
Personal Confidence Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"The winner takes home 25,000 and free Chipotle for a year. But we all know that I'm winning it all."
"There really isn't anything I feel like I can't accomplish inside of Resolve."
"I've never had a problem with girls. I could always get very nice girls, beautiful girls, intelligent girls."
"God isn't trying to change His word for nobody, but what He's saying to you is to give you confidence."
"Life ends, we gotta cherish that. We gotta stop being afraid of things, thicker skin, confidence. You only get one life, man."
"It doesn't matter what they say or do, if you're just like 'I know that you care about me, I know that you feel this way about me, you can kind of see it in my eyes.'"
"It's not the size that matters it's what you do with it and everything doesn't have to involve the penis so don't worry about it if you want to be a great lover it's not your shape and size that matters it's what you do with it."
"Understand if that woman is really into you, you won't need to."
"Success is inevitable, it doesn't matter what anyone else says, your success is inevitable."
"I have zero concerns about Ashton Kutcher suing me."
"I do not seek acceptance from others because I already feel that and from within."
"Did I make the right call? You're damn right I did."
"Own it because that's the true confidence that shines."
"There's nothing sexier than a man who knows what he wants and doesn't give a [ __ ]."
"I know more than anyone that he's going to do well."
"I'm just going to let you know I'm Not Afraid of Anything."
"You'll trust yourself which is a very empowering state of mind."
"I really don't give a [ __ ] what anybody thinks of me I really don't because I'm comfortable in my own skin and I like Who I am I like where I met."
"If you're comfortable with yourself, people are gonna have something to say regardless."
"You have to believe in yourself more than anyone else does."
"Your life can still be very rich when you are happy with yourself and you are confident in yourself."
"I'm a man, I'm secure in my sexuality, I'm good at what the [expletive] I do, and I'm a Creator."
"Compliments coming in from an admirer, boosting your confidence."
"We can handle this difficulty no problem. I don't see an issue personally."
"Streaming is the future, but we need to assess what works and doesn't work."
"Believe deep down inside that you can be successful."
"Truly deep down not having anxiety or fear around what's going to be said about me knowing that the deepest regret would be to not show up exactly how I want to show up."
"There's nothing wrong with your intuition, it always worked."
"If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will."
"Setting some goals that really make you feel empowered. That's going to create a lot of confidence within you to know that you are doing this at a place of love for yourself, for your inner child."
"I am the most dominant wrestler that AJ McKee will ever see."
"Now you know what, I don't think we've ever really gone wrong."
"If you don't want to date me, I'll find someone else. Have a great rest your day."
"Sunglasses add so much to your outfit, it hides my face a little, makes me feel more confident."
"I love who I am. I am comfortable in my skin."
"I could run it a little bit better... I'm a professional at my job."
"You just can't be afraid of failure. You want to take that shot because you believe in yourself and you'll live with the results."
"And honestly, once I just embraced the fact that I look like Zenon, I've been totally comfortable, totally on board."
"Wear colors that you love, wear colors that you feel the best in, that you feel really light up your face, that you feel the most confident, that you get the most compliments in, those are your colors."
"I knew that I was talented in business, I thought it, I knew it."
"It's not about dressing a certain way; it's about feeling confident in what you wear."
"You shouldn't be worried about those type of people who cares if they're making fun of you."
"You don't worry about what everybody else says."
"Bed Wars has turned me into a strategy genius and given me confidence that I'm smarter than other people."
"I just have to 100% not care what anybody thinks."
"Trust in your own dear heart; it's all about self-belief."
"I did stand in court today and say I am 100% sure."
"Choose a dress that makes you feel beautiful exactly how you are."
"People's opinions they don't matter so when you wake up in the morning and you feel good then you get dressed and you do your makeup and you feel ready to walk out that door how you feel in that moment it's all that matters."
"No one can take that away from you...once you hold yourself in this light."
"I got so much positive feedback from you guys that I'm feeling confident now."
"If makeup makes you feel better about your skin, that's totally cool."
"I think it's a common theme it's called confidence."
"I just know with my heart my lungs my kidneys my pancreas all the organs my brain that when I'm dirty I can get get away with as much when you're in 20s"
"The idea and thought of like oh I'm gonna go out and like have this confidence and swag right it's probably gonna be seem like you're talking about hey let's get from here to Mars."
"You should never worry about what other people think about you, it's just unwanted stress."
"Makeup doesn't imply that you just want to change yourself because you're insecure."
"I will be the only one smiling at the end of this battle."
"She knows she can get this done, that is confidence." - Applause
"Even if my heart isn't always pounding, I always feel capable."
"I have this turtleneck that gives me so much confidence."
"I'm the ocean, but I'm also confident that I'm very unlikely to get hit by a shark attack."
"Stop caring too much about what other people think."
"You're God's favorite child, baby. He chose you."
"If you have a genuine connection with a woman shoot your shot if you're going to shoot it don't chase don't fawn over them."
"I'm far from scared of people and their opinions."
"You are appreciated, just ignore what everyone else is saying, you know what's best."
"That's all there is to it, don't worry about other recordings, don't worry about saying anything bad because I don't break the law."
"Maybe believe in yourself. I know everyone believes in you, but do you believe in you?"
"Last race, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm gonna win here."
"Don't throw away our confidence because he who called you can satisfy you he who called you is with you and he who called you cares about you."
"Don't doubt yourself, you are the ideal partner for many people."
