
Chess Tactics Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"Two basic rules when you have less space: Look for pawn breaks or try to exchange minor pieces."
"I'll try to maneuver my knight to f6; it wasn't doing a whole lot."
"Understanding that piece activity, particularly the activity of your bishops, is worth a lot more than a pawn in most cases."
"King activity is important even with queens on the board."
"Very nice d5 unpinned the knight and now this is back on."
"You're attacking the queen, you're taking the knight and because of this pin over the knight, everything is quite bad for white."
"Magnus suffocates the opponent, making every move a problem."
"Look at the checks, bring in the pieces, don't get tunnel vision."
"An attacking strategy is about finding ways to get your pieces to your opponent's king."
"Tactics: Forcing sequences of moves to gain advantage."
"So what does this move do? Well, it attacks the queen. It attacks the rook."
"Ultimately, this game is simply going to come down to the fact that my pieces were of just a higher quality."
"Creating pawn breaks to open up the position."
"This creates an immediate clash between h6 and g5."
"Black is helping my attack by pushing my pawns in the direction they want to go."
"Pawn structures can crop up quickly in a game, shaping the play."
"When you attack, you want to be able to remove the defenders."
"Welcome to the chess equivalent of an MMA split decision."
"The amount of joy that it has brought me to play with them."
"Hit the knight, hit the bishop, hit the king. Everything's under attack."
"Force your opponent to make moves you've already predicted."
"Learn the fundamental chess tactics: Fork, Pin, Discovered Check."
"This setup was used by none other than former world champion Garry Kasparov... this exact concept that I'm trying to explain to you guys."
"I just want to show like how easily you can go from a position where you seem to be losing material to now you're not now."
"You always gotta look for the check, and sometimes it's going to be the best move."
"You're only losing if you lose. No, I mean, actually, Bishop e6 is really smart."
"Yeah it's simple we want this pawn gone so queen h1 will be made and knight h3 is a good way of doing that fork thinking of the queen good."
"Creating conditions where your opponent has an unprotected piece."
"Think about the stability of your pieces if you're creating this situation."
"A simple move here is to attack the bishop that is unprotected."
"There is value in protecting a piece that was unprotected."
"The winning move was b4. This just shows you how irrational pawn endgames can often be."
"The benefit of not rushing is that I'm winning the h7 pawn. It's a huge difference."
"You want to attack, play aggressively, sacrifice for development."
"There's just an abundance of tactical ideas here for white."
"Hikaru is ready for a fight; he plays the most combative opening."
"David Howell wins the game despite it having an under promotion and all that good stuff because this is actually just losing endgame."
"If this is good enough to play against Magnus, why should I be afraid to play it against anyone else?"
"Now, we have a beautiful move, we have rook to f3 check, deflecting the king, taking the rook, and forking the remaining knight."
"You cannot let my bishop land here and just stay there because the pressure on this is tremendous."
"No, you're not down a bishop, you are up two pawns."
"If my opponent had played bishop h4... this is very unpleasant."
"Always look for checks and sometimes just looking for checks in tactical patterns actually gets you the win."
"That's beautiful, that's beautiful, the old deflection, up the exchange and nearly 20 seconds in a 1-minute game is a lot."
"A threat in chess, just like in real life, is something that, if your opponent doesn't stop you, you're going to do and cause damage."
"Double checks are great because they cannot be blocked."
"When you're attacking, you don't always want to give all the checks that you can. Sometimes you want to keep them in your back pocket."
"Stockfish always pushes the pawn, exploiting weaknesses."
"In general, anytime you have a situation like this where the rook has no squares, you should automatically think about ways to attack it."
"One of the main tenets of the Mora is that with the c file being open, the black queen does not have a good safe square."
"Through the prism of this pin, we're able to keep black's entire position tied down."
"Provoking f6 and then dropping the bishop back to f4 justifies the placement of the bishop on b3."
"It's these small subtleties, these move orders, and they are what start to decide the game at this level."
"Make the right move if you can win the game within three moves and be precise."
