
Financial Outlook Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Tesla bot dwarfs everything else in Tesla's business, a multi-multi-multi-trillion dollar opportunity."
"Macro-economic environment matters more than anything. Trust me, one of these two or three years of roughness go away, for those of you that have been diligent and put your money away. You're Gonna Be Rich as hell."
"There's going to be a recession at the beginning of next year."
"Crypto is going to be the future, I know that this is inevitable."
"I'm not super bullish on bitcoin today, but I'm also not quite as bearish as I was yesterday."
"You're actually going to be having a lot of luck in finance and career."
"All of them are probably going to come out your financial winner whether you see a boom or a bust because all of these people have different positions that will benefit in different parts of the economy and in different circumstances."
"I believe there will be a future that all investments are going to be looked through sustainability."
"This is when shift corrects. This is an easy three-bagger."
"I cannot worry about 100 today, if I lose it or if I make it, it's not going to be the end of the world."
"The wealth outlook for Capricorn Moon and Ascendant is superb."
"Altcoins are set to have a pretty good month or maybe a little more."
"Your money is going in the right direction, with a raise or promotion on the way."
"Consumers expect inflation to rise 4.9% over the next year, the highest since 2008."
"Wonderful news about the inflation rate, currently at about four percent."
"There's money on the horizon is what I'm feeling."
"I'm actually excited for Bitcoin now at this point, and I think it's optimistic for Bitcoin."
"We have an expectation that inflation will peak and begin to come down this year."
"Crypto is the only thing probably for the first time in your adult life that is giving you hope."
"Your financial situation is just going to be absolutely mind-blowing by the end of this month."
"Crypto is not going to go away anytime soon. I don't think it ever will."
"A very positive year ahead overall for you, financially and spiritually."
"Hope you're feeling bullish in the long term."
"The year of the dragon in 2024 may not bring prosperity and business success."
"The opportunity in front of Tesla is worth literally trillions of dollars."
"This is going to be a good week when it comes to your finances and when it comes to your career."
"Max and Stacy predict that prosperity will pour."
"So I am pretty bullish on the crypto space in general."
"There may be an unforeseen increase in your income."
"Financial issues are a factor: But your ships are coming in, money looks great."
"We're likely to get a period of sustained monetary inflation."
"Chamath is saying the global market outlook is looking good for the near term. The bottom is in."
"That could lead to five to ten percent inflation."
"The sun has well and truly set on australia's world record run without a recession and expectations of a rapid recovery are fading there could be some dark hours before the good times roll again."
"Still closing to the upside for the week, that's bullish not bearish."
"If you liked the last three months, dollar up, treasury yields up every frigging day, you’re going to love next year."
"Your finances looking good... a lot of good stuff happening."
"There ain't going to be another cycle like this and if there is it'll be a bonus."
"You're definitely looking at the next three months being a bit of a thrival in your finances."
"I think the next 500 or a thousand is up, not down."
"A good summer for your finances in your career."
"We have potential for big bucks, bear so we have sign of bear up here."
"Turns out she's got a dirty little secret about the weight loss stuff we're going to talk about but first right now it is no secret if you're tuned in we are seeing what could be a recession piling up at the beginning of the year."
"Consumers won't save the economy in 2024, and their wild holiday spending spree was the last hurrah."
"The inflation we have today, this is as low as it's going to be for at least the next five years."
"Financially, you're looking like it's going to be on the uprise."
"There is prosperity ahead. Prosperity lies ahead, my beautiful Tauruses."
"It ain't hype, ladies and gentlemen, and if it is Ripple's responsible for it because it looks like they're on target."
"A dollar is not the end, it's just the beginning."
"People expect prices to keep climbing higher."
"So many people are very bullish on ethereum and where it's going."
"The best thing that's happened right now is fuel prices really low and gold prices are that's a good thing."
"A lot of people who are in these stocks are waiting to lose a bunch of money they just don't realize it. I'm waiting to make a lot of money."
"It's not going to be pretty in the coming months."
"The long-term outlook for bitcoin is one of the best hedges against everything happening right now."
"For me, my whole philosophy in investing is really looking for things that I can sort of 10x my money on."
"The last two weeks of this month are looking extremely beneficial and positive."
"Expectations are now anchored higher when it comes to wages."
"The future's looking very positive for Ripple and XRP."
"The stock market looks strong, gold looks weak."
"There's no shareholders listening to for your amusement and if they are I'm so optimistic about this park that they're like we're going to get it back."
"It's not that we are heading for an economic catastrophe; it's that we are already in one and it's only going to get worse and worse and worse and compounding compound and compound."
"It's too late for the Fed to save the day. The Federal Reserve and other central banks are stuck in this low-interest world. Their tools, their monetary policy, no longer can fix or prevent or stimulate."
"I'm pretty bullish on the whole market at the moment."
"I think this could be a good week for us. I'm not expecting anything spectacular. I'm not expecting a 15-20 thousand dollar Bitcoin..."
"Prosperity lies ahead so your finances will definitely be looking very beautiful this week."
"The average millennial is expected to actually die in debt."
"I have a real good feeling that this week could be really, really good and I believe this week is the week that we see a new high."
"We have mechanical reasons behind it of course but without the validity of the argument be it pivot or soft landing we would have never seen such inflows and stampede into buying equities."
"It'll be an interesting year regardless... if we have hit a 100,000 bitcoin."
"Most things in this market are looking really, really good."
"Savers are losers... your money is going to be worthless in a few years."
"This particular week signifies financial gain."
"A boat stands for 'break out another thousand.'"
"It was good on the surface but as always with shares it's going to be about Ford earnings and Ford Sales gains."
"Money coming in the future, so yes, definitely."
"I'm really not that bothered when it comes to the day-to-day workings of Bitcoin. Ultimately, I believe Bitcoin's going to go up, it's going to go up dramatically, it's a very good investment."
"I see it becoming a revenue story, a margin story, a profitability story, and an overall just respected company."
"...I think the numbers are great, however, for me, I am in it for some hefty deals over the next one to two years."
"You have good energy over the next two weeks for making more money than usual."
"This is a time where I do see more money coming in."
"We're kind of locked at the hip in this low yield, low rate, low expected return world."
"The thing that changed my outlook is actually the concept of tithing, right? So giving money away."
"The worst part of inflation is over."
"We are well positioned to continue to deliver strong financial results going forward."
"The stock looks very promising going forward."