
Medical Emergency Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"At 3:30 p.m. Kristle Merzlock was clinically dead."
"You gotta slow down the bleeding so you can make it into surgery, and you can't just treat the symptom, you gotta treat the disease."
"This is an absolute flat out time critical medical emergency."
"Early defibrillation is the only treatment - delivering this first shock should not be delayed."
"L Charles Bentley almost had to get his leg straight up cut off."
"With the amount of cyanide in these pills, anyone who had taken them would be dead within minutes of consuming them."
"Someone come quick! He Fenghua has fainted! Help!"
"She is a true hero, rushed to the hospital despite being shot in the jaw and arm herself."
"If that child's body temperature wasn't what it was, we would never have been able to save her."
"After a person experiences cardiac arrest, the person's chance of surviving drops by seven to ten percent per minute until treated with defibrillation."
"Remember: LION - Lie them on their side, Increase IV fluids, Oxygen, Notify the provider."
"It’s absolutely terrifying for those several seconds that someone is having an asthma attack and can’t breathe."
"Team dynamics are critical during a resuscitation attempt."
"Stroke is a brain attack, requires immediate treatment."
"Something wrong with baby's brain, you need to have the baby today."
"As long as there is a chance to save her life."
"Balance, eyes, face, arms, speech, time. Call 9-1-1 now. Be fast."
"Assessing the injury is crucial for determining the response."
"Doctors were unable to save the 19-year-old who died shortly after arriving at the medical facility."
"It became evident that everyone was fighting against the clock to keep him alive."
"Back pain with loss of bladder control? Go to the hospital immediately."
"His skull was broken, people could even see his brain."
"I saw the blood and then I saw the doctors. I'm like, oh [expletive]."
"So I got to her house took her to the emergency room but she had like a fever of like 102 the night before she couldn't keep food down she was throwing up it was really bad and she looked like a ghost like her face was like super pale."
"The provoked spider attack sent Blair to hospital where he stayed for two days prior to discharge and eventual recovery." - Allan Blair
"She literally almost died on the operating table."
"Sam Stolking's Labrador puppy Cory began licking her when her insulin pump stopped functioning, ultimately saving her life."
"Chest pain and angina... medical emergencies... you want to get an ambulance right away."
"21 critical care patients have been evacuated, not a single patient died."
"When I opened my eyes, I just heard the doctor saying, 'We got him back, we got him back.'"
"A Canadian woman is hugging her dog extra tight after the pup rescued her during a sudden medical emergency."
"It was a miracle he was alive because if it had gone through that he would have bled out. He would have been dead within a minute."
"Prison napalm: That would suck. That's like a hospital trip and a new [ __ ] face."
"Look if it's you or someone you love who's on that operating table and it's life or death."
"He definitely would have died from that wound."
"Identifying and treating malignant hyperthermia can be life-saving if anesthesiologists are prepared."
"You've been infected with the previously unknown waterborne bacterium... it's imperative you find a way to neutralize the infection."
"With stroke victims, time is critical. It's crucial to get them to the hospital, get the drugs that they need to help them recover from a stroke."
"This individual was having a stroke. He was pretty lucky because we were literally minutes away."
"Missy was found bleeding, and she wasn't responding to her name."
"Bleeding is bleeding, so you gotta control it."
"This dumb man should be glad to be alive. I hope he at least understands what could have been a more routine pre-sediment became a headache for the medics."
"The young woman had to be airlifted to the hospital, where she underwent emergency surgery."
"He was taken to the hospital and fortunately only suffered some minor head injuries."
"The masterful plan didn't exactly go how they hoped though. Shortly after the exchange, Joshua was rushed to the hospital. While there, he passed away due to a drug overdose."
"Wow, that's an artery. He's hurt pretty bad. We're gonna have to main situation."
"Daughter Christine was alerted back in the UK and today she's flown in bringing with her some much-needed positive news."
