
Character Survival Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Deaths are a really rare appearance in One Piece, but that does not mean that Luffy never loses."
"What do you think about Steve Rogers' chances of surviving Avengers Endgame?"
"Honestly, I think they've managed to do that so far and even after season four none of the main characters have died."
"Boba Fett clawed his way out of the Sarlacc belly."
"Miraculously, a portal just so happens to open up, saving the one who just put an end to the harbinger."
"The original T-Rex from Jurassic Park and both Jurassic World movies has only killed two people in the entire franchise."
"Rukia number two on this list damn you're still alive."
"Levi actually is going to survive attacking titan, that is wild bro."
"Gohan never actually died. Pretty much like the normal Buu Saga, he ended up going to the sacred world of Kai's, then getting the Ritual from Elder Kai to get his ultimate form."
"Maybe Vision is gonna get to keep one of the reality stones and stay alive. That'd be nice, wouldn't that be nice?"
"He’s totally okay 'cause he has about as much plot armor as Arya Stark."
"Afterward, Unicron would attack Cybertron's moon bases. While we know Jazz, Cliffjumper, Bumblebee, and Spike survived, anyone else still present was most likely eaten by Unicron."
"Iron Man and Thor are not dead... it probably won't require Stark or Thor to sacrifice their own lives."
"Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3: Major consequences, who survives?"
"Oh, the puppet saved me from death, oh my god."
"The easiest and most likely answer to the question of Rocket's survival is Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3."
"Perhaps the real Natasha is likely alive out there, being held prisoner by the scrolls."
"In the Marvel Universe, look, I'm a big fan of the movie Snowpiercer. If you could drop Thor and Captain America onto that train, how would they survive?"
"First of all once all is said and done they do actually establish that Bangar Ruinbringer survives."
"Why can my teammates die but I can't in 13-2? Should Sarah or Noel bite the bullet, you can immediately switch over."
"I can't believe the low death count of main characters."
"Light Gaia and Sonic would have been super dead were it not for the Chaos Emeralds to counter the power of evil."
"Bumblebee is the only Autobot who's managed to survive every movie without dying."
"The ripple effect of Tobirama's survival: major changes ahead."
"I think John stays alive. I do. I think it's too good of a character to throw away."
"Hanji lived... that was probably the best part actually."
"It'd be so easy to make a good obi-wan Kenobi movie. Think about him surviving against the Tusken Raiders."
"Nothing matters more than the survival of Atreus."
"I'm gonna say Ed lives. Yeah, I think that's one of those guys that if the last scene of the show is Ed, like, 'Fucking hell, what a wild ride!'"
"This universe and these characters were not built to survive outside of Hannah Baker."
"You didn't really think I was dead did you? Because that would be tragic."
"Ravenbeak's own survival and battle against unwinnable odds."
"I thought Steve was gonna bite it this whole season."
"Guess what? We save Dwight, Dwight gets to live for another day. That's all good with me."
"These aren't heroes, they're just a cup and a mug trying not to die."
"There's a sequel to this, so they didn't kill him. They resuscitated."
"Rebecca, she's been at the mansion for almost two nights longer than anybody in the entire cast, so despite being the most inexperienced STARS member, she's survived all this time."
"Adeline is the one character I'm certain will not die in book five 100 percent."
"I'm definitely on board for a theory that involves Ironman not dying."
"There's absolutely no way they'll be able to kill Tyrion."
"Don't worry, Wanda stans, despite the ending of Multiverse of Madness, the Scarlet Witch definitely still lives."
"Loki's alive and he replaced Odin or something, we'll figure it out in Ragnarok."