
Financial Metaphor Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Literally a money printer, an automatic money printer."
"Don't be attracted to the new shiny thing instead look for the muck because where there's muck there's brass."
"My bank account like the end of a rainbow every time that I spit as a flame."
"The glazes bought a very big cow full of cash what's available now is a very skinny cow with no cash."
"Marriage is like money, it takes on the character of the owner."
"The body of coins are men and the blood of the weak hands. #Blessed"
"Some relationships are more expensive than any amount of dollar."
"You got a Mastercard, you got a Visa, you got an American Express from God Himself saying I got your back."
"Are we done now? No, not really. Not really, because you see, there's one factor that we're forgetting here that is very, very important. Time is money."
"Of all the drugs on the planet, there was one that was his absolute favorite - money."
"If somebody's always making withdrawals and never making deposits that relationship's going to go bankrupt."
"Responsibility gives you a whole new credit limit."
"Steph Curry shined like new money, okay? New money."
"A cardiac arrest of the Global Financial system."
"This is the star card right here and this is what to talk to greedy King and it's not to be and have the negative connotation that sounds like this is just money."
"There's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."
"Investing in you is a good idea because it will pay off."
"The way you make money is planting good seeds in your garden and tending to that garden, and over time, it will bear you lots of fruit."
"Miracles are my currency, giggles are my paisa."
"God never makes a withdrawal where he did not make a deposit."
"He was a money printing machine, an outlaw who beat the system, and a legend."
"Make the devil pay you, now he gotta cut you a check."
"Big money CJ! You're a big money CJ for a reason, man."
"This is a much better bet than throwing your money on 33 black."
"The bank part is our only chance to achieve immortality."
"Quit checking your phone, treat it like it's your savings account. You don't trade your savings account." - Jeff Ross
"God is a multiplier. Silver at 30, damages are sevenfold. That's multiplication."
"Max Strus was money, everybody was money today for this complete team effort."
"Let's back up the truck all the way the bank, grab the bags, pack them and stack them because no bags are being left behind. So we're going camping on the beaches of the moon. Stay bullish."
"Hello my wonderful people, monkeys get deep pockets."
"If you're not buying the blue chips, then what you're doing is playing a game of musical chairs."
"This connection just makes sense, like dollars and cents."
"You can write your check for the next few years, you are just worth your weight in gold."
"Invest in yourself, invest in your currency."
"30 is now going to access support from above."
"Negative interest rates are like a third rail."
"By the time he was in the World Wrestling Federation, the guy looked like a million dollars."
"A rising tide lifts all ships, including Bitcoin."
"When we love, we love hard; when singing, we sing hard."
"Count up that cheese just like that [ __ ] 300 400."
"You can't just be wanting to like manifest something and not like be moving towards it. It's almost scared money don't make money, like you know, you gotta be putting in something too."
"I've been blowing through money like it's grown on trees."
"No longer a two-dollar cap to argue and debate with."
"I am putting my eggs in the Romadun basket."
"Somebody told me that growing kale is like picking up £5 notes off the floor."
"America is so ridiculous, like they just want your money, literally a Hoover vacuum to your wallet."
"Time is money, and therefore, brother, ain't counting dollars, I'd be homeless in a mountain hollers."
"Big fish to the money, and we found a river monster."
"She is always money, good value for money when she comes on the screen."
"Yesterday is a canceled check; tomorrow's a promissory note; today is cash in hand."
"Whoever says money does not grow on trees clearly has not been here."
"Every dollar that you have is a slave of yours that should labor on your behalf."
"Time is money and these guys should be rewarded for the hard work."
"Having money in your account is like having gas in your car."