
Urgent Action Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"If we want to recover and protect the oceans and help the people that depend on these resources, we must act now."
"Our house is already on fire... All evidence shows that this is the path of greatest destruction." - John Kerry
"Once you get 600 parts per million of carbon particles in there you're done right and so I just don't think we're gonna get there in time."
"I do have anxiety about the way the planet is hurting right now. I do feel like this is a time for extraordinary measures."
"This is getting out of control we've got to call 911."
"We can do this... we are rapidly running out of alternatives."
"Bernie said that we needed to take environmental action immediately and with agency."
"Jane foster's right we have to do something if we do not martial our forces we're all going to die"
"Assault the quarantine has failed. You must destroy the facility. As long as it remains, something the great tempest will continue to surge unabated throughout the galaxy."
"Dramatic action is necessary in the early stages."
"Desperate times calls for desperate measures."
"We need mass mobilization to force those in power to bring about change before it's too late."
"Everybody get down! Do you understand me? Everybody down."
"Without action, millions of lives and livelihoods are going to be at risk."
"We have 12 years, which is no time at all, to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel."
"We either have to stop this and actually begin to address it or literally we are going to see a world where for the majority of people life is simply going to be impossible."
"We can't wait until it's too late to start showing up. Now is the time to act."
"Urgent action by Europe can stop the Russian troops. Do not allow the death of Europe from a catastrophe at a nuclear power station."
"We only have time to act, to act now and to act all together."
"Climate change is an existential threat we must confront globally."
"It was very sudden but a woman and her three children came out of a cafe on the other side of the road and ran across to our side."
"Hate to say it, but we need to increase oil and gas output immediately."
"They feel this in their soul. This is like a Divine marriage."
"The house is burning down around us, and we've been blind to it. We need a miracle every day."
"You've got to do something because Gooseway is in your backline."
"We need to take action now because we're damaging the Earth, and it's hurting because of us."
"We are not facing a situation where it would be nice if people used less plastic. We have a crisis on our hands when it comes to single-use plastic."
"We really are in a state of clear and present danger and it's time we did something about it."
"America's jarring inequality is a national emergency."
"There are definitely structural inequities within our system that are underpinning these deaths, and there is a critical and an urgent need for us to fix them now."
"Humans are treating our planet very poorly and we've really got to cut that shit out soon or we're gonna be in big trouble."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures; it's time for a kingdom collaboration."
"Every country needs to reach net zero emissions and do it fast."
"It's more vital than ever that people get their Jabs and we get those boosters into arms as fast as possible."
"Gotham is overrun. If I don't stop Scarecrow's bomb, there'll be no city to save."
"Drastic times could call for drastic measures."
"We know that Ukraine has to retake seized territory. For them to win, they need the momentum. They need to go on the offensive, and they need to do it right now."
"This is getting out of hand. I need to drive away and call the police before it's too late."
"We need to sign somebody with no Scott McTominay. That is urgent, it is absolutely urgent."
"It's about a catastrophic shift in this fragile balance."
"This is a genocide that is taking place right now... Only we can stop it."
"The time is now not wait not go organize more for a time in the future that will be more receptive to a single-payer vote."
"The people behind this must be stopped before they build another bomb."
"We need to find Elsa and Anna ASAP, let's do it!"
"A mass global shift away from animal foods is urgently needed and would have significant and almost immediate impact in addressing our climate crisis."
"But now, the problem is the Snells' poppy field. Helen's like, 'Hey, you have to burn it before the feds find it.'"
"I'm just here to try to save my son's life and I will do whatever it is that I need to do to make that happen."
"Immediate political, economic, and social efforts of an unprecedented scale are essential."
"Two-thirds of the respondents in the 10 countries think that the gap between rich and poor needs to be addressed urgently or very urgently."
"We're in a fight for life right here right now. We lose the forest and we have no chance."
"It is devastating if you need to kill an enemy. If they need to be dead five minutes ago, they were dead ten minutes ago."
"You make that telephone call right now." - Various
"If Republicans are willing to work with us to address that crisis, welcome, let's do it. But what we cannot do is wait weeks and weeks and months and months to go forward. We have got to act now." - Bernie Sanders
"Any further delay in concerted anticipatory global action on adaptation and mitigation will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all."
"We must act now now side effects of the opioids and this is just like taking them you're talking constipation dry mouth upset stoned but then we get into more lung and heart problems."
"People did start making calls and I gotta urge everybody, you still have this week to influence the biggest UAP atom bomb legislation there has ever been."
"Next week is like having a fire lit up under your ass."
"If we're the only ones who can save the world, we better step up."
"I love humans. I really think we're worth fighting for."
"There has never been a better opportunity, nor more urgent time for sharing the gospel."
"We need to act now, we need to act quickly to protect our healthcare workers so that we can save as many lives as possible. Thank you, Mary." - President-elect Joe Biden
"Urgent action is needed today right now by the Trump administration." - Joe Biden
"Ocean pollution is a big problem, and if we don't do something to stop it, it's only going to get worse."
"We've got to take our safety and our lives into our own hands. It's more important now than ever to control your life."
"Climate change is here. It's a fact. We need to start recognizing that and accepting that it's a fact of life."
"Three rivers running out of water and out of time."
"Now is the right time when you see numbers like this because lives are at stake."
"Jumping the gun here to go directly against the clear advice that they were given is just idiotic beyond all comprehension."
"At the current rate of destruction, our tropical forest will be gone within 25 years."
"...we need to take actions now and such actions will definitely prevent further destabilizing the Earth's climate system..."
"We must do more to shape the type of society that we live in; violence against women and girls is an epidemic and it's an emergency."
"We must act now if we are to meet the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of present and future generations."
"The reality of climate change facing our planet demands the urgent attention and collective actions of all national and international actors."