
Physical Reaction Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Every time this thing flashes right here, that's it, like shocking me essentially."
"Laughter causes my neck to weaken … I lose control of my limbs and become paralyzed on my left side … it usually only lasts for a few seconds but it is frightening."
"Adam getting dizzy bro I'm getting so dizzy not even close."
"The cremaster muscles in males can contract when the upper thighs are stroked, causing the testes to be pulled up toward the abdomen."
"What's going on behind here? Whoa, you knocked the Earth Valuemental completely over!"
"Honestly just my whole body is getting chills and goosebumps."
"It goes away after... it's like a little kid that just comes and kicks you in the nuts and runs away."
"It's just like being king hit at the pub I was stunned and I looked down at my arm."
"Instant chills. The hair on the back of my neck stood up."
"It's just a game... it makes people fundamentally nauseous and for good reason."
"Wow, he just popped his own neck and just act like he didn't get hit in the face."
"I knew he hit in the liver but it was a little confusing for me to see her reaction like that."
"You know how people talk about gut feelings? Well, I suddenly felt extremely sick."
"I remember being frozen still, hair standing up on my skin."
"It leaves you with goose bumps all over your body."
"The only sound penetrating my fugue state was the sound of my thumping heart pulsating the blood around my trembling body."
"Protein bars for two days sucks most definitely gonna rob ibly throw up after this challenge is finished."
"After watching the playback, stripe collapsed on the ground."
"We're not gonna be nearly as effective as this guy right Oh sky attack to the mouth alright yeah didn't feel that one I felt that one it didn't feel good."
"She looked innocent enough but the energy in the room was so heavy that quite honestly I almost threw up."
"His eyes start rolling back into their sockets."
"I thought my heart would pound right out of my chest."
"Your body gets that adrenaline drum dump and you have to use that."
"It's about the drop... and you feel it in your chest."
"Oh my god oh I think I'm going to pass out I'm."
"Your instinct is to fall forward, you're not gonna fly backwards like you slipped on a banana peel."
"I nearly just like I start swing and I feel like I can't control my body."
"Whoa, that cold, I don't know why people come on brain freezes."
"Fear forces you to recruit muscle, fear forces you to produce force, and fear forces you to fight."
"The sensation was so overwhelming that it brought me to my knees."
"They get physical reactions just thinking about you."
"Every thought you think creates a physical reaction and an emotional response."
"I feel like I'm about to throw up."
"...my left eye just went into this mode as soon as it hit my tongue just my left eye..."
"I can't stress enough, I was spasming, head to toe."
"I'm sweating what does it make me sweat like that?"
"In that moment, my heart dropped into my stomach. My eyes were widened and I could just feel myself start to shake from Fear."
"Maybe it did get me because I feel a little dizzy."
"I've never gotten that in a fight, but I've had those flashes where it was like boom, and my legs just went out and I'm like totally coherent the whole time like what the [ __ ] did I get down here?"
"It's terrifying, man. That there's this certain shot that actually sent tingles down my spine."
"Everyone kind of shrinks when it gets cold."
"Heat and blood pulsed through me; there was no stopping the way my body swelled in reaction to her."
"I am shaking all over, this is intense."
"I laugh so hard my face hurts, my chest hurts, my throat hurts, just from laughing."
"It just makes the hairs on my arm stand up."
"I was shaking with such violent laughter... that I had the greatest difficulty in getting up for the matches."
"It gives me goosebumps all the way into like my toenails, dude."
"I remember every hair on my body standing up and feeling completely paralyzed."
"When I look down, my body locks up. I might have to change my pants."
"I was frozen solid, my heart was pounding."
"I'm sweating because I was nervous doing this prank."
"There was so much electricity between us that I felt the hair on my arms stand up every time we got close to each other."
"I get chills every single time I listen to it."
"I started to stutter and got chills."
"I'm laughing so much, my stomach is hurting."
"When we are cold, obviously we get the goose bumps or the goose pimples or the shivery pops, where our hair stands on end."