"Waking up with two IVs in my arm and I was like what happened and I was like oh."
"The baby's lungs were still filling of blood."
"A sting from a box jellyfish releases venom which attacks the nervous system and heart."
"You are very likely to run across some sort of medical emergency in your lifetime."
"If at any point you feel like you're struggling to complete sentences because you're short of breath whilst resting, you need to call 999 immediately for emergency medical assistance."
"The paramedics were able to keep me from dying from the combination of the anaphylactic shock and my asthma attack, but I did end up slipping into a coma for 11 days."
"What are we doing? I need you to take me to the emergency room."
"The president, his limp body cradled in the arms of his wife, Jacqueline, has been rushed to Parkland Hospital."
"One of the most important things for EMS providers to know is they need to say the words sepsis alert or code sepsis right up front."
"An unresponsive patient has no palpable pulses; the cardiac monitor still shows atrial fibrillation. What is the next best step? Compressions."
"A 51-year-old woman woke up an hour ago with severe burning retrosternal chest pain, left arm numbness, along with diaphoresis; this sounds like acute coronary syndrome."
"He suffered traumatic brain injuries and was airlifted to a hospital after being found by a passerby."
"Strokes or cerebral vascular accidents are caused by either a blockage or a bleed in the brain. This is a medical emergency."
"If a patient has increased ICP, it can be a life-threatening condition and should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible."
"...and he and he and he came in and he just got down on the floor and like looked in my eyes looked at my pupils and was like right we're going to the hospital so we went..."
"A woman died. I was there. It looked very much like a convulsion to me."
"He just had to rush himself to the ER for a second time this week,"
"I went in on New Year's and they just did like the standard stuff because like I was fine, and then I went in two days later with type one respiratory failure, 80% of my lungs weren't working and everything was just failing."
"They actually show her flatlining at one point, yeah, you know, that they bring her back and they have to get that big ass needle and stick it into her."
"CPR must be administered on a person in Cardiac Arrest to keep the blood flowing to the heart and brain."
"...a patient this young and athletic to go from healthy to near respiratory failure in 24 hours was unheard of."
"A Strider is always going to be a worrying sign. If something obstructs your airway, you've got about two minutes before the brown stuff really hits the fan."
"Collapse: Chest pain, cyanosis, tachycardia, low blood pressure, low SpO2, absent breath sounds, pushing of the trachea, subcutaneous emphysema, sucking sound, unequal chest expansion, dyspnea."
"David, whose blood sugar fell so low he almost lost consciousness, followed the ambulance crew's advice and saw a specialist diabetes nurse for a full review of his condition."
"Anaphylactic shock is due to a severe allergic reaction and a massive immune response by the body. It causes difficulty breathing and swelling of the respiratory tract."
"Doctors weren’t able to resuscitate him."
"We made the smart decision to come in because he had a very, very severe infection of his gallbladder."
"Janet and Martin, Emma's parents, stood up from their chairs in the corner of the room as the doctor began to point to all these dark, cloudy spots on the image."
"As he collapsed backwards into an armchair his wife gasped upon seeing blood pouring from his nose."
"I was on the helicopter, and that's when Alison then like that's when they seemed like they were give me old defib to get me going again."
"We also hope that this kind of brings to light what needs to happen if an anaphylactic shock is happening. It needs to happen very quickly. That is the epipen."
"I felt something break free from my body, and the machines monitoring my vital signs flatlined."
"Breathing really fast, we need to get that slowed down a bit."
"I'm like, this is either a stroke, a heart attack, or like some type of aneurysm."
"Their last known well is well documented here. Give them the tpa."
"Twice little Charlotte went to cardiac arrest."
"If ventricular fibrillation or pulseless v-tach is present, you want to continue chest compressions without interruptions and get ready to shock the patient."
"Immediate emergency treatment is we want to obtain a 12 lead ECG."
"Do not delay the treatment of TTP, it's a freakin emergency!"
