
Historical Analogy Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets."
"Cancel culture has been here since the very beginning canceled abel and guess what it wasn't with a big scary ar-15 it was with a rock."
"It feels like I'm one of those Portuguese explorers who just arrived, this is insane, like a Pandora of sorts."
"This is just laying the foundations for Mass mobilization like World War II scale mobilization."
"Every attack now made on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks was made against me and the release of Pentagon Papers." - Daniel Ellsberg
"Suburbia, much like settler-colonialism, has used movement across the landscape as a way to go back in time to a period when things were 'good,' or when America was 'great.'"
"He wants to basically be Emperor Nero... bread and circuses to distract the mob."
"It's heavy lies the crown, it's a lonely position. Aegon needed someone like Orys Baratheon, the Ned to his Robert."
"If you are more troubled by the president going and posing in front of a burned-out church than you are by the fact that people burned the church in the first place, then you are doing this wrong."
"The billionaires of the new aristocracy are no different than monarchs."
"Sure does feel like January 6 was a Reichstag Fire 2.0."
"It's like Ronald Reagan having Walter Mondale investigated or you know, George H.W. Bush having his opponent investigated."
"It's 2022 and yet we live in a world that resembles 1939 suddenly and it kind of feels like an extra layer of betrayal."
"It would be like Oppenheimer granting an export license on the nuke to Russia."
"I think he goes and believes he is having his Crossing the Rubicon moment."
"This 2020 election is a battle of the Milvian Bridge moment in American history."
"It's the very first thing you told me when I met you at the tugboat war: war never changes."
"That's the Hitler Youth right there, yeah? That's evil."
"It's like getting I don't know what were like the tiny islands that bush got in uh, you know, the invasion of Iraq and said like oh we have this massive Coalition of the willing."
"Sarge's character has also been compared to Moses..."
"Anime becomes the successor in a technological sense to the failed military endeavor that the original Yamato represented."
"A powerful civilization that enslaved others but was then swallowed into the sea sounds very familiar."
"Middle East expert Wali Ferris tweeted that Trump's message was the equivalent of President Ronald Reagan telling Gorbachev to tear down this wall."
"The next decade is all about the tangible 20s."
"It's just my, it's just my, it's like Custer's last stand okay I just got to stand up to it all right."
"People are finally realizing that niji Sanji operates the same way pimps operated in the 1940s."
"Putin is about to turn into his own worst nightmare which is to have the same fate as his predecessor Yeltsin who was still President of Russia until he resigned but it was basically a joke and ignored by everyone."
"Israel and America both had two separate capitals."
"If Moses showed up today, he'd say to Joseph, 'You have created a nation of priests and priestesses.'"
"Khrushchev's rule was like watching a drunken madman grab the wheel."
"It's a marathon, Rome didn't fall overnight, be patient."
"I think like the Soviet Union, it's just gonna die of its own absurdity."
"It reminds me of ancient Rome when the returning General returns to Rome in Triumph."
"You have to accept what is not in your control, you know, the 300 Spartans don't go to Thermopylae complaining about what a statistical disadvantage they are at."
"That's a legion crossing the Rubicon. That's a legion on the other side of the river."
"Cancel culture is no different than Orwell's depersonalization."
"He's wrong because when the Romans pumped water into a reservoir they didn't put it in the reservoir because they thought a greater fool would pay them more money for the water in the future." - Michael Saylor
"Imperial power rises like the sunshine, but it also has an end."
"Imagine how much better the storming of Normandy would have been if they all had Apple my watch is ultra."
"It's practically like FDR, and that's the reality of what they're doing."
"It's revolutionizing everything and if you're not using it to your advantage, you're going to be like somebody in the early 20th century when cars were being mass-produced, looking at their horse and being like, 'No, I'm going to stick with this.'"
"Questioning the main narrative is about to be the equivalent to having the bubonic plague in 1350."
"We need to unite as Americans and really realize what this fight is all about. It's about freedom, it's about liberties, it's about fighting like it's 1776 all over again."
"It's like they're presenting the stories like the old World War II movies."
"Never has there been a time when your people have been as instructed as to the way they should go as is now and I pray that your people will wake up because the armies are surrounding Jerusalem at this very moment typically typically speaking."
"It's almost a Sputnik moment. This is a game changer."
"We lied, we cheated, we stole... it reminds you of the glory of the American experiment."
