
Public Skepticism Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"If we were told 95 0.7 percent effective depending on whether or not you're looking at relative risk or absolute risk reduction then people are going to start to go wait what."
"Do you believe the government would intentionally harm you?"
"It raised a lot of doubts or questions in a lot of people's minds of how many other incidents in the past had been shaped or sanitized by the cops."
"Epstein didn't kill himself became a rallying cry symbolizing the public's skepticism towards the official narrative and their demand for truth and accountability."
"It's insane to me that people think assassinations are conspiracy theories." - Commentator
"The mainstream media narrative is insane, and people aren't buying it anymore."
"This has been considered the realm of conspiracy theory stuff and yet this was an on the record statement from the U.S State Department."
"There's a difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy facts."
"Some people say she was taking donations, I don't even know if she was taking a donation, I think she was doing it for the damn clout."
"Nicki Minaj is actually articulating a rather prudent and common sense position that our federal health agencies have been lying to us."
"The belief is pretty low that that's going to happen again or that the United States is even capable of mobilizing in an effective and righteous way."
"I hope that Fauci will be one of the greatest tools in waking people up to the lies of the establishment and the media."
"I think the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are gonna have a lot more success than the haters are saying right now about how big of a dud this move really is."
"Americans should be asking themselves, 'What else are they lying about?'"
"Every news cycle, every story, you're finding out is a lie that is being contradicted. Elon Musk... is saying the intelligence community and the media itself is working in collusion to lie to the American people."
"People are beginning to tune out the public health propagandists."
"Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself." - Lincoln
"The crazy anti-vaxxer, climate denying anti-science folks who said it's more comparable to the flu got it exponentially more correct than the experts."
"I 100% believe he was murdered. Are you kidding me? What people are shocked that I think Jeffrey Epstein was murdered?"
"Perhaps unsurprisingly, these revelations have done nothing to quell one of the biggest conspiracy theories of them all: that the CIA was somehow involved."
"The Warren Commission's findings remain controversial."
"Harry is definitely on the side of like, 'What the [ __ ] even really is this?' I don't care."
"Epstein did not kill himself and Sally Yates is corrupt."
"The American people are rightly extraordinarily skeptical of Joe Biden and his economic plans right now."
"I believe this being an entry on the list refers to the idea that vaccines aren't really vaccines but are instead microchips being used to control the masses."
"I think at this point people have become cynical enough... to recognize when these people are just standing on the backs of dead children."
"Not all good things that happen in the wake of controversy are marketing conspiracies."
"We've seen the 5G conspiracy thing... it's just extraordinary."
"Do you trust our government? Absolutely not."
"Nobody's buying it now at this point, no they're not."
"Trust the process, people laughed, yeah yeah and then all of a sudden I want him out him out him out him out."
"This isn't just me and you, it's not just like some libertarian kooks are telling you, oh this Central Bank digital currency thing is all about control, this is the European Central Bank telling you yes it's all about control."
"Maybe if a company keeps getting in trouble for fraud and shitty behavior, maybe we should stop believing them when they say it's just a couple of bad apples."
"You can't really put anything past the military or government on what they might do in order to run experiments and testing of their technology."
"A Mitch McConnell promise is as trustworthy as a husband with glitter on his face."
"The media is literally lying to me, but it's crazy. They're not even making stuff up, they're regurgitating stuff from like a year and a half ago."
"The official story is ridiculous, and enough people know it."
"The world did not believe those who spoke out against Armstrong."
"Suddenly, what seemed before to be a conspiracy theory may or may not have a little bit more credibility behind it."
"Bill Gates keeps coming on the TV, he's not an authority, I don't trust that guy at all."
"Just think, it's four shots that he got in the span of what, 18 months? Four shots to protect against this virus, and he still got it."
"I mean just think about how horrible it would be to actually be abducted by an alien to make matters worse you would come back with this traumatic story only to be faced with constant ridicule by the public if you were to tell anyone."