"TTP is a fatal emergency, do not delay the treatment."
"Treatment: CPR, intubation, everything according to ACLS algorithm."
"She was not bitten by a spider but a snake whose venom went through her body and made her collapse face first on the floor."
"The doctors didn't think she had a very good chance to survive."
"Anaphylactic reaction is a severe life-threatening reaction that causes respiratory distress and cardiovascular collapse."
"Whatever this poison was in her body it needed to come out like be surgically removed."
"Always assess for the presence of post in VTach or Vfib before deciding on treatment."
"She's going down to the theater. We want to find out where she's bleeding from."
"When she realized what was going on, she started screaming and was immediately rushed back to the hospital."
"...the family worked fast and they were able to resuscitate her..."
"If we don't get her to the hospital now, she's gonna die at home."
"Tachycardic, tachypnic, hypotensive, febrile, decreased heart sounds, JVD, pulses paradoxes, some crackles, orthopnea."
"I spent the night in the hospital and was released around 9:00 the next morning."
"Respiratory emergencies are probably in the top three of the most common calls we'll be getting in EMS."
"The video shows an emergency CT scanning procedure conducted on a very sick seven-year-old patient."
"Shock is definitely important, but I also had two stud 18 deltas that were working on me."
"Acute pancreatitis can be associated with severe morbidity and mortality. Prompt recognition and triage is the key."
"With this patient, we were able to intervene quickly and get her to a trauma center instead of a 45-minute journey, and in Newcastle, we got her there within about 15 minutes."
"So the whole point about getting in the hospital quickly is so they can potentially treat you to dissolve the blood clot so you get blood flow back to the Brain before the brain dies."
"Someone's doing CPR right now?" "Yes, yes, okay."
"He needed to act quickly if this patient was going to have any chance at survival."
"I debated even talking about this, but one of the major reasons I want to make sure that I can take out a loan is because there's a very real chance of a medical emergency."
"I tell the flight attendant to inform the pilot that we need to get this man to a hospital as soon as humanly possible."
"Anaphylactic reactions are potentially frightening, but with good management, the outcomes are nearly always good."
"Some people believe the woman may have had a medical emergency."
"This man needs help, Kitty. He's lost a lot of blood."
"ST segment elevation... tells us the patient requires emergent angioplasty in the cardiac cath suite."
"A serious injury is one that is life-threatening, results in permanent impairment, or requires medical intervention to avoid permanent impairment."
"Sudden onset of one-sided weakness, numbness, difficulty talking, walking, severe headache, but it is all sudden."
"If we had neglected it any longer, the blood clot would have killed him."
"Sepsis Alliance is the nation's leading not-for-profit organization focused on saving lives and reducing suffering by raising awareness of sepsis as a medical emergency."
"Substantial internal bleeding occurs when the blood pressure increases against the aorta walls, causing it to rupture."
"Five to ten seconds without brain blood flow and we lose consciousness; three minutes, we start to die."
"Hypoglycemia will kill you much faster than hyperglycemia."
"She is transported to the hospital where emergency room physicians battle for her life."
"If a patient suffers a cardiac arrest, they will die without some form of resuscitative intervention."
"The most important thing to remember is that burn injury can be the scariest looking part but certainly patients who have burn injury can have other concomitant trauma."
"Court is delayed due to a medical emergency with a member of the public."
"Ventricular fibrillation is an emergent life-threatening issue."
"A stroke is a sudden disability of body function brought about by disruption of blood flow to the brain."
"Diabetic ketoacidosis is likely if our patient is experiencing a serum glucose of greater than 300 and they have ketones in their urine."
"They can certainly have other life-threatening bleeds such as intracranial bleeding."
"Orbital cellulitis can be life-threatening and can cause blindness."
"With a baby, the conditions can change instantly; one minute they're absolutely fine, then they go quiet, the next thing that you know, they are critically ill."
