
National Leadership Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"I am here for the American people and America is going to lead again."
"What will the country do? Will people get transfixed on fear and insecurity and the threat, or will they see this as an opportunity to truly lead the world?"
"What do you want from our country and our government? What are the expectations?"
"America is back. We're going to be back in the game."
"Pray for our nation pray for our president pray for our bishops pray for our Pope's Jesus is listening."
"In 78 days, we're going to win this state. We're going to take back the White House, and we're going to have an election that's all about the survival of our nation."
"President of Serbia... saying they're going to take care of their own people."
"We need an inspired leader in the White House for the whole damn country."
"What you're doing is you're mentoring the country."
"America still has the most innovation right now."
"May the Lord help America, especially those in positions of authority, to see their desperate need to repent and seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance."
"Americans are getting hurt, migrants are getting hurt. The President of the United States, his Cabinet secretaries, have not lived up to their oath of office. All Americans need to recognize this."
"We are the United States of America, a singular place of possibilities. I'm not going to go sign the Chips in the Science Act and once again I promise you we're leading the world again for the next decades. Thank you so much."
"She ruled over two nations... France is a monarchy again."
"Reversing the decline of this nation requires leadership that delivers big results for the people."
"At long last, the Australian nation has achieved its ambition of having its own commander in chief, a native-born Australian."
"Mustafa Kemal, who helped to save his nation on the fields of Gallipoli, becomes the first president of the Turkish Republic."
"Now you have a president who is standing up for America."
"Let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth, God's work must truly be our own."
"The true enemies of the American people are the people who run America."
"President Ibrahim Tror's leadership has ushered in a transformative era for Burkina Faso, marked by unprecedented development across various sectors."
"We need somebody that literally will take this country and make it great again."
"But what the first Prime Minister John A. Macdonald did for this country, I believe that is a great history."
"America needs to own the fact that we're under sick management."
"It seemed like this was the office of the presidency, the prestige of the office of the presidency, the calling to a higher purpose."
"We have a president that fights for our nation."
"Rooting for his country, he's willing to visit financial disaster and misery upon millions of people just so he doesn't get painted as Herbert Hoover."
"And while I'm president America will remain the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world and Ohio workers will continue leading the way."
"We're a great nation, we should be the leader in technology, we should be the leader in finance."
"Innovation and technology is still strongest in the United States."
"I think that's really the kind of administration America needs right now."
"The job of a monarch is one that requires Great precision. The Monarch is expected to have the country's best interests at heart."
"I don't see America that way. I'm running as a proud Democrat. I will govern as an American president for everybody!"
"America is not past our prime. It's just that our politicians are past theirs."
"I just want the president to be successful for the country."
"It serves no purpose to suggest that the commander-in-chief President Joe Biden failed the American people or did anything wrong."
"The job of the president of the United States is to stand for truth."
"America is and will remain the gold standard for environmental protection."
"Congratulations to President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the First Lady."
"Let's put the patriotism first, let's get somebody who's clever enough to understand how difficult this puzzle is into the office, and let's give them some leash."
"God would bless our country, bless those who are in leadership."
"Yes, I'm qualified to be a President of Nigeria, why not? If God says that it's time for me to become president I will grab it right and take care of my people."
"France, the Army, the Head of the Army, Joséphine."
"This is America's comeback opportunity. We could right the ship with decent leadership."
"I pray for the President of the United States and I pray for the United States of America."
"I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans."
"It's less about the candidate and more about just fixing the country you know like we've clearly seen what type of leadership we get now and it's hurting us."
"Putin's slush fund works: people pool money, it gets mixed, and then spent on entertaining the national leader."
"Ultimately he is a public servant who cares passionately about people and the direction of the country."
"We have an extraordinary opportunity to ensure America retains its leadership role."
"We have a president who is standing up for America and standing up for the people."
"It feels like a trustworthy leader for Japan has finally come forth."
"There's a tremendous anger toward the people who've run this country for a long time."
"Canada just elected a canoeist as prime minister."
"A president should be president of the entire United States of America."
"It's about the Chinese leadership; it's about the People's Republic of China, it's not about the people of China, and it certainly is not about Asian Americans or Americans of Chinese descent as well."
"It's not so bad, I'm the Prime Minister of Australia, that's an incredible privilege."
"Like Bismarck, Wilhelm wanted to make Germany a global power."