"This position has been reached only one time ever and it was reached by Yanya Bomnishi with the white pieces versus someone in the chess.com online rapids like the rapid championship."
"this opening is good for Magnus because it poses his opponents concrete questions"
"do you understand how deflating It Is by black that your pressure is about to not work"
"wait a minute this hasn't worked because white is gonna go here trade everything kick me out and promote"
"I actually really like it when these exercises force you to find one of these moves because it's tough and it really makes you think defensively which is a very important skill."
"Just a brilliant game played on the one side, down the middle, the king side ultimately combining all of these things into just a very convincing victory."
"The g file can be readily exploited. All we need to do is move our king out of the way, and boom, we put a rook on g8."
"Always looking for ways to exploit that diagonal to your advantage."
"Creating weaknesses in your opponent's position can lead to long-term advantages."
"This is a much more substantive idea: b4, a4, and b5, using your pawns."
"Queen G3 is game over, notice that 97 check, the Rook is still protecting that square."
"Doubling our rooks on the e-file, controlling the only open file."
"Initiative is when you create threats against your opponent which have long-lasting benefits in your position."
"The move H4, this is really one of the big takeaways from this game. These types of moves can be so so so nasty for the opponent for many different reasons."
"My opponent resigns I wouldn't have resigned here."
"Chess games often cannot be won without understanding the moments when you take one type of advantage such as an initiative and transform it into another such as a material advantage."
"The game is decided by combining the weakness of the king with the vulnerable Queen."
"Anytime there's a pass pawn on the 6th rank, or on the 7th rank, in the middle game, and game doesn't matter, you have to look at tactics that basically involve, what do they involve?"
"Let me tell you, a guy with a rook in a position where the other guy doesn't have a rook usually is going to win the game."
"If your opponent overreaches and oversteps, as long as you don't get checkmated, you'll probably win."
"Every single time because the knight can always jump over whatever might be in between."
"Punish slow development or bad development in the opening."
"Your playing style is also very difficult for me because you're really fast, you're very quick at citing tactics and you do sometimes play these offbeat things just steering out of theory and then creating these complications."
"In chess it's not enough to win but you need to like destroy your opponent's ego."
"What if I go all the way to the other side of the board?"
"The sweet spot is to spend five seconds or so on the first five moves."
"Starix was like really, really good at the chess master style of playing 1vX situations."
"A sufficiently supported aggressive or attacking queen is worth way more than a defensive queen."
"Sometimes time plays a far more important role in the game than material."
"Always check for tactics because of the spark."
"In chess, you have to see the tactics along with the strategy; if the opponent attacks all your pieces and you can't save them, your strategy didn't work."
"Don't always think about what you want to do, think about stopping your opponent from what they want to do."
"Chess wisdom: 'You have to see what your opponent's going to do; if they make a threat, you stop it, then what do they do?'"
"Start with a check, you drive the King into the corner, then you mate."
"Sometimes the ugly move does the job... it doesn't really matter."
"In chess, one move can make all the difference. Don't underestimate the power of unexpected moves."
"If your opponent is taking liberties with their development in the opening, you want to open lines."
"This bishop just sacrifices itself for Thanos over there."
"The knight is offering to dance around the board from the queen side to the king side."
"Kasparov continues with A3 aiming to push forward on the queen side to create weaknesses in Black's Pawn structure."
"There's many ways to win, but these types of moves which just pick off a ton of material, are oftentimes the most clinical and the least risky."
"The extra pawn doesn't matter right now."
"When the king is in the middle of the board, you don't want to waste any moves, you have to try to find a way to checkmate him."
"If he had taken my pawn, I would have played b5 and then if he had taken that pawn I would have taken with a knight."
"Black hasn't really lost any time because in two moves the bishop got to where it was likely to go."
"So now, let's put it on your radar. They Castle, we play c4, and then b5, and you checkmate them. Happens all the time."
"I think that was fine from a practical standpoint."
"...our opponent completely misses the danger here."
"The space advantage isn't really telling in this position."
"If you know how to take advantage of this weakness, it's gonna backfire really badly."
"You definitely gain the upper hand here."