"Stop being humbled before man, you can stand before anybody."
"Ain't nobody worried about that. Ain't no pressure, that's why it's so easy for me to just... just... nobody worried about that, yeah, man."
"I'm hardcore... I know what I'm talking about."
"This was not a young woman who questioned her worth or value."
"I would say yes, I feel like you'll be successful."
"I'm running through this, this is nothing to me."
"You're definitely telling me that you are confident that you can create whatever you want out of the relationship you guys have together."
"Looks don't make him stay; you have to have self-respect and confidence and never be afraid to walk away."
"Just smile at your haters knowing that know that they're burning inside."
"I'm not afraid of rejection really, not at all really."
"If you like what you see when you look in the mirror, if you like who you are as a person, then you shouldn't care what other people say or think about you."
"I never cared. It was that simple. I knew guys was good at what they did. I knew I was good and solid at the way I passed..."
"I'm walking out with my head held high because somebody likes it spicy."
"Confidence was key, and he had plenty of it."
"Get really good at the thing that you care about... that feeds into your confidence."
"Anybody who's hating on you is clearly insecure."
"There's a time when you have to step onstage, you have to own it yourselves."
"I really feel like at some point I'm going to start getting these putts to fall, I can feel it."
"Individuals that get to a certain level of power have a massive certain level of confidence and charisma."
"Suddenly, I'm like, 'Oh [__], this is gonna work out.' You know what I mean?"
"She just went for it without apology, without shrinking back."
"People don't validate me to make me feel good. I validate me."
"Trusting your intuition, if something feels right, you're going to go for it."
"You're in a really good place where you're like even if it doesn't work out with them, you're still, you know, something good is coming for you."
"What do people that's picking on the color your hands are races and guess what you look better than racist people racism is ugly."
"Trust your gut, trust your intuition, and trust yourself."
"Walk in the bar and ask is she good enough for me, not I'm good enough for her. You are the prize."
"I will always be game to gamble on myself and double down on my bets on me."
"I'm not scared to go toe-to-toe with these people."
"Confidence starts with accepting that you are who you are for the rest of your life, you can do about it, and you really have no other choice but to f**king love yourself. And that's a period."
"This is it, this is the one, I feel it in my jelly bones."
"Trust this person, trust yourself to make a quick decision."
"Last minute penalty to save your life? Who's taking it? Me."
"Fahad is just absolutely brimming with confidence."
"Don't ever compare yourself to someone on YouTube or Instagram."
"Take that vacation you're going on, it's exciting and your confidence and self-belief are at an all-time high."
"It's not an insult to me because I'm perfectly comfortable with who I am and what I am and what I'm not."
"I trust myself and I trust my own knowing of things... more readily than other people do."
"You have to find yourself funny. If you don't find yourself funny, then you can't expect anyone else to."
"He genuinely doesn't care what other people think about him."
"In order to be the most comfortable and confident you can be in your body and yourself it comes from that acceptance of who you are and like what you look like and your body and everything first which is also difficult to do."
"If you can't take that makeup off and have some beautiful essence shining through underneath, you feel me?"
"Big D energy doesn't mean that you have a massive member, a big schlong. BD energy comes from consecutive five-star Google review ratings."
"I know something you don't know, and that is I know what this is."
"Start to believe in yourself and trust your instincts."
"I know I'm better, gonna have anybody make me feel like I'm not."
"We need to trust ourselves a bit more, a bit more instinct and you know that gut feel."
"Finding confidence in my queerness allowed me to find confidence everywhere else in my life."
"I'm not worried that this is gonna be like some crazy debacle."
"You have the answers, Leo, you don't need anybody's opinion, you don't need it, believe me, just go with your gut."
"I still have this blind confidence, I believe in myself, in people I love, people now."
"With the technology that's out nowadays... I think I could be pretty good at being a singer."
"I feel much more empowered now. I feel more confident. It's better than good. It's fantastic."
"I'm someone who is not afraid to say what's on my mind."
"You look very just cool when you put sunglasses on and I feel like it could be like you almost may feel like you have a superpower when you put them on."
"I'm never embarrassed. If they said wearing a pink tutu with a bright orange hat on my head would stop me from getting the virus, guess what I would do it and I don't care."
"Confidence is key to your success. That's right, confidence is key to success, right?"
"Be confident the way you are, you don't need to act different, you don't need to be something you aren't, be yourself and I promise you, yourself are awesome, right? Yes, so be confident."
"You don't let the opinions of others affect you, you know your worth."
"...authenticity signals the ease of self-assurance."
"My stinging hammer blows made Negroes aware of themselves, confident of their personalities, of their possibilities, and determined in self-assertion."
"This will give you a sense of calmness and confidence."
"If you don't believe in yourself, why is anyone else going to believe in you?"
"I've always believed that I had good stuff and that I was talented."
"I'm doing something that's going to make my makeup routine easier and I'm doing something that's going to make me feel good."
"The person you can trust the most is you."
"When you accept you, it's hard for people to reject you."
"I've never really had too much of a problem with creating conversation or carrying a conversation."
"He believes in himself that he can do it."
"You're beautiful enough, don't worry about yourself, don't lower yourself, don't try to meet these unrealistic standards, just do you."
"Because of Julia's proven dedication to coursework and other academic endeavors, I feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her graduate studies."
"I'm going to rock your world today."
"Heeding your intuition and allowing yourself not to second guess that, to trust in yourself here."