
Skillful Play Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Wow, I smashed that flop out. I end up folding. What a good fold."
"He's right footed and left footed and he curled it into the top corner."
"A wonder goal is a sweet curling shot placed in the corner of the net."
"Projectile that kind of lands on the ground and continues to make space and to top it all off they have one of the best kill confirms in the entire game with checkmate of being down throw up air."
"We've finally got someone that can start a move and finish the move."
"What a brilliant goal by Crystal Palace, and that there is an absolutely superbly controlled volley, just gives Michael no chance to react."
"Sam Mewis, very good with the ball at her feet, drives through the midfield with ease."
"Take your time. Take your time. Take your time. What a finish!"
"Nice movement straight back, check drive beautifully played."
"Building efficiently with walls, ramps, floors to outmaneuver three guys and win a situation that was otherwise unwinnable takes more skill than that."
"Messi with a lovely move there, squeezing in between two, going around then he was found."
"Combining all the different types of movement into one can result in a nasty team wipe."
"Assembling a mega combo that totally breaks the game and lets you rake in millions of chips in a single turn makes you feel just as cool."
"Luke Shaw is great at carrying the ball forward."
"That finish was Exquisite he cut across three Defenders and put it the only place where he could score."
"Man, that was a five head play by khalid though. I feel like he just baited that so hard, nicely done with low boost as well."
"Unbelievable, okay, to get the disc to ride to the right with the distance driver around the tree all the way up that hill."
"There is so much potential for like crazy outplay scenarios."
"Boom, got a double kill with the whistling Birds there."
"Despite my BKB being a little late I was still able to kill two heroes."
"Wow, that's a great shot. Requires a lot of control. You hit that really, really well."
"Thiago now, oh, does the Thiago turn and he's dispossessed. Oh, but he's won it back by punching the ball. Brilliant, Thiago."
"Curry doesn't dominate the league physically, but instead he dominates with skills."
"If that is not damn good jungling then I don't know what is."
"That intro is dope. Alright, let me see if I can... Oh, your boy opening this up with a perfect block, bruh, I feel it!"
"In short yes. There is some skill involved if your good enough if you position yourself correctly and the Banshee is close to you, you can absolutely use the grappleshot to skyjack the Banshee."
"Becoming the masters of turning five meters into 30."
"Lovely goal by Harry Kane. Beautiful finish."
"He's almost like when used to play FIFA like FIFA night in the 90s and the ball just sticks to a player..."
"Lovely stuff, what a goal, lovely goal by Wilson."
"Paul really knows, Ollie, Ollie he flips it on his back foot."
"One nil wouldn't step over, wonderful finish, wonderful start."
"Unbelievable finish right there from Belotti. I want to look at that again. How has he squeezed that in?"
"He used his teammates to his own advantage, it was brilliant."
"He nicked the ball at the beginning, Ryan Giggs, and at the end, there was that moment when he faked the shoot, pulled the ball across the two defenders who have been drawn to him."
"He understands the game beautifully done."
"He rolls the ball so smooth. The speed of his cue ball is really, really nice."
"That's a wonderful shot, great cricketing."
"That's beautifully played, punched back past the bowler."
"That's a fantastic throw down the field on the move."
"Remember last week reardon's second try he picked up an awful pass on the half volley to turn it against the kiwis and they've done it again look at that superb pass from farrell."
"His ability to change decision and ball played short was class from the uh clearing of the kickoff."
"A brilliant piece of play by him."
"That's a beautiful kick, Adam Reynolds."
"What a run for Dylan Fraser, and what a time to find a beautiful two-handed backhand roll."
"Zola takes it and it was a brilliant effort, brilliantly saved."
"Great birdie from Anthony there, really impressive."
"That was probably the best pass I've seen all day, tight window."
"What a shot, tough angle, can he get him both, gets one, gets two, what a shot!"
"Pretty neat bounce pass by DeRozan, and Wright finishes it all."
"Banking strategy, tough shots, everything comes into play in one pocket."
"A great throw will beat good coverage every time."
"Michael O'Connor did it all in brilliant fashion along the left-hand touchline."
"It's just a marvel to watch, it's like he's watching the game from up here seeing the gaps, he's just too good."
"Great pocket shot, great execution."
"It was just a joy to sit and watch them, hey run past people, drop a shoulder and go past people."
"She's absolutely such a fantastic player both on and off the ball."
"Garland step back, my goodness this kid's good."
"That change from Simone Jarging is filthy again, she had Erikina back behind the baseline, she just drops this in so easily."
"Another chipped through ball, this time to Dan Brown, who's going to chip the goalkeeper, and it's in the back of the net."
"She's hit some really clever shots, that was beautiful."
"What a great shot, just brilliant. Got that drag, they throw in the right turn. Smart, smart."
"What a money runner there by Tayshaun."
"What a fantastic throw, made the triple, he just jammed it really good."
"Magician, really, when you think about it, it's hard to believe that he could make three out of that, but he did."
"Bird is one of my favorites to watch, he's definitely one of the more skilled players of all time."
"What a ball, what a ball by Aaron Souza!"
"What a play, on an absolute dime."
"That's why she's my number one player in the world, what a great shot."
"She's quite the player, both mentally and what she does on the table."
"An excellent strike which gave air stopper Joshua Clark no chance."
"What a beautiful play is by Foster."
"The ball to the far post is absolutely majestic."
"Oh, that's a great shot; that is a brilliant ball."
"It's Alexander-Arnold he has struck it brilliantly."
"Wow, what a move by Kyrie Irving."
"It's a really athletic play by John Sojo to make it."
"Just steals a football, what a great play, that's a major league play."
"That was a good switch, oh my, that was good, good, good, dude, wow, clutch."
"Playing blindfold without the sight of a board."
"It's a great run across the near post area and it's a beautifully weighted ball."
"He's played it brilliantly, what a shot!"
"Lovely work from Campbell Graham, the catch and pass sensational."
"That flick is sick, and the jester makes a fool of them."
"It's the tougher play to make, but that's what you do at this level."
"That's just a great, great forehand return."
"He gets the ball out and around the defender and makes something out of nothing on this play."
"Sick pass, sick goal, that's a hat pick."
"That's perfect, that's a great tee shot."
"Absolutely stunning clutch coming out here for him."
"What a brilliant play by Connor McDavid!"