
Aggressive Play Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Capablanca was a reflection of all his predecessors: aggressive, creative, and technically sound."
"Finally, they managed to break the cycle. It was not the same setup. Rcds is constantly playing aggressive up past the bomb..."
"A good seer will mean the difference between easy squad vipes... making aggressive plays."
"He fits how they want to play on defense, they want to be more aggressive, you have to have aggressive corners in the secondary." - Bucky Brooks
"As someone that loves to play Omen aggressively, always like theorycrafting different plays that you could do."
"He has to go for this now, then he has to go and attack these games and take risks in his team lineup and the way he plays."
"NY Excel may be heading towards a far more aggressive team play style than we expect of them."
"Shock needs to be more aggressive, bumper's not being as aggressive."
"This guy's just pulled forward dude he's just constantly walking at you like if I throw out butts I'll hit him watch this."
"I think that like both Styles can work but like G2 certainly is like the epitome of their aggressive style."
"Brilliant game, an absolutely spectacular advert for fearless attack in football."
"Slaying someone across the ball in your box should be like that's an absolute disrespect."
"Scary long-range shooting and ready to rush forward—I'm not being subtle here."
"I think it's very cool, you know me, I'm one of those in your face kind of players, you like rushing down nothing but risk."
"Hit the knight, hit the bishop, hit the king. Everything's under attack."
"Their hyper-aggressive playstyle will make them one of the most exciting teams to watch."
"Pantheon's ganking is unfair as hell... very not recommended for passive players."
"Paige ultra-aggressive this is looking like it might not have the height if this fades this was gonna be huge though Ricci has been called Paige's said that she's going to go for the pin in one."
"But usually the things that are going to allow you to get more kills and be aggressive don't necessarily align with winning."
"Street Fighter 6 will reward more aggressive play."
"Scream is our player choice for this agent as he has the tools to play Reyna aggressively as she was meant to be."
"If PA hits this stage where she's allowed to walk around on the opponent's side of the map blurred looking to like dagger supports and kill people she's won the game."
"Horus wins games by himself. He's so aggressive he has tons of cc."
"I'll take the booking and take the studs out of your shin."
"They're not playing to survive, they're playing to kill. This is Infinity's mission."
"The goal of the game is just to get a lot of yards... I'd rather him get less yards and run more people over."
"I'm not kidding when I said this, guys. We're going to have a very high depth, we're going to be pressuring on 'press after possession loss,' actually, we're going to be super aggressive in this save."
"Liverpool remind me of Sir Alex Ferguson's football. They get crosses into the box, press, play risky football."
"Ram rider lumberjack push coming in here, that move rage up the RAM runner."
"When you play PLO, you better bring the big guns."
"These weapons allow you to play aggressively and minimize your downtime between attacks."
"Black's play is so slow and white can just launch forward with h4."
"They're being aggressive, they're contesting the footballs, that was their goal and for three quarters they've done it extremely well on the Colts defensive side."
"Hikaru is ready for a fight; he plays the most combative opening."
"I have this very powerful thing here and now I can also throw my knight into the mix."
"Malga is intended to be an aggressive high damage output tank."
"I'm gonna run this mother ball down his throat."
"Night Train signature move was take your head off."
"Any defender with this zone out ability is gonna jump routes a lot more aggressively."
"I'm expecting really big things from them and they're also a team that I know will make it through opens because they know how to play aggressive and key."
"Harrison's big mouth, harsh comments, and dirty style of play made him one of the league's most disliked players."
"I'm about to commit Beefalo war crimes, watch this."
"She loses at her escape and then you can literally just combo her down and beat her up."
"Just play aggressive till 6; you win and he doesn't."
"He's going for it right now... there will be no mystery as to where the king is located."
"Vision control and threat junglers really understand that Nocturne has to walk up aggressively."
"It's definitely a lot more fun to get the timing right and just go all in, go berserk, and kill your enemies off within seconds."
"They're a very good summon, excellent damage, and perfect if you're looking for an aggressive melee force."
"Press high, play a high line, swarm the opposition."
"Ezreal might be a champion that's designed to be safe, but if you play with the mindset that you can play very aggressive, that's what separates the best Ezreals."
"Rapport takes a risk, sacrifices a full rook, bulldozes forward with two minutes on the clock for 10 moves, and wins the damn game."
"In order to really win the game quickly, you want to play the move G4."
"I'm playing so passively because I don't want to die like I would normally chase so I would chase for that kill so hard normal GBA would but I just I don't want to die anyway."
"Ludwig is a savage for playing the move queen to b1."
"Look at that, just dashed back a little, put him in the air and just went for it, bro. No hesitation."
"The Ravens play a different kind of football. They ain't cute, they line up and punch you in the mouth."