"I am not certain that is the case, and that is a problem." - Ben Shapiro
"This is all so sick. Let me tell you something, the police are clearly lying."
"Every time this man fight y'all create some new [__] uh thing where he not gonna be the same and then he go out there and just destroys another person."
"The Double Down was so intentionally decadent that many people assumed it was a prank." - "Sure, but have you actually tried one?"
"The UK came bottom on a recent League table for trust in the media precisely for stuff like this."
"I don't expect my government to ever come clean on this... but I think we can get so jaded about that."
"Steve Bannon is desperate for relevance... whatever he has to say, take it with a grain of salt."
"Because we ain't gonna be able to rely on our government for nothing they continuously keep things hidden from us bro that irks me some sightings."
"Why hasn't anyone got footage equal to this?"
"When 99% of the people doubt your idea, you're either gravely wrong or about to make history."
"My only theory is Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself."
"Americans can no longer trust what they hear from their own government"
"Does Shane Dawson care about this stuff? Does he really find interest in these things or is he just trying to sell you a conspiracy theory?"
"What if they did land on the moon but some of the videos that have been put out into the public are fake?"
"In the end he obviously didn't kill himself just like Jeffrey Epstein."
"Nobody believed anything I was saying because it was so outrageous."
"So far there's been no evidence to tie them together and to make real these sort of really outlandish accusations that republicans in Congress are making."
"Here we have scientists putting out these kinds of numbers and we have people saying oh well, you don't know at all and with if someone reverses their guidelines okay because we learned more information that's a feature of science not a bug."
"We have so many eyewitness accounts, they're just not taken seriously despite numerous people coming forth saying that it is real."
"Back in 2013, people really didn't believe in super soldiers and SSP. It took a lot of work to get where we are."
"This used to be Lefty stuff. This used to be like, 'oh, you know what the CIA do, they go down to Nicaragua or they go down to Panama,' they're all involved in causing coups."
"When former astronaut Edgar Mitchell recently told the world that he'd been briefed on aliens and UFOs by the U.S. Government, the media reacted by treating his comments with disdain."
"You don't have to be into Flat Earth, but if you believe Tower 7 came down because of office fires, you need to stay home."
"It's obvious they wanted to use Dave Chappelle to push the Masonic agenda, and when things became too much for Dave's conscience, he refused and escaped when he could." - Dave Chappelle
"When you see a wrong and a public figure throws it out there and you're thinking hey wait this just can't be right I think maybe the authorities don't have all the facts you sort of have an obligation to help out if you can."
"We're not as gullible anymore, it's a remix of 2012."
"Here's the thing a lot of the reason why people don't trust influences is probably because they don't know how much they're getting paid and also not as many people as you think are aware of how sponsorships actually work."
"Some of these ideas, they were kind of conspiracy nobody really took them that seriously."
"I believe her. It seems legit. It sucks that it is Ava Louise that came forward with it because I feel like a lot of people won't take it seriously because of that."
"Many people are going to say that this is the first mistake made in this investigation."
"There's been a long history of disinformation from our government about this topic."
"People might not believe me but I'm gonna put it out there."
"It's not climate change my friends, it's our politicians."
"Project Veritas has a long history of disseminating edited footage."
"The media cannot be trusted not to twist elections."
"They smear as conspiracy theories largely end up being true."
"Most of what we hear today, most of what we see, most of what's on television is untrue."
"The Bidens are compromised, you know. It's an intelligence operation. I mean, it has all the markings of it."
"Viewers quickly pointed out that the photo showed a time traveler holding an anachronistic mobile device like a phone."
"I think people don't know whether they're seeing a complete representation of reality."
"We've got these companies promising Nana borderline Heaven as Elon Musk said billions being invested and all the while the public kind of sitting there going like nope."
"No one ever expected this reality TV star to make good on his promise and or threat to the reality."