
Leadership Challenge Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Stand up and grow a pair... that includes Donald Trump."
"I cannot support the speaker any longer. I'll be voting for the motion to vacate."
"Kevin McCarthy has this crazy caucus. He went through how many rounds of humiliation to try to get this job."
"Putin's back is against the wall right now. There's no more room for him to go."
"And it's up to you ladies and gentlemen to make him do that. I don't know, it's up to you because you are uniquely qualified to do that. No one else."
"Sometimes change is so scary to people that you really have to go into all of these situations, really understanding that as a leader and being empathic about it."
"This did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated... Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country."
"Assuming the role right now of leadership in the UK is a horrible bargain."
"He was in a tough position...replacing a shot-caller they're all used to."
"This was a coup orchestrated by the president against the vice president and against the congress."
"The next step is crucial, removing the toxicity in the football club."
"Either Boris Johnson will fall, or the Tory party will be kicked out."
"Salutations, boys! The name is Ru, and I've been waiting for you to challenge my name as emperor!"
"Any attempt to destabilize Putin may spark a new Russian Civil War."
"Starting with the flying type leader Faulkner, we see he has a level 7 Pidgey and a level 9 Pidgeotto."
"Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself. He should step down and resign."
"I'm fascinated to see how Donald Trump tries to crack this and win back the presidency."
"There's nothing more difficult for me than disappointing the Xbox Community. I've been a part of it for a long time, and just to kind of watch the community lose confidence be disappointed, I'm disappointed." - Phil Spencer
"How do we bring the country back together?" - Nikki Haley
"It's my job to challenge them, but not to try to screw them."
"Get Pakistan out of this Quagmire is going to be probably the most phenomenal thing that anyone could ever do."
"The crisis continues to undermine Putin's Authority."
"If Xi Jinping is losing control over the central government, the regime is in danger."
"House Republicans are in disarray and once again they may be on the verge of kicking a Republican speaker out of that position."
"He was willing to put their lives into battle with an enemy he lacked the courage to even speak to."
"Surely now is the time for the Prime Minister to recognize that she has to stop banging her head against the brick wall of her defeated deal."
"It's more difficult to rule yourself than to rule a city."
"Getting everyone committed to achieving a common goal isn't easy."
"Joe Biden's own policy is a catastrophe. And I'm like, you are saying this about your boss ultimately. Like, this is like if you were working at a private company, you're saying this about your CEO."
"I think he's got a massive job on, and you know he's at a club at this moment in time in Ajax that's very different to Manchester United."
"If you want to become a king yourself, you have to dethrone the king."
"The fight would be difficult enough for Zaheer that I think his leadership would be stymied."
"Tide turning in favor of Ukraine, creating political instability for Putin."
"Putin's career in jeopardy as rebellion looms amidst war with Ukraine."
"That's what mattered: all my vassals are disloyal at this point, I am 8,500 ducats in debt with bankruptcy looming in less than a year."
"If the current government is going to destroy Germany, then naturally he has to oppose it."
"Name me one world leader who changed places with Xi Jinping."
"A ruler so desperate to solidify his dynasty."
"The Evil ruler of the galaxy knows the job ahead is no easy feat; they have three powerful Saiyans to face."
"The very fact that we had to ask the question is, did Iger get involved? The very fact that we even had to ask that question is proof that this thing has gotten out of hand."
"I'm excited because this recall happened. Californians are ready to make a change at the top." - Kevin Faulconer
"Running a clan is not easy, this is something that will take a little bit of dedication."
"We must defeat and we will defeat the most dangerous president in the modern history of this country."
"But I think everybody would agree that to be an effective manager, it takes an evolution, and it's a difficult process."
"Putin can never say, 'Yeah, I got Ukraine wrong,' that's kind of the end of the whole mystique."
"Joe Biden's in the weakest political position of his entire presidency."
"This could be the beginning of the end for Putin."
"It's really really hard to go against the grain and understand a higher vision and type it out and say you know what you're doing a good job."
"All of a sudden... we have our championship leader and second place in the points by four at the sharp end of the spear getting after it."
"This isn't just about voting against Donald Trump; it's about rising to this moment of crisis."
"Aang carries the weight of his people's fate on his shoulders every day."
"Did you hear about the shell CEO getting shredded at a TED Talk yesterday?"
"Joe McCoy was responsible for establishing the town, for making it what it was, he was the mayor of the town, but he couldn't hold it all together."
"Some of the people around Joe Biden want to move him so far to the left that it is unrecognizable."
"He is literally speed running the destruction of one of the most popular social media companies on the planet."
"It was Frederick's first battle, and he's running away, but his infantry, the great gift from his father, will stand and fight."
"Zoro tells Luffy, 'If you don't act like the captain at a time like this, I'll be the next one to leave this group.'"
"Can you imagine what out-of-touch reason to remove your prime minister?"
"And now the story of a company in panic and the one CEO who just couldn't seem to catch a break." - Kevin
"The choice is yours: fight me and my people, or side with us and help us make things right."
"Every single day when people do videos to tell me why Patch is so rubbish, they just praise Ten Hug. That don't go nowhere. You can't just, ah, maybe I was wrong. Shut the hell up about me. Nah bruh, feet to the fire, bruv."
"Britain hates Boris Johnson, but to save his skin, the prime minister apparently has two last-ditch plans."
"This is a pandemic under new leadership that doesn't seem like leadership really has this under control."
"The President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my god, this is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm [bleep].'"
"We're stuck with this guy for the next 3 and 1/2 years, and we have to deal with it."
"He's their Captain, their leader, very good at set pieces, very good at penalties."
"Let's pray for the church in Germany let's pray for Pope Francis because he has a tough job I would not want to be the pope having to deal with this situation because it's not just Germans it's also some of the Flemish Bishops."
"You will never be promoted beyond your ability to tolerate pain."
"Wow. How is this guy going to become pirate king anyway?"
"Maybe living up to the reputation of Michael and challenging those in power."
"To kill the dominant male is to kill inequality, intolerance, dictatorship, and despotism."
"Everyone in Pogtopia had gathered a bunch of items leading up to this point, their end goal was to take out J Schlatt and claim back their land."
"The biggest job in the world and an absolute challenge."
"I want to find out what the issues are. The leader in the kitchen, who does the timing, you do your own."
"I think there was always going to be criticism regardless of what I did." - Jordan Henderson
"My favorite part of dr king's legacy is that he challenged even his friends fellow ministers fellow progressives to be better to be more true to the causes we speak of and to make sure we continue to give our all to fight for equity."
"The war has just become too big and too complex for William Hy to manage... it's a management question at this point."
"Putin is facing the biggest crisis of his presidency."
"I've been dance captain a couple times now I know people are trying to overthrow me."
"...his conflict, his clash with his former Captain was the most compelling, the most electrifying..."
"The King was now in a serious dilemma."
"It's with great sadness and a heavy heart that we went to see the Prime Minister... to advise him that he no longer enjoyed the support of a majority of members in the Liberal Party party room."
"I thought we were a dying company, who wants to captain the Titanic?"
"It's hard being the first one having to make these decisions."