what the machines will think, hard to say, probably nothing."
"Machines don't make a whole, people do."
"In the age of the rise of the machines, the only skill that will remain valuable is human connection."
"These metal beasts were created to run free here, powered by an engine that breathes fuel and air, compressing and combustion gas to generate 850 horsepower."
"A lot of machines work on midi machine control where they all can toss each other."
"Because there's not really a need for resource uh contention or conflict over resource because even if machines have to wait a little while before you know space technology is good enough for them to start expanding and preceding us across the stars."
"These things are incredible machines."
"Intelligent behavior is rule-obeying behavior, and there is no black magic about doing these things on machines."
"...the central theme of Metropolis: the measure of humanity and non-humans."
"Nobody doubts the ability of our machines to answer difficult mathematical questions."
"But perhaps his most daring work in automata was his attempt to develop a machine not only capable of reproducing itself but of an evolutionary process in which succeeding Generations construct Machines of increasing complexity."
"Space-- it's never been closer for humans and machines."
"The machines tore down the concourse, the sounds erupted as if from a giant earthquake."
"This is engineering, these are machines, this is not something that should be this acrimonious."
"That's so cool. He just has a bunch of little machines that do the basic tasks. I love it, I love it."
"The function of all machines is to serve humans."
"A small victory, but one that at least proved the machines had frailties. Come another day, that knowledge might be the difference between hope and despair."
"You talk about this being the inaugural pull for the pro stalker, some 24 machines out here competing right off the bat."
"Moment to appreciate how smart we are as humans and feel better than the machines for a moment."
"It's been so much fun learning about all these cool machines and things you can do with it."
"You do get attached to machines, like your car, you know?"
"The abominable creations of the daoisar range from varied creatures many too abhorrent to describe to gigantic machines that seem to have a sentience of their own."
"Again, I think these are both very capable machines."
"Machines are usually created by man with good intentions to do the work that Organics no longer want to do whether it's menial or hard labor or something a bit more dangerous like Warfare."
"No one is above love, not even machines."
"Join me on a journey to explore the world of these colossal machines."
"...the idea which began to be popular among psychologists in the 1960s and 70s that really we were somewhat imperfect machines."
"This notion that it's the machines versus humanity is a very common sci-fi Trope but in reality you fight against things that have resources you care about."
"Dear, just like the name says, fixies live to help machines and appliances."
"Machines do work that human muscles could never accomplish."
"They are beautiful machines that deserve to be driven and seen."
"No, I feel something for these machines. I'll look at them and my mind just goes where... where's this machine been at? If it could talk, man could it tell some stories."
"I always wondered why um those machines didn't get more popular that you could change you loaded at yeah so you could like do a creater curl and you could actually manipulate to all three of those those maches I know I I always thought they were so cool."
"It's not machine alone or humans alone that is the best scenario for the future but the best scenario is machines and humans together."
"Imagine seeing simple machines for the first time: a hinge, a latch, a wheel."
"These machines are built out of distributed cognition and collective intelligence."
"The machines predict what we collectively would do; they're avatars of our collective intelligence."
"Machines can be self-aware in ways that we can't, that will forge the future too."
"We seek to break down barriers, encourage conversation and discovery, and above all else, worship at the altar of the cult of the machine."
"They definitely have similar design styling and all that stuff, but they are very, very different machines."
"The real practical and wonderful promise is that machines help us be more creative, and, using that creativity, we get to terrific solutions."
"These machines made for only one purpose: to race."
"I don't trust machines. I've seen Terminator, I know how that goes."
"I highly recommend these machines."
"Understanding what it does and how it does it is a pretty important component to moving towards basically understanding who we are and perhaps building intelligent machines."
"I entered it without really knowing much context besides seeing like a whole bunch of machines fighting each other, so when I got into the series, I was just hooked."
"Artificial intelligence is simply the study of machines that exhibit this undefinable thing called intelligence."
"I hope that this video gave you a better understanding of the different machines."
"Yeah, simple machines make it easier to do work."
"My sewing machines are my ladies, and sometimes I have to apologize to my ladies for letting other people turn all the knobs and screws on them."
"These flying machines were a picture of effortless elegance."
"What makes us sentient? Our minds, our passion, our free will, everything a machine lacks."
"...these were more than machines of war, these were living breathing creatures."
"Despite the flashing lights and the war of the machines, I appear to be entirely alone."
"With the help of the machines, human beings can fly in the air, and heavenly beings can come down to earth."
"With these monster machines, danger is always just around the corner."
"Monster trucks have long been known as machines of destruction and carnage."
"That's when programming becomes really powerful because machines can do certain tasks a lot better and a lot faster than humans."
"The winning side of a sunless world is machines again."
"A device that computes, a programmable electronic machine that performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations."
"The machines were slowly starting to learn from humanity."
"I love lever espresso machines and I hope you do too."
"All machines that human beings make can go wrong; nothing is foolproof."
"We could create machines that really are designed for doing science."
"One of the most beautiful machines in The Paddock."
"The beautiful thing about machines is that they learn to do things that humans do but in their own way."
"It's amazing what machines can do these days."
"We've said it in the past, but these machines are like skill-based."
"Turing assumed we can build intelligent machines."
"But as the robot armor floats in space, it sheds a tear at the loss of Kirby, showing that even machines have feelings. How sad."
"Mankind had been developing machines... the machines had been developed to think and act and work with perfect independence."
"It is evident that the machines must defend man; man is defenseless."
"Humanity had triumphed over the machines, but at what cost?"
"There are two ways that a machine can make work easier: it can multiply an effort force or it can increase the speed at which work is done."
"Humans are particularly good learners... we would like to design machines that are capable of doing this."
"Artificial intelligence is really the idea that you're building machines to think like a human."
"Robots are really just machines that follow instructions."
"Both machines offer some features that are really nice."
"We are actually already in a mutually symbiotic relationship with machines."
"Training cables," he said over his shoulder. "You get one machine working right, and you hook it with another, and the new machine kinda learns from the old one. Kinda!"
"Machines," said Bellews profoundly, "act according to the golden rule. They do unto you as they would have you do unto them."
"What AI means is to have machines that understand the world around us."
"The Advent of machines has changed the global landscape, creating an extremely impressive wave of modernization."
"Welcome to our latest installment and specials the journey to discover machines that are conceived and thought and turned into reality."
"If we want to build machines that are intelligent, we need to understand how brains work."
"Home for wayward neglected and abused machines has adopted a new family member."
"We're surrounded by machines that do all these mundane jobs for us."
"We need to start right away, for example, we'll need to figure out how to ensure machines learn the collective goals of humanity."