"We need a change in formation. Why not play the same formation we played at the Emirates? Sanchez can press high."
"Liverpool just go and attack it, go and give it everything, have no fear."
"Stick it in the net mate, it might be a bit too far out stick it in the [__] net and ask questions later."
"A hyper aggressive bot lane... looking to bring the pain."
"Larry Christensen, one of the greatest American players of all time, super aggressive playing style, awesome player."
"Let's play c5, let's open up the kingside here."
"That's how you play Wukong, dive the backline every time."
"When you're losing, you need to create an attack. You need to create chaos."
"Zed's buffs allow him to use his W more aggressively."
"The move H4, this is really one of the big takeaways from this game. These types of moves can be so so so nasty for the opponent for many different reasons."
"Anish has never played chess like this... violent counter-attacking... like he has it in him."
"I need to be aggressive here. I'm full HP, there's no reason I should be playing passively."
"Last thing you want is uh Derwin James without any uh regard for future games of suspension in this season."
"I think that's the right move, it's attacking, isn't it? Pogba's undroppable."
"Gnar: If you're about to turn into Mega Gnar keep fighting to proc your W passive from Mini form before transforming."
"I can swing as hard as I want to, I can be as aggressive as I want to and I know I'm going to hit a good solid shot."
"He attacks with almost no regard for who he's up against and his mechanics are unbelievable."
"Who else but Doublet flying in in that final fight, going aggressive, driving past the Veigar box to get a Quadra kill."
"Dirty hits, cheap shots with the intent to injure - you name it. These are the players that fans and opponents love to hate."
"Fnatic are styling, six kills in six minutes. They're keeping the pace high."
"A sufficiently supported aggressive or attacking queen is worth way more than a defensive queen."
"They added logic for defenders to attack the QB more aggressively when scrambling on RPO and wide receiver screenplays."
"Once the ball's gone, you know how Shaq used to do? He'd go up, block it, and he did it all the time, turn, and he hit you. Once the ball's gone, it's not a foul."
"Spirit Walker's Grace... press hex and you run at them."
"Kasparov's savage attack: Instilling fear in his opponents."
"When you flop top pair, just bet and keep putting a reasonable amount of money in the pot."
"Void still as lethal as they come, biting everybody on quick play."
"He definitely wants to be in your face, powerful plus frames, powerful overhead, strong normals."
"When you're playing 20 big blinds deep, you need to be jamming it all in. If someone raises, your play is to go all-in or fold for the most part."
"This check again... this check again... rook h1 styling on them."
"When it goes limp bump and you make it 15 big blinds and they fold every time, you should be doing this play quite aggressively until they start playing back."
"I mean, that's what you gotta do. I think everybody's gonna be more and more aggressive. Here comes the 45 to the top, almost in the fence. Reddick now three wide on the bottom, Christopher Bell around both cars. Can he clear them?"
"When you can castle and get your Rook involved, what is this move, move seven and already our Rook is starting to attack the king. That usually opens up tactics for you."
"Bringing that American mentality and pressing high up the field."
"I'm always going to tell them to be aggressive, and that doesn't always mean shoot, doesn't always mean pass."
"The West Ham way that I know is aggressive, in man's faces, honest and hardworking."
"The main appeal of the Danish Gambit is White's big lead in development which can lead to rapid victory if black is not extremely well versed in the ensuing theory."
"The natural response here is Knight to b5, hitting the queen."
"He's walked across and launched it out of the ground, what a great start of the over."
"You have to continue to play aggressively; if you back off any time of golf and just want to back off and protect yourself, protect your lead, you don't play very well."
"Rafa has one of the most aggressive forehands in the history of the game."
"You go for attack from move one with black, I mean that's quite fun, isn't it?"
"We have a very fun and aggressive attacking game."
"It allows for more aggressive play; it allows for the players to run these uphill eagle putts."
"We're not just calling the shots, we're literally going after the king."
"Kasparov starts spicing things up, there's no surprise there, he wants to open lines against White's King."
"The best way to play him is just sticking with a unit of Hellblasters and walk forward and kill everything."
"They have a true defensive identity, they know what they want to do, they're going to play fast and not be apologetic about it."
"It's been a really good day's cricket so far and a feature of it has been the aggressive intent of Warwickshire, which has been lovely to see and refreshing."
"It's T20 cricket at the moment, bowler bowling Yorkers outside the off stump, batsman looking to hit him for six at every available opportunity."
"She's been very aggressive with her cuts, completely unbothered by any defender they put on her, she just does her thing."
"You've got to be attacking, you've got to be going after it, even hitting the big targets right down the middle of the court."
"If you're trying to play for a win, you should definitely play this move."