
Harsh Realities Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"Expose young people to the realities of life."
"Nothing the storytellers spin could prepare you for the reality of things."
"Facts are unfair, facts don't care about your feelings."
"People are okay with numbers. I can deal with X and Y, but if you show them the image of the person being killed, it changes them."
"To make money in the world today, you need to prove brutal competence."
"Winter's cold and unforgiving, and now they're in a situation where they're having to deal with what the beds that they laid in."
"Sometimes you want to believe comforting lies just to make the harshness of life go down a little smoother."
"They think the world is all candy canes and rainbows... Adults courts will not give you these privileges... They will toss you out to the wolves in two seconds."
"When there is not enough to eat, people starve to death. It is better to let half the people die so that the other half can eat their fill."
"That's reality, if you want to go out to the Town Square you're going to hear people screaming nasty things that they're going to be holding up really awful signs and that's reality, you can't hide from it."
"The reality that for so many that came to this country on America's promise, the prospect of women and girls being returned... it is very difficult to swallow."
"Facts don't care about your feelings, baby Hitler."
"The researchers 'needed to go to the slaughterhouse by 5 a.m. every day... their monthly salary was less than 500 pounds'. 'The slaughterhouses were full of screams' and flooded with blood."
"Democracy is a man's scarcity born of filth and fire."
"Only after all of the stores are closed, all of the prices are through the roof, all the savings have been crushed will socialists realize you can't eat money."
"I love the buzz of boxing. I love this business. It's brutal, but you can never win."
"I think Sasuke hasn't been gullible... because his life's been so [expletive] up."
"They just act like 'Oh, they're gone so that's good, one more off the street.'"
"It's important that you get out there and enjoy the little things."
"War is heartless. Euroslov advises doing what's necessary in a pinch."
"Life outside of modern day is very cruel, uncaring, and at some point it may even appear to just be taking us out on purpose."
"Of all things, remember this: every [__] respects a gunshot wound."
"One thing about prison, trouble gonna find you, you ain't even gotta look for it."
"Reality is not as nice, it is not as fun, it is not as comfortable but it's reality."
"They literally do not put pedophiles in gen pop... because they get [___] murdered immediately."
"That's not how the world works, man. It ain't show friends, it's show business."
"My childhood did not prepare me for the fact that the world is full of cruel and bitter things."
"Maybe we can't handle the truth. Maybe we don't want to be told the blunt facts of geopolitics."
"Bullies help you face reality a whole lot quicker."
"Get out while you can. Doesn't matter if you do things by the books, doesn't matter if you do things honestly, you're still going to get tortured and sent to hell and back."
"Only the strong can be allowed to thrive, the weak must be culled."
"People who aren't working hard, they literally don't survive, they don't."
"This is business, kid. This Lorne is ridiculous."
"If you ever feel like your city doesn't give you a choice, you either burn alive in it or you never existed at all."
"They're just gonna show you that they chew you up and spit you out."
"Joel is just surviving; he's just being as brutal as he was throughout the early unseen era of his life."
"There is an innate attraction to truth no matter how brutal that truth is."
"And so would I be wrong to tell my kid, 'Hey man after you leave this house today don't nobody give a [__] about you'? No you deaf because that's real."
"It is absolutely dog eat dog. There is no love lost."
"Things go wrong out here, they go wrong in a big way."
"Truth hurts, alright? You should be very pensive about that."
"I think this might be part of why Wes's films, even though they deal with rather harsh realities... have a sense of childish playfulness to them."
"Life isn't all rainbows and lollipops. It's ugly, dark, and downright disgusting at times."
"There was no room for kindness or forgiveness on the battlefield."
"This industry just chews people up and spits them out it's awful it's disgusting unbelievable."
"That's how ugly it be in prison you feel me you ain't got no gun or all you ain't got [] but your fist and if you want to [] around with a knife you can [__] around with a knife but that's it."
"Twenty-five years ago, there were no women on this committee."
"Embrace the failure, embrace the loss, embrace the fact that you have to take old yellow behind the barn and shoot it."
"The wilderness is violent and brutal and will kill you."
"According to Rusty at this time, his father made him kill a man with a house key when he was 10."
"Most people that went through it and survived still died shortly afterwards anyway."
"I'm used to living in a world where nobody owes you a [ __ ] thing... You can't wait around for it man, you can't."
"Understanding harsh truths leads to progress."
"Good people don't always win in Westeros and it's a tough lesson to learn."
"If you got an opportunity to punch a sex offender stomp him out stab him whatever and you don't take advantage of that um they're gonna take you off the yard you're gone."
"I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."
"Living an absolute truth, even though it is harsh, painful, ugly, I wouldn't want it any other way."
"The Legion reduces people to animals before they kill them."
"A socialist is just someone who is unable to get over his or her astonishment that most people who have lived and died have spent lives of wretched fruitless unremitting toil."
"The music business really is a cruel and shallow money trench."
"Reality stabs you in the back because that's what reality does."
"As men we need to be animal because it's animals out there who don't have any rules."
"How can we do that with manipulation? Just like a real autopsy, it's gonna be ugly and gross."
"Lies are not compassionate and the truth is not cruel."
"It's the truth it's [ __ ] up worlds really got to be vigilant at all times."
"The truth hurts folks, I mean it is what it is."
"The truth is a hard pill to swallow, it challenges your sentiments."
