
Historical Justice Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The Nazis lost... finally going to get that painting back."
"Reparations is an important way to start reinfusing our communities and our society with money that should be there, should have been there from the beginning."
"Reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of the supply chain."
"Restitution was due 100 years ago and restitution is still due now in my opinion."
"Four great nations flushed with victory and stung with injury stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgment of the law is one of the most significant tributes that power has ever paid to reason."
"But the arc of history will be on your side, and our nation will be stronger for it."
"When I heard that Adolf Eichmann was finally captured and being brought to justice I was of course very glad."
"If you do not stand with the descendants of American slaves, then you are standing with injustice."
"There is also a Hanging Tree where a judge sentenced more than 60 people to death."
"Galileo's punishment would still have been unjust."
"You really, really did justice to one of the greatest injustices in the history of the country."
"Thank you, Dr. Vegapunk, thank you for not letting Ohara's sacrifice be in vain."
"Confronting coded fascism with a new Nuremberg trial so this never happens again."
"Reparations payments for centuries of slavery and Jim Crow semi-slavery can take many forms."
"Reparations are exclusively for foundational Black Americans who were enslaved here in America."
"Jews received reparations for the Holocaust and are still receiving them, and in my mind, that's what should happen."
"No amount of money can fully compensate for the atrocities; reparations would serve as a testament to the evil Deeds committed."
"Pursuing Financial Independence can be viewed as a means to address historical injustices."
"When justice fails to hold her father accountable for his brutal slaying of Mayan descendants in a past Civil War, his victims take matters into their own hands."
"The Ark of immoral universe is long but it bends toward justice but it only bends if there are people like John Lewis and Rosa Parks and those men on the beaches at Normandy who insist that it swerve."
"History was made in Bristol as Bristol passed a motion to create slavery reparations."
"Understanding who you are and how you work is the most important factor in making the right purchase."
"I hope the Dozier School boys are able to find some peace, knowing that the school is closed now."
"The secrets are coming out, ain't no secrets, the secrets are coming out. Return the stolen skulls, return the stolen black kingdom."
"You guys are standing on the right side of history."
"Eventually those who had been his victims at the concentration camp were going to speak his name and point him out..."
"Stalin wasn't punished for his crimes, so why weren't the Cossacks hung along with him?"
"Who is included when you do reparations? That is the people who bear the cost. Those are descendants of American Shadow slaves."
"If this was a dead soldier in France, they'd be doing everything they could to find the names and repatriate. This is someone who was killed by our own government."
"People were intrigued by his success in getting Nazi criminals to confess."
"If reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of that supply chain."
"If black Americans are not supposed to get reparation in compensation for what was done to their ancestors, why are descendants of white supremacists enjoying the wealth once possessed by slave owners?"
"Missing persons will not be forgotten and abandoned to time nor will murderers be given a pass just because they have managed to escape justice for 50, 60, or even 70 years."
"It's immoral for the United States government to charge taxes to the descendants of slaves."
"There is no expiration date on reparations, none."
"A moment in history where we're seeing, to quote Frantz Fanon, 'finally seeing justice of some kind.'"
"It's implicit in the idea that there exists some moral law by which you can send Nazis to The Gallows."
"Now is the time for us to reclaim what is rightfully ours."
"I think if the elections were held today, he probably wins."
"What you're looking at is the doctrine of discovery finally being rebutted by the nations of the world."
"Reparations should have happened at the end of slavery, not in the year 2020 or 2023."
"Some feel it is a waste of time and resources, that those people suck; others believe it remains necessary, even if it's overdue, if only to write that historical wrong and set the historical record straight."
"I want reparations. I want my money for what my ancestors went through."
"You know the trail should be named after the people he murdered, not the dude that did the murdering."
"Punishing human rights violators goes right back to the judgment at Nuremberg."
"The last remaining guilty woman has finally been cleared of wrongdoing."
"Justice in holdings is historical. It depends on what actually happened."
"We are on the right side of history, defending people who have previously been unknown the fold of the state."
"Not for land we have taken, nor have we seized the property of others, but only our ancestral heritage, which for a time had been unjustly held by our enemies. Now that we have the opportunity, we are holding on to the heritage of our ancestors."