"...a knight on F5 in these types of positions it just will terrorize Black's position."
"Safeguarding the king is very useful, castle as early as possible if you can."
"Looking for checks is always very important."
"I have the opportunity for a Checkmate, can you see it? Queen G7 checkmate."
"Let's go for it, let's try to put some pressure and let's control some key Central squares."
"Any time a pawn is pushed first thing that you should think about what squares are left behind."
"We need to determine where else on the board we can apply pressure."
"The rule is that you don't want to automatically rule out an option that trades queens when you are down material."
"Move order is an incredibly powerful device in finding the correct sequence."
"...black plays A4, what if we play King to D3 here? Well that seems very promising because A3 King C2 and now we are in the box."
"...what I like about the Knight moves is that they actually threaten Maiden one."
"LPDO: Loose Pieces Drop Off. Undefended pieces are prime targets for tactics."
"In chess, getting creative means finding chances where obvious ones don't exist, thinking outside of the box to get to where you need to be."
"Black should involve the queen in the attack pretty early on."
"Knight h4 and knight f5 is a key idea that you can utilize in your King's Indian Attack type games."
"Trapped pieces... an essential part of tactics that you have to be aware of."
"Don't be afraid of your queen being attacked; your queen being attacked is not inherently dangerous."
"The main appeal of the Danish Gambit is White's big lead in development which can lead to rapid victory if black is not extremely well versed in the ensuing theory."
"Bring your dudes out, fight for the center, don't hang your stuff, and take their stuff if they hang it."
"You kind of see that Black has activated all of the pieces, ton of pressure on e2."
"This position is slightly better for white because black has to be very careful."
"The amazing move is to sacrifice yet the third piece, namely a rook on the H file."
"When you're up material, you need to exchange pieces off."
"The only winning move which a lot of you did find was king to a3."
"The natural response here is Knight to b5, hitting the queen."
"If your opponent has an isolated pawn, you want to fix it, block it, ideally with a knight."
"The two vault Bishops beautifully pasted towards Black's King side."
"The importance of getting the rook behind the pass pawn."
"Players below 1600 are not good at defending and they collapse within just three moves."
"When you know your opponent's openings, it's a big advantage."
"If at any point the advanced pawns only create weaknesses, that's something else to your favor."
"It's already time for white to resign because after knight g4 there is just no sufficient defense for white."
"Active pieces is always a positive thing to have."
"Queen takes B2, and we're threatening mates."
"Develop, castle, attack, and checkmate - chess vibes."
"Next stage of our plan should be to identify white's biggest weakness and then immediately attack it."
"I think we're just winning on the spot here."
"White's position is exceedingly hard to play properly because there are so many tricks."
"We're not just calling the shots, we're literally going after the king."
"You can actually choose which Pawn to promote, C2 or B2, on the next move."
"I think it's really important for Alekhine players not to just sit around and play passive moves... we have to get in this game and create some counterplay."
"If you're attacking and you make a mistake, you lose the initiative; if you're defending and you make a mistake, you're done."
"Don't think that every combination has to be forcing; it's just about being energetic, gaining tempos, activating pieces."
"Do not be afraid of retreating moves. People have this pathological fear of making a retreating move and you absolutely shouldn't fear that."
"When you see a good move, see if you can find a better move."
"It's definitely worth the pawns you've given up here because you're already attacking."
"You need more than one piece attacking, even if it is the Queen."
"If we can manage to create two connected pass pawns in a rook ending, that's basically an auto win."
"It is clear that if the white Rook now captures the black Rook, that would allow checkmate in two."
"Rooks belong on open files so that they can get to the seventh rank and eighth rank of the opponent."
"Improving, provoking, and trading are the three bases of positional chess."
"A fork is when a piece attacks two other pieces."
"I fork your rook and your bishop and also hit this b7 pawn, so I actually really like this."
"King d4, game over, back to tournament."
"This square here really doomed White in this game."
"Rook b1, staring on this open file."
"The ultimate material sacrifice, the Queen sacrifice, is the basis for many brilliant games."