"It harkened back to the day when the mafia would stage a field position with coffins stacked to the hill with booze."
"Pennsylvania once again arrives to the occasion to safeguard our nation from this Invasion that's right invasion of drugs from China it's a third Opium War look at our history there."
"If God would give a Moses to slaves, what about us?"
"Let's stop de demonetized German dictator 2.0 before we end up in World War III."
"If extraterrestrials visit us, the outcome might be similar to when Columbus landed in America."
"At this point, picking up a Wii U gamepad is like dusting off an ancient tablet: old, crusty, and forgotten, but like ancient texts, it has interesting stories to tell."
"We will only survive if we unify if we divide it we're gonna fall just like other empires in the past."
"This is the Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse."
"If Dave Rubin was alive in the '30s, he would have had a radio show and invited Himmler on."
"We won the Cold War 'cause we went to the moon. And we said, 'Please don't do this anymore.' We went, (tssss). 'Sheesh.' We sheeshed our way to victory. We got ice in our veins. And we went to the moon."
"I want you to think about the East India Company like Walmart with an army."
"Our colonists are Caeser, Anthony, Cassius, and Brutus."
"We will be the Israelites lost in the desert asking to go back and be ruled by the Pharaoh."
"We'll probably see stragglers, dedicated people cut off from what's going on, unable to face the reality of surrender, clinging on like Japanese soldiers in Pacific islands long after the war has ended."
"As we come out of this very dark period, the Roaring 20s are gonna come back, I'm telling you."
"It almost reminds you of Neville Chamberlain going to Hitler and saying peace in our time."
"Part of the ashes, I love that, and I love that we're leaving the fiat dark ages."
"You are either going to be the World War Two generation or you're going to be the people that capitulated to fascism and Nazi Germany."
"You cannot appease a dictator; you cannot continue to feed the crocodile in the vain hope that he will eat you last."
"One of the things that's crazy because we're basically playing the barbarians, you know, that we're at the gates of Rome."
"He's like Braveheart in the real world, not hundreds of years ago but right now." - Mike Smith
"If Trump loses in 2020, do you believe he would run again in 2024 Grover Cleveland style?"
"What happens when you get rid of the circus and there ain't enough bread?"
"My mother used to say they criticized Jesus too."
"Millions of troops are on the move. Is your trip really necessary? So they're trying to get you even back to the 1940s to stop traveling."
"The bravery of Nancy... I mean, it's like Normandy."
"In this world and at this time, the princes had to die."
"The opportunity of today's Creator economy reminds me of the California Gold Rush."
"Welcome to a new era akin to the drama and power of Tudor England."
"Critical race theory is like the new McCarthyism for the right."
"That's pretty much what we did in the Second World War and out of America in the Second World War had kicked down the doors of a movie studio shot one on the face and blown it up the hut would be an interesting place to live."
"This is literally like the story of Muhammad being pushed out of Mecca and returning with an army and god at his back, you know, except it's stupid. I love it, god damn it."
"Rome was not built in a day, and it takes time and practice."
"This is basically Lord of the Rings but Catholic and real."
"And when we sit here discussing the stock market, we're a little like Emperor Nero fiddling while while Rome burns."
"You're not a political party, you're just recapitulating Der Stürmer in Germany in 1933."
"I much prefer you know the Genghis Khan thing of recruit the people you find competent even if they are enemies or things like that and don't kill your Messengers that doesn't what does that achieve?"
"Meanwhile, you'll be able to tell your kids where you were when the United States of America did exactly what the Roman Empire did and utterly collapsed."
"Valyria, the doomed city falling like Pompeii to ruin."
"Watching Donald Trump interact with the people in his party is like watching one of those time traveler movies."
"They've really turned this into a culture war, right? It's like the reason why the Nazi Germany worked for Hitler was because he was able to turn his country against the minority."
"But if you're trying to be that run-away slave who, at the end of time, history has shown that that run-away slave was the greatest visionary on the plantation, right?"
"Imagine somebody said in, you know, the 1940s, 'Okay, we're gonna take on the Nazis. Oh, yeah, why don't you take your rifle and go fight them by yourself?'"
"This is like ancient D-day for these poor Iceni as they try to climb up this hill."
"It's almost like prehistoric, like I feel like dinosaurs are gonna pop out or something."
"This is like being on the eastern front with the Russians just swarming and non-stop."
