
Political Outcomes Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"We're definitely going to experience the consequences of this whether we make the right decision like Argentina has potentially made I don't know."
"My ideal outcome: Biden wins, but the left does not go to sleep."
"What if we just woke up one day and they was reading the results and a black person won?"
"...if either the that's weed or Trump wins again you get policies spend more money because you came and the Fed more or less monetizing that and you move towards that and pushing those extremes..."
"I remember when it hit 50 yeah and I was just I was laughing I was in the Sputnik office and everyone there started like people were starting to cry."
"I thought we were such a democratic country that the result of the 2016 vote was just taken."
"Trump will end in one of two fashions neither particularly good... spectacular but unacknowledged accomplishments followed by ostracism."
"It's not going to be who's going to win the Republicans with the Democrats... it's going to be who will win the people or the minority of political Elites."
"Progressive candidates had a great election night."
"Elections show me the incentives and I'll show you the outcome."
"Okay, so understand that in this scenario, if Joe Biden were to get Florida, it's over."
"Can you imagine if Republicans had lost that race? It would be a stunning rebuke of traditional American thought."
"We have to actually do just the opposite. If you don't vote, the socialists and the communists win."
"At the end of the day, President Trump knows that these cases are going to be decided by the American people on November 5th, 2024, regardless of what happens in the courts."
"You gotta watch their deeds. Not what they say. Politics is personnel. Politics is outcomes."
"Fantasy and conspiracy theory... if Donald Trump wins, it's a victory for fantasy and conspiracy theory."
"Your vote will lead to more or less the exact system you've got now."
"It's important not to grow another authoritarian aggressor out of this war."
"And they'll be able to have these differences. But this holds the promise that after the fights are over, we'll be able to find principled compromises on those areas, as well."
"An honest election elects him; it may not yet be eternal truth."
"There can be no doubt that it did achieve the successful end of a brutal tyrant and regime."
"And then, at about 11:30 at night, all of a sudden, it was announced that, in terms of electoral votes, Trump had just eked out of a victory."
"The thought that an international organization could Mark the establishment of one of its member states as a catastrophe or disaster is both appalling and repulsive."
"I think the most important thing that we learned from this midterm is I think all of the election deniers who were running for offices where that would give them power over our elections, just I think all of them have lost so far."
"It's for us to lose this war...this is a conflict that has a military outcome which will decide to a very large extent what the diplomatic settlement will be."
"I think in the end it's a net positive for at least what my goals are politically."
"Whoever you vote for, you end up with wokeness."
"There is a real feeling like... Republicans could lose in a big fashion in the Senate."
"If the Democrats win these two senate races... we have a 50/50 tie in the Senate... would that not be glorious?"
"The fact that the crazies lost and overwhelmingly and all throughout the country, that is great news. It's not a little good news, it's great news."
"Florida passes $15 minimum wage but the state went to Trump."
"Just the fact that he feels the necessity to back down in his rhetoric is already a win."
"Whatever happens, Trump wins. I'll just leave it at that."
"Air power cannot secure a political outcome on the ground."
"Donald Trump lost the popular vote. He lost the electoral vote."
"Americans right now are getting the politics that they deserve good and hard"
"If Democrats win Congress... look for things to get wild and terrible as fast as humanly possible."
"Even if it ends up that Biden is in the White House, the case is certainly not lost because Jesus Christ is still on the throne."
"If they have left, the left wins. Perseverance wins."
"I told you after the election that if he kept complaining about the election being stolen without being able to mobilize people to do anything about it, he was going to lose Georgia."
"Florida went blue by five, North Carolina did go blue by 11."
"In the end, Freedom wins, dictatorships lose."
"Wilson, before he even reached Paris, wrote that he feared no matter what happened it might end in 'a tragedy of disappointment.'"
"I think either path ends up with him out of power."
"If people are optimistic and hopeful about the future... that will be a factor in a very good election."
"Brexit will not necessarily be a big success, but at least it should allow us to control our own destiny."
"California, New York both went red, I believe it."
"What's going to happen if Trump wins? A lot of crying, but that's all."
"That's it, it doesn't mean you're part of a movement, you don't get a mandate, you came in third."
"If he does come back, let's say, let's wake up on February 9th and for some reason, PTI has swept the polls."
"If the Republicans win, that's it, the American experiment is over."
"It was definitely good. A lot of them lost and surprisingly a lot of them conceded."
"Regime change would be great but we realize that that will not happen but defeat must happen."
"Protesting isn't going to accomplish anything... If protests mattered, then Trump wouldn't have been elected in the first place."
"Okay, okay, how many votes did Trump get compared to Hillary? Was it less? And yeah, he won. Doesn't f***ing matter, round numbers, this is the five five, that's how politics really works."
"Brexit could have gone completely another way."
"It's been a cavalcade of defeats for the left in general."
"If Donald Trump builds the wall, no matter what, he'll be reelected."
"This will likely mean that next year, there will be more billions in aid, which, short of everyone shaking hands and making some deals, is the best outcome."
"Some things you win in an election...some things you win in the culture."
"November 6th ain't nothing to sneeze at or November 7th if your guy loses bad things might happen but the country is not over."
"There is no prospect of achieving anything that is radically different."
"If Ukraine succeeds, Russia is predicted to disintegrate completely."
"Either he will win and be declared the winner or he will be declared the loser and he will spend the rest of his life explaining to you that he should have been the winner that was stolen from him."
"Bernie Sanders lost the primaries twice for a reason."
"If you continue to vote for Progressive Criminal Justice Reform Progressive policing, you're gonna get Progressive crime right."
"Brexit was supposed to bring people back together, and it's done the opposite."
"Democrats typically gain seats, but in 2016, they lost seats in the House elections that coincided with the presidential election."
"The revolutionaries are going to win or we're going to have a stable constitutional republic."
"Either he's gonna really fix everything, or he's just gonna take away all the time that we could have fixed it and slam it into the ground."
"It's never gone away...it mutates like a lot of flu viruses."
"Everywhere that abortion was on the ballot, the pro-choice position won."
"The parallels are always so clear we voted for brexit everyone said it couldn't happen it happened."
"Democracy and freedom result in their exact opposite internationally."
"Last night was a disaster. Bernie Sanders won the states of Colorado, Utah, Vermont, and California."
"Trump wins by two plus on that one too 44-42."
"We're lucky because I actually think we're going to find out fairly early that Biden has got it..."
"If Donald Trump had accepted the election results... none of that would have happened."
"As a political matter, the Protestants won... the world order as we know it today was a product directly of the Protestant Revolution."
"Whoever controls social media controls the outcome of Elections."
"Democracies are democracies sometimes they deliver results that are expected sometimes they deliver results that are surprising..."
"We did the right thing, and we get screwed. I appreciate it. Didn't look like that was playing very well in Peoria."
"For weeks we've watched the politicians slugging it out; tonight at last we hear the voters' verdict."
"Over the next 18 hours, we shall have a succession of victors, vanquished, and walking wounded."
"If you win, another hundred years of democracy; if we win, the end of the world as you know it."
"Winning requires consolidating military gains to get the sustainable political outcomes that bring you into the fight to begin with."
"If gas is up on Election Day, I don't win the election."