
Judicial Impact Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Supreme Court hears oral arguments in a critical case out of Alabama that could determine the future of the Voting Rights Act."
"And it would mean that every other decision relating to the notion of privacy is thrown into question."
"If we do not have a full court and it could potentially go 4-4, then this country is going to face the worst crisis it's faced in 100 plus years."
"I just think the urgency that we are facing in terms of what this court can do and will do not just in terms of reproductive rights but in terms of dismantling the administrative state in terms of voting rights."
"They have just hamfisted in a ruling that disrupts everything about a stable representative Republic."
"Donald Trump has given us all of these judges."
"The majority puts the court at the center of the coming inter-jurisdictional abortion wars."
"If there were nine women on the court, you think that case would have come out differently."
"The Supreme Court heard arguments in the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization case, potentially overturning Roe v. Wade."
"Eight minutes after the hearing wrapped up. Nervous much?"
"That means something to pull a Clarence Thomas."
"I just like to uh close here by saying that whatever one thinks about his opinion in Shelby or other cases the question of his competency and his Fitness to serve should have been laid to rest by the enormity of the contribution that he has made."
"I think it's a devastating day for the mob... it'll be difficult for them to continue their sophisticated activities... they don't have... dispute resolution mechanisms."
"I believe that without dramatic changes to how Mr. Leibovitz practices law he represents a clear and present danger both to the administration of justice generally and to the interests of his own clients."
"It's been a devastating two days since the Supreme Court turned its back on the Constitution."
"The greatest accomplishment of President Trump is his stacking of the courts."
"The court is undermining majority rule but see this cuts both ways."
"This appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court represents a large shift in ideology on the Court."
"There are countless babies alive today thanks to this historic victory."
"There's a reason why folks said fill that seat before the election with Judge Barrett. Now Justice Baird on the Supreme Court. Amen to that, that was a blessing indeed."
"If your New York judges don't like your politics, they will destroy your business, the livelihood of your employees, and you personally. This commission cannot let this continue."
"A new era of U.S. unrest." - The Supreme Court's coming abortion ruling may spark a new era of U.S. unrest.
"She will tip the scales of the U.S Supreme Court towards constitutional conservatism."
"Congress would have the ability potentially to legislate in a way that could obviate the bad results of this decision."
"It's rigged in a way that has allowed a party without popular support to drastically reshape an entire branch of government."
"So if we have a 6-3 court those are the policy consequences those are the consequences that will cause millions of Americans to suffer."
"This is gonna be far and away worse than anything the Supreme Court has done in recent times."
"I mean the all count says it all I mean it wasn't on a few counts but he was found guilty on all counts so this is um this is historic it really is."
"Sure, the Warren Court marked a bit of a liberal shift, but today we know it was a shift that was desperately needed."
"They don't want to talk about the leak... a 40 or 50 year project to take over the courts and overturn Roe."
"What happened with Janet prawitz and the Wisconsin Supreme Court here was a rejection of the identities that Republicans held."
"The rulings are a significant blow to the ATF's plans to regulate pistol braces."
"Children are taken away from parents every day in these juvenile courts because a person with a PhD or an MD after their name comes in and says I've shown ink blots to a person and they may be a risk to a child."
"If this court affirms, it can write an opinion that emphasizes how extraordinary insurrection against the Constitution is."
"I'm tired of the left calling it a landmark case in one breath and claiming it's not even a ripple in the pond with the next."
"A lifetime appointment that could dramatically impact individual freedoms and change the direction of the court for at least a generation is too important to get boggled down in politics."
"Her reasoned approach and commitment to the rule of law earned her respect across the political spectrum." - Tribute to Sandra Day O'Connor
"The trial began on March 30th, 1978, with one newspaper stating that this case had generated more attention than any trial since the Nuremberg trials."
"Overturning Roe would put the lives of women across the country at risk... expand the court."
"The Supreme Court sent a strong message this week."
"Vote all the way down the ballot because it is the United States Senate who confirms Supreme Court Justices and it's who you pick for president that's going to decide who gets nominated."
"That could be the next great Supreme Court case that helps restore a liberty in America."
"Another scar on this supreme court that has frankly lost its legitimacy."
"We've seen cases all the time where evidence is lost potentially huge evidence."
"My motivation in coming forward was to provide the facts about how Mr. Kavanaugh's actions have damaged my life."
"Every presidential election is a referendum on the Supreme Court."
"80% of Americans say if Trump were convicted they wouldn't vote for him."
"The mainstream media, they don't even want to talk about what the Court did anymore. Their position is, they made it very, very clear, the election is over with, we've moved on to covering other matters."
"Roe v. Wade was anti-democratic design absolutely."
"Supreme Court involvement: A potential exit or a decisive ruling?"
"We have to sort of pull this out of the drama of the nominee herself and into the realm of what does this person taking a seat on the Supreme Court mean for the lives of most Americans."
"Historic day for the Supreme Court, the justices revealing crucial rulings on the environment and immigration."
"Every day matters for J.D. It's been three weeks and it's been three weeks too long."
"Justice Scalia did more to advance originalism and judicial restraint than anyone in our time... it all started with just two words: I dissent."
"More cases are going to come out and it could be the Dobbs case is out it's going to come out very soon."
"Legal pundits now have taken a second look at this decision and what they're saying is they've actually done the prosecution quite a favor."
"The overturn of Roe v. Wade might lead to a variety of other civil rights being undone."
"Roe vs. Wade did not make abortion legal in the United States. What Roe vs. Wade did is it made it illegal for one of the 50 states to make abortion illegal."
"One thing we did learn... Katangi Brown Jackson is a rock star."
"Who would have thought that in our lifetime Roe versus Wade would be gone? Amazing."
"Build an economic base by your politicians that then affects you can then affect the judges in the courts in the and the police..."
"From the law perspective, what does it mean for phony Willis? What does it mean for Donald Trump?"
"The fact that affirmative action might soon be gone, that your reproductive rights might be Thanos, is the Supreme Court something to consider during elections."
"... the presence of women and minorities on a court has an impact on the overall decision-making that goes beyond the opinions of the female or minority judges themselves."
"What is Clarence Thomas about? Who is he? Where did he come from? And how are his opinions increasingly shaping the direction not only of the United States Supreme Court but perhaps even of the larger polity?"
"...the value of unanimity was probably greatest in the Brown versus Board decision..."