"The days of Noah were filled with prophetic blindness and ignorance, but God honored His prophets and fulfilled His words. We're in those days now, but God's timing will prevail. Stand firm and trust in His plan."
"When she says buy an electric car, it's very much like when Marie Antoinette said let them eat cake."
"It was the teeth that named this cat that also made the long extinct saber-toothed tiger so deadly."
"I entertain this thought... is it possible the U.S is trying to avoid Thucydides' trap?"
"Every Church named Seventh-day Adventists must be to the world as Joseph was in Egypt."
"It's the French Revolution of pseudo-intellectual politics."
"We have not hit the end of inflation yet... we are in a very, very condensed, albeit the end of the Roaring 20s."
"I'm still Master P to be honest with you man. They did Jesus like that, he was God's son. Nobody believed him right, they tore him down, they put him on the cross."
"A victory to the Spartans! One hundred Spartans took on a castle with nearly two hundred men with ease."
"It takes time to learn—Rome wasn't built in a day."
"This game of constant duplicity most resembles the power dynamic that existed in the scheming world of the old aristocratic court."
"They were doing the real flipping Soviet juice, blood. You know them ones like what them man had, them Universal Soldiers on blood."
"This is the Paul Revere moment of our time, this is the Boston Tea Party of our time."
"Watching Jokey as the last man standing as Gibby is like it's like watching like some cavemen bring down a mammoth you know like they all have like it's like there's like 50 cavemen bring down this giant ancient creature."
"When you appease evil like you appease Adolf Hitler, you just get another World War Two."
"A lot of people bought them, it's just TikTok just a hundred years earlier basically."
"I think this movie did a great job of comparing what was happening with the Native Americans here in the United States to the Samurais in Japan."
"Why did they replace coins? Probably because of the same reason that happened after the plague in Europe."
"Our leaving may be a short-term disaster, and in the longer run who knows maybe Afghanistan will find balance on its own like Vietnam, time will tell."
"It's a moral framework in which Hitler is the devil, Nazis are demons, Auschwitz is hell."
"Watching the Roman Empire collapse again but with Wi-Fi and memes this time. Sad that's what we're doing, except it's a lot faster this time."
"Crypto is such a good analogy to the 19th century railroads in Britain."
"Churchill's first task was to change the thinking, to give his own people an entirely new way of thinking about the conflict. Reagan faced something of the same challenge."
"This is probably the greatest reallocation of labor since World War II."
"Rome didn't fall, it just turned into the Catholic church."
"Do you want to be John Lewis or do you want to be Bull Connor? Do you want to be Lyndon Johnson or do you want to be Andrew Johnson?"
"But, I think studying 1933, 1934 in Germany could be a metaphor basically that you could use to talk about the now."
"You know, it's kind of reminds me of the Pony Express. People think of the Pony Express as this iconic American thing. The Pony Express only operated for God, I want to say like 18 months, and then the telegraph put that out of business."
"In terms of the difference it could make, we think it’s similar to the transition from horses to cars."
"She will echo as much as she can Aegon the Conqueror."
"Cotton to the 19th century industrial economy is like oil to the mid-20th century."
"When America goes into beast mode it is going to mimic Babylon during the dark ages."
"Ultra 7 is actually not a sequel to Ultraman... Ultra 7 is someone who found himself tangled in a non-stop war against Alien Invaders, much like how the innocent civilians of Japan during World War II were wrapped up in a hopeless war they didn't want any part in."
"The Targaryens are Nazis, like I'm not sugar coating this."
"Meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native Americans encountering Columbus."
"If you've given Christopher Columbus an unlimited budget in 1493 and a nuclear submarine, and say Chris, this is your reward, here's this great nuclear submarine and an unlimited budget. I need two more of these. Could he have built one? Not a chance."
"Rome is also a parable that many historians and even politicians use as a barometer to avoid the decline of the American empire."
"North Korea's problem is that it's a 15th century Italian city-state ruled by the Borgias."
"They were living on what was the equivalent of the moon at the time."
"In order to kill a rat, Kerensky had just given a gun to a bear."
"They were like 18th century doctors who thought that the cure for illness was to draw blood from the patient."
"Later Plato would describe the Greeks as frogs around a pond, the pond of course being the Mediterranean."
"They're a fascinating analog and you can compare them to real life great civilizations which were brought down by their own arrogance and foolish decisions."