
Technical Improvement Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"His goal has always been to get back to a quiet life in Siwa with his wife."
"We've completely rebuilt multiplayer from scratch. Now it runs on dedicated servers."
"Facial expressions now look correct, they move at the proper frame rate, it's much, much smoother."
"We really wanted to tighten up the gunplay mechanics and make the movement system feel as smooth and as responsive as it possibly can."
"What he was saying was that the audio quality is so good with this system that they're actually using them for boom mics now."
"Since the replacement of the 737 servo valves there hasn't been a similar crash of the most popular most profitable plane in the world."
"They fixed the dual enchant bugs! Oh my god, that's huge!"
"Hopefully, it will be a good step forward in terms of dynamic behavior of cars, making it a bit easier for us to do wheel to wheel racing." - Optimism for improved racing dynamics.
"Panasonic has done a great job with the sensor, delivering very crisp details."
"Finally, you can repair iron golems on bedrock using the iron ingots like you could on the Java edition."
"This adds fresh life into these games I love."
"React Strict Mode helps find unintentional side effects by double-invoking certain functions."
"A simple, quick, and effective optimization to reduce input latency and increase FPS."
"If there's no noticeable fidelity loss that's just a win."
"The superb Shooting in PES 2020 is the result of its engine's accurate interpretation of realistic ball physics."
"I'm having fun, I don't know about you guys. I am too, I made some good fixes to the stream so it's a lot less laggy."
"I'm gonna get Jesse a better microphone. I got one for him and we should rectify this sooner rather than later."
"Super Mario Sunshine is a sizable improvement over 64."
"The lighting and materials of the remastered version far outweigh any other smaller advantages."
"The new software WebOS 6.0 is definitely a marked improvement."
"Even with just boosting fan speed and under-volting, temperatures were improved, both thermals and performance."
"His sound pack absolutely breathes life into this old classic."
"The performance is uplifted with Ray tracing being set to off almost by 25%."
"You don't have the head buffeting it used to get in the old late '90s early 2000s fairings."
"More than the optical change, it was a serious proportional change."
"Pluto GC HDMI mod offers fantastic 480p video output."
"He straight up fixed the edit issue and was able to edit way way faster."
"Higher tick rates, improved hit registration."
"Playing The Witcher 3 at 60 frames per second on PS5 was a real breakthrough."
"Rails got a gigantic upgrade as of the 1.17 update. Rails are no longer affected by water. You can actually even place them under the water if you wanted to."
"They have fixed two major bugs in this update."
"Canon claims images now contain more detail due to an improved low-pass filter."
"I actually find this a very kind of pro consumer move in general beyond the whole technical aspects."
"You know, something that I'm really excited about that I haven't actually talked about yet is we're getting a little bit of a, almost a bump in power with this swap."
"I think they've gone down the path of making this better for off-road driving."
"Such a fantastic game, completely unplayable until now!"
"They're indicating about a 45 percent Improvement..."
"The engines got even better in that department so that is so so great."
"The smooth and solid framerate mixed with much better controls and a more comprehensive auto-aim makes this version play perfectly."
"It almost seems like they made the animation smoother."
"The game is still in this situation where its stability and performance is in a far better state."
"A seamless world within Pokemon Switch, one that has little to no loading screens."
"Mass Effect Legendary Edition has been announced... it definitely does look improved with the actual lighting engine."
"Ambient occlusion adds shading to our scene for a more realistic look."
"Changes in version 10.17: the CPU no longer overheats when you hold down the space bar."
"Star Wars and it is, yes it is so good, it's much better on Series X than it was on my Xbox One X, like way better."
"The cargo refactor is a major piece of the whole puzzle to getting Star Citizen where it needs to be."
"Shorter pulse length is the real reason... the shorter the pulses you get, the less delay there is."
"You're able to make more horsepower... look at how much more power could be made, 672 horsepower."
"There is some huge changes... The ping system is great."
"This video is all about improving these really simple and inexpensive devices."
"Subsurface scattering now supports anisotropy for realistic skin."
"I'm quite looking forward to getting that extra little boosted performance."
"You will see 15 to 25% increase in sharpness when you take off that AA filter."
"Header selection can make a massive change to your engine's output. Going from 1 5/8" shorty headers to 2-inch long tube race headers gave us 42.5 more horsepower and 28.8 more pound-feet of torque."
"Our latest patch on current gen is live with more fixes to improve the overall experience."
"This system will help to make high-quality shrinkage joints after pouring concrete."
"Raising the frequency seems to have a positive effect."
"This game is amazing! Way more detailed, the map doesn't feel the same, animations look better - it's just overall a much better game."
"We have found a massive improvement. The light has not been triggered back on just yet."
"DLSS drops performance by just 6% with a 1080p internal rendering resolution. This is the power of image reconstruction techniques."
"The response to netcode reliability by the largest fighting game tournament in the world—Evolution, could very well be a catalyst for the future of fighting games."
"Every aspect of its engine is redesigned: the physically based lighting, volumetric fog shading, the world streaming, and even the form of intelligent geometry culling."
"Bravo to Ubisoft for an insane draw distance on many of the items and an improved overall graphics model which it doesn't destroy pop in but it does stop a good deal of that flickering that we see in some games when moving slowly"
"Adding an index on frequently searched columns can significantly improve performance."
"One area of the case that I was really quite impressed with was the cable management options."
"The circle-based global illumination system allowed us to improve the visual quality of our indirect illumination."
"Improved vehicle engine sounds and added various sound effects for the red zone and characters jumping into water."
"Focus on fixing what's really wrong with Fallout 76 from a technical standpoint rather than trying to implement balanced changes through stealth nerfs that no one that's still playing the game even asked for."
"It's so easy so simple so stripped back big change over the Monte Carlo Lancia Monte Carlo is the engine is now longitudinal it's transverse in that car."
"It's better both on a technical front as well as a narrative front, having a deeper, more thought-out plot than the first game."
"...splicing with fiber holders can improve ease of use and reduce handling errors during the splice."
"...for as far as the group size, the group size opened up, opened up quite a bit. I have to say I noticed with the gen 2, I don't know if it has anything to do with the change in the way the handguard's put on there or what, I found accuracy was certainly improved."
"This pseudo-derivative plus additional filtering technique... is a much more robust way to implement derivative control in your system."
"Bigger wheels cause less vibrations, giving you a way better visual image from the camera."
"Having elevated radials does provide an improvement."
"We're actually getting 10-bit structure instead of an 8-bit structure, we're getting some extra room, dynamic range capability to push and pull shadows and highlights."
"Our time to first byte is now microscopic, we're at fifteen point eight milliseconds."
"It can give your lenses a shallower depth of field but also aids in how much light gets to the sensor, getting you one extra stop of light."
"The revised VPP is definitely notably better than it was on the version one Mega Tower."
"This worked out perfectly, and I'm glad we got some of the latency stuff set up - this is really much better."
"True innovation... if you can use less electricity, if you can change the way it's done, use less materials, do it quicker, faster, whatever it is, that's true innovation or technical improvement."
"Football technically is far better than it was in those times."
"When we talk about speeding up the network, we're talking about not only low latency for fast turnaround of your request response but getting that latency predictably low."