"Whether they chose this life to escape poverty or out of pure entrepreneurial spirit, these ladies were as brutal and ruthless as their male counterparts."
"Nature can sometimes be pretty brutal, but this is survival right here."
"If high school was your best years, you've made a series of bad mistakes, decisions, excuses. That's some shame. That's a fact, dawg. You gotta move committed to come on, man."
"Sometimes your truth is not going to be all sunshine and rainbows."
"Truth is not always pretty. Truth is not always peaches and cream."
"Yeah, static man ain't make it out the hospital dog. That [__] sometimes they could go in and make it out, you know what I'm saying?"
"For many veterans, it was the epitome of brutal mechanized modern war."
"The only way you're going to survive in Walpole State Prison... take that knife, put it on you, and that's the only thing you got to save your life."
"Once you become a liability, once you are not useful to them anymore, they will throw you off the bus and run you over multiple times."
"There is no privacy in prison. That's a given. But now it's no privacy and no dignity either."
"It's not all sunshine and roses on the other side of things."
"If you work hard and play by the rules, good things will come to you." Well, if you haven't already figured this out yet, everyone was lying to you.
"The reality of what this is and how some people get caught in this trap is very sad."
"The reality of it is, is It's Hard Out Here."
"Being euthanized like their pets at the Veterinary Clinic, it's really a harsh reality."
"If it's known in your neighborhood that you are unwilling to take violent retribution for acts against you or your organization, you're not going to last very long as a drug trafficker." - Special Agent Richard Martinez
"Scenes like that and just that truth that slaps you in the face."
"The world is a very cruel place for children."
"Brutal stuff, but a real window into the consequences of austerity."
"Life taught him one cruel lesson: survival of the fittest."
"His fellow prisoners are child rapists, serial killers, and terrorists."
"Even in a world as cruel as this, you can't give up on living."
"The truth will piss you off first and then it will set you free."
"You get what you [__] deserve, that's the truth."
"Wake up to reality. Nothing ever goes as planned in this world. The longer you live, the more you realize that in this reality only pain, suffering, and futility exist."
"If you don't like being punched in the face, don't start your own company."
"Facts don't care about your feelings, and honestly, facts don't care about your feelings."
"Congratulations if you chose a you're correct humanity got popped so hard that they had to fly around the universe picking up their teeth with broken fingers."
"Okabe makes clear to her that she's serving a master that doesn't give a about her."
"Regardless of the fact who told on who, [__] use a rat and whack you up. Don't do that. Don't do that."
"That was some [ __ ] that you did. Not only was it simp [ __ ] but it was stupid. Flat out. It was just flat out stupid."
"Sometimes the truth is not always a pretty thing to tell, sometimes the truth is a painful thing to tell."
"People are actually afraid that the truth will be ugly because sometimes the truth is ugly."
"The wheels of justice continue to grind; unfortunately, oftentimes we're ground under them."
"Our world is changing, and it is merciless in its ramifications across the planet."
"You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't if you're in Mariupol."
"The truth isn't always pretty but it needs to be told and heard because people are losing worlds."
"Sometimes you need to get punched in the face to realize you need to stop being an idiot."
"I got pretty hard. I could see how that could kill him, but damn, war never changes."
"The truth hurts, and Washington deserves to hear it."
"There are some video game moments that are like a reality check that feels like a hammer to the skull."
"The decisions you have to make when you want to survive are pretty harsh."
"Reality has a really harsh way of catching up and showing us what's true."
"When you go to the doctor, the doctor's got a responsibility to tell you whether you've got cancer or not and whether it's terminal or not. Hope doesn't come into it."
"Life will get better and easier once you get pretty, but I mean, that's kind of the truth of it."
"What's done is done, and as inhumane as it may be, it is done."
"Looking back, this definitely was not my proudest moment, but it was necessary. I realized on that car ride home that if you have something somebody wants, they'll do everything in their power to take it from you."
"Experience teaches harsh but it teaches best."
"Real survival has never been about TV. Real survival is about making it through the night. It's about staying alive to survive another day."
"It's not to make a bunch of fans happy, as kind of harsh as that sounds, that's just the reality of it."
"Stop playing with these streets like it's a game. The streets don't care about your rap dreams."
"It's a silent battle, bro, it's a cold world."
"The world is competitive and if you don't compete you will die you will die a small child cold and alone."
"He probably was better off being killed than that's the sad reality that's sort of that Tragic Truth."
"The internet is not a safe place, it's [ __ ] brutal bro."
"The truth is coming out, the women are now letting be known like look I was a prostitute and if you're not going to pay to play we can go ahead and throw this away."
"This is one of those situations where the truth hurts."
"You don't realize how cruel the world is until horrible things happen to you."
"Life in this type of story is often cruel and unforgiving, plots rarely unfold without tragedy, disaster, or bloodshed."
"The reality of the situation is far grimmer than I anticipated, and it just sucks for everyone."
"Life is not pink and rosy, kids; in fact, the only pink that you're gonna see is under the microscope."
"It's uncomfortable truths, but it lights a fire."
"Will you come to me in this harsh world?"
"The world is harsh and unfair, we agree; this reality, however, is never an excuse for why it should be that way."
"The truth is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow, but it is just the medicine you needed."
"All kings must be butchers, or meat."
"Truth is not always soothing and peaceful."
"Facts are facts, facts are tough to deal with."
"You must do vile things for the good of the realm when you presume to rule."