
Life Dedication Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Fighting is my life. That's what I love to do in my life."
"He decided to dedicate the rest of his life to philanthropy."
"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere as long as my dog's alive. I'm alive."
"I answered the call to duty, dedicating my life to supporting and defending those freedoms."
"Any Christian who actually believes that people are going to hell hasn't completely devoted almost every aspect of their life to telling people about Jesus."
"Find a project for your hereafter, dedicate the best portion of your life for it today, and watch how not only will it fortify you from doubtful matters today, it will also guide you to the highest grades of paradise in the hereafter."
"I just love this stuff, this is my life and it's so exciting."
"You are doing this because this is your path, this is your way, this is your gift to live a life dedicated to the growth of consciousness..."
"I want to dedicate my whole life to this, ever since I was 10 years old."
"But if this is all you want to do and you really, really need it in your life then you'll find a way."
"Father, we thank you for this opportunity... accept what we are giving today that you may be glorified through our lives."
"Bruce goes on to honor the promise made to himself by devoting his life to training and preparing mentally and physically for the battles that lay ahead."
"The love of Christ controls us, compelling us to live for him."
"He could not live without chess. He could not even breathe without chess."
"He was someone who just had so much in him and was so willing to expend all of that profound and miraculous life force on people who had no power."
"Gotta you gotta want it you gotta really dedicate your life to it and make [__] pop it yeah."
"We have to honor that privilege and that gift we have to honor it with our lives."
"Tom ran his race with endurance and faithfully completed the calling of his life. May we all aspire to the same."
"Make the thing you love doing the most your whole life."
"You're putting this out there, this is more than just a day job. This is your whole existence." - GZ
"Promise me that you'll devote your life to protecting the innocent people of the world."
"She was a fighter for life... she did a hell of a job out there."
"Fighting really is my whole life. It really is."
"You guys are literally my everything, for real. My whole life revolves around the internet and revolves around you."
"It's been a long run my friends I've spent more than a third of my entire life on this game and I I wouldn't trade it in for the world guys I really really wouldn't."
"It's time to give our lives to Jesus Christ."
"I've dedicated my life to finding the truth of existence."
"If he wants to make his wife proud, then that is definitely something he could dedicate his life to."
"Stay informed, stay focused, and stay without life for more."
"In giving our best in everything that we do, we spend our lives for the glory of God."
"I gotta get it right, and I gotta dedicate myself to this for once and for all, or I'm gonna die basically."
"What if I can give myself over to this? What if I can give more to this? What if I give all my life to this?"
"You've been a rookie for how long? You might as well take your life and give it all to the Lord."
"Let's praise Him with the fruit of our lives."
"I got nothing but work this weekend and next week's gonna be busy but that's all right, that's what I live for."
"There is no better way that you could spend your life than making his worth known among all peoples."
"I felt like I was negotiating with God. I asked, 'Hey, if you do this for me, I will dedicate everything in my life for you.'"
"All his hopes, all his dreams, all his expectations, all his anticipations, all his hopes and promises were bound up in God."
"It was right time, right place, and what we did was we didn't leave it there, it became our lives."
"After I've given you the best years of my life."
"The truth is the only thing that matters when it comes to evaluating who or what you're gonna pour your life out in service for."
"Preserving this is really what I've dedicated my life to do."
"It's a whole life, it's a lifestyle."
"He was gonna dedicate his life really to doing good."
"This is my whole life; this is my whole world."
"My life laid down is worship; it's my joy to worship."
"I lift my hands up, lay my whole life down, my whole life now is for you."
"I had made a decision that I was going to dedicate my life to joining pararescue."
"It takes a commitment from whoever that individual is... to say this is me putting my life on the line because I believe in this so much."
"I'm not dead dreaming, I thought about my good friend Laurent that left us, and I was just racing for my life at the end."
"I've chosen to give my life to music."
"I've spent my whole life conserving others."
"I sacrificed so much that I was like, this has to be my entire life."
"Consciously choose to commit all my life and my will to Christ's care and control."
"Our life, our wealth and our honour is all for the sake of Islam."
"She'd spent her entire life doing things for other people; this was her role."
"It was a performance, it was like the culmination of a lifetime observation of martial arts tapes."
"Being passionate and giving it everything you've got it's just ultimately like all I can say give me football like your whole life."
"Everybody's giving their life over to something. The Scripture says either we serve the Lord or we serve sin."
"Lord Jesus, if you will have me, I give you my life right now."
"Our entire lives are dedicated to keeping the world in balance."
"Thanks for dedicating your life to making all of us a little happier."
"I'm going to dedicate my life to this and kick some ass, it's going to be good."
"I've committed my life basically to this and to the animals."
"We loved you so much that we gave to you not only the gospel but our very lives because you had become so dear to us."
"Let's never forget that God wants to use our entire lives for the furtherance of his kingdom."