"In some tragic cases, women suffer emergency complications that may continue their pregnancy a grave threat to their lives or their health."
"A collapsed lung or pneumothorax occurs when air leaks from the lung and begins to fill the pleural space between the lung and chest wall."
"The film centers around the 1925 outbreak of diphtheria in Nome, Alaska, and the journey of its main protagonist, Balto, racing against time to get the cure back to the people before it's too late."
"Artificial blood... can be used by any person of any blood type, an important distinction if it's a medical emergency or urgent situation."
"He appeared to be in some sort of distress; his breathing was rapid."
"Retinal detachment, it's an urgent, it's an emergent thing, but it's not like a pants on fire, get in immediately type of situation."
"Did you apply this tourniquet? Nice work, you might have saved this sport's life."
"A prolonged asthma attack that is unrelieved may progress into a condition known as status asthmaticus, and this is a true emergency."
"Implied consent means this patient right now is having a really bad illness or injury that is causing them to be unresponsive or altered mental status."
"Are you okay, Harry?" the senior doctor asked me.
"Buddy, you were in a coma for two days, and the dean wasn't sure you would wake up."
"Rigid hard abdomen, that's blood that's making that abdomen rigid and hard. That's a medical emergency."
"If you have been bitten or stung by a venomous invert, then you need to contact a physician and seek out medical assistance right away."
"But we're not the heroes here, the heroes are that 19-year-old that's being brought in with gunshot wounds and fragment wounds."
"Left untreated, it is one of the few diseases that can kill within hours."
"Stroke is a major killer and disabler, it can be detected early and it is treatable. Time is critical when it comes to stroke and it is an emergency."
"There's no treatment for puffer fish toxicity; there's no antidote at all."
"A defibrillator can also shock your heart if it detects a dangerous rhythm."
"In an emergency setting, stents can be life-saving."
"They immediately said that he was septic and we found out that he had bacterial pneumonia in both lungs."
"Shock States are a little bit like a whirlwind; they sort of rapidly come on, or maybe slowly come on, but they get worse and worse over time."
"Airway compromise constitutes a medical emergency and must be treated as such."
"Autonomic dysreflexia... is a medical emergency. That patient's blood pressure gets so high, it goes through the roof."
"At one point, your heart stopped beating, and I watched them trying to resuscitate you."
"When the heart muscle is not getting the oxygen that it needs, it screams out for help."
"Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening situation usually triggered by a hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction."
"Aortic dissections are one of our obstructive causes of shock."
"Internal bleeding is the likely cause of Stevie's stomach pains, he must be handled carefully to limit the damage already done to his insides."
"Circulatory shock is an acute failure of blood vessels to supply tissues and organs with blood."
"In status epilepticus, time is everything because as the duration of status epilepticus becomes longer, the chance of death or chance of permanent brain damage progressively increases."
"Realistically, Anna, if we can't get this to move in the next 24 hours, he could die from this."
"If that rope toy is stuck inside her, then it could perforate her gut, and she could die."
"Refused the emergent cardiac catheterization... came back by ambulance in full arrest."
"Some patients have aortic dissection or transaction. The aorta can rupture. That's the most devastating thing that happens, because the patient's going to bleed out."
"You're not going to save them with just CPR. You need a defibrillator, you need medical help immediately."
"It's important to save the severely wounded patients."
"Perforations are life-threatening, this is when your GI tract has holes in them."
"When a consumer has a medical emergency, your priority is getting them help."
"All types of retinal detachments are a surgical emergency because they invariably will lead to blindness."
"We've managed to stabilize her, but her injuries are very serious."
"We're trying to resuscitate the person best we can."
"If the AED tells you to shock your patient, you shock your patient."
"If you have any of the warning signs of a stroke, it's T, time to call 911 and get to the hospital quickly."
"I once had a child who swallowed a sizeable magnet... he swallowed another one that got stuck to the first magnet in the intestine through the stomach wall, resulting in intestinal obstruction."