
Detailed Analysis Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"I'm going to stop myself there because if I go into detail about every technical issue I encountered this review is going to need special features and a director's cut."
"There's a lot of nuanced information in each of the individual tooltips."
"In just a second I will be diving deep into every detail of what I call the 200B strategy."
"A forensic audit is understanding every step of that process without equivocation."
"Which one is the better camera and the better phone? Well, let's go ahead and take an in-depth look."
"There's nothing wrong with being, you know, diving into the weeds a little bit and being a little bit more critical and asking a few more questions."
"Nen is just far more intricate than anything ever, you can literally write an entire book on how nen works."
"This is just outright a buff, physical damage per shot 0 to 20 plus 50 AD to 5 to 25 plus 50 AD, total damage per target 0 to 100 plus 500 percent AD to 250 plus 500 percent AD."
"One of the cool things about this video is this is a sponsored video which allows me to go more in depth and spend more time breaking down all the details."
"Hope you enjoyed the detailed look and test drive of the 1948 Ford Super Deluxe."
"Every little detail in the book is brilliant."
"The rover returned thousands of images and important detail about the atmosphere and geology."
"Mechanically, visually, and even narrative-ly, Final Fantasy 7 and its remake are two almost entirely different games."
"We must go verse by verse, chapter by chapter, sometimes now word by word in the book of Romans."
"Every detail, this comprehensive examination was done by investigator, researcher, and author David Politis."
"This is a more detailed timeline than any of us could have imagined." - Jesse Weber
"Six hours in a closing argument from the prosecution over two days going over detail detail after detail and witness accounts."
"Yeah it's bad obviously by the length of this video you can see I have a lot more to say about this game."
"Every Paul Thomas Anderson film demands a re-watch and a rethinking, yes every single one."
"Corners are a huge deal, you have to pay attention to every one of them."
"This has to be one of the biggest updates I have ever seen covering Brawl Stars and I'm going to break it down for you frame by juic frame so that you know."
"Well, guys, that's going to be all for this in-depth review of the 2022 Hyundai Palisade Calligraphy."
"This was by far the most eloquent and detailed explanation of Star Wars as a whole."
"I love the details in this game. I mean not all of them work amazingly well but I mean the thought was there in the first place."
"There's a lot of them but first of all Bungie talks about the actual spread differences within the shotgun subfamily."
"Here are 87 reasons why the Tesla Cybertruck will outsell the Ford F-150 by 2024."
"The amount of documentation about the ins and outs of its effects mechanics and technical explanations was unparalleled."
"Thanks for sitting through this incredibly long review guys, I know there was a lot of stuff covered but I think it's worth talking about."
"We have been able to study the universe in unprecedented detail."
"Even when I try to talk about Bennett briefly, it still can't be under 20 minutes because there's just too much to talk about."
"This is going to be the most comprehensive review of the Nest Hello that you will find on the Internet."
"It's pretty crazy to me that the kill squad come in on that bottom right compartment was able to take out the Town Hall Eagle artillery infernos a queen all sorts of stuff."
"It definitely feels like a movie to watch again... satisfying to capture all the things that we missed."
"My next review will be on the leader class jet fires to expect that extremely soon."
"It's the lightsaber - to be fair, it does quite a bit of damage."
"So that is the first half of the part one of the commander religious police gate multicolored commander review."
"Grab your coffee, sit down, have your breakfast, relax, because we are going into a deep into this affidavit."
"The best way of locating a specific scene in the series to re-read it pages for characters and stands include frequent citations that will refer to specific chapters of the manga or statements from Araki in art books."
"These debates are only really effective... when you get into the detail."
"Sucrose is probably the only character in the game where every single constellation matters so much."
"And so those are the quirks and features of the Lamborghini Diablo GTR."
"It's one of those things where like, you know, you get into it, obviously the graphics and the animation, the cutscenes, the cinematography, the tone, the art direction, everything is gorgeous."
"There is so much more to the Blade Master G than just that."
"I hope you've all enjoyed this breakdown of my Earthling Landslide poison creeper pop and build."
"So it tends to be just straight up time to kill is the most important thing but we're going to go in very detail today so it's not just time to kill it's very much like how consistent that time to kill is."
"I really just want to make sure that we look through all the nuances available in each of these devices because on paper many of them look very similar."
"Let's now break down every single legendary creature."
"Now, let's dive straight into the meat and potatoes of this video."
"I really, actually think this was good. It is a full set. Now, obviously, the leggings right there are the Worldbreaker's leggings from the Crow he marries in Argus. But besides that, all the rest of the pieces are the Blackrock set."
"We're diving in with a huge breakdown of just about everything to know regarding weapons in the expansion."
"The theranos trials Pete my partner broke those down in detail."
"Life is rarely actually that simple as you get down to brass tacks."
"Just do what I do and dollar cost average, and you'll be a winner."
"For those of you seriously considering buying this tent, this longer video is definitely the one to watch."
"Over the next three days, we're going to detail break down this project."
"With reviews on this channel, we always start with an overview, then we look at details, articulation and posing, and then we wrap things up with a nice overall rating."
"A case study develops a detailed, intensive knowledge about a single, possibly complex object or a small number of related objects."
"Definitive estimate: one of the most accurate estimate types, usually associated with bottom-up estimation."
"I do have reviews on these sets on my channel already, so if you do want to go and have a closer look, you can go and check those detailed reviews out."
"This is definitely the most comprehensive and detailed mastering compressor that I've ever seen."
"I'm going to do a comparison between these three and we're going to look at everything to do with length, mass, balance, the way they flex, what type of tips they've got, their grips, the whole shebang."
"Bottom-up estimating is a detailed and very intensive technique that involves estimating the individual components or work packages of a project."
"This is the first lecture where we start to look at it in detail."
"Your primary dataset is pretty much driving the analysis and the level of detail required."
"This gives you the opportunity to build much more detailed incredible set of assumptions."
"Here we go, the 2022 Tucson, so let's go over this vehicle front to back."