
Platform Evolution Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Twitter's going to become 4chan too, so have fun with that, I guess."
"Every single Computing platform before it benefits."
"How Twitch felt from 2012 to 2015, where it's like we're kind of like wild westin' it and we're like freeballing and we're just going crazy."
"There's so many little tricks and tools on TikTok that feel like things that happened on YouTube a thousand years ago and they're getting repurposed."
"The tick-tockification of all social media is profound."
"In-app purchases were the first major step in taking a space that had started as a promising platform to spotlight small projects from small teams into a perpetual money printing machine."
"Fortnite is not dead, it's not dying... it is going to be around for a long, long time."
"The web has become the most ubiquitous application platform ever."
"YouTube in 10 years will just be one giant white page with the YouTube logo."
"Despite its immediate successes and the near decade of incredible exclusive experiences, Sony put on many different faces throughout the generation."
"YouTube used to be something that people just did for fun...you just shared your thoughts and things you thought were interesting."
"Meta announced an open ecosystem showing that they have very obviously pivoted from a lot of their original plans."
"Comments like these are so annoying. I wish Reddit would just go back to silver, gold, and platinum awards that don't take up half my freaking screen while I'm scrolling."
"YouTube is gonna become more of a news-based platform."
"YouTube is transitioning, curious to see what it'll turn into."
"YouTube has lost its heart, its soul, its distinct entertainment platform. Now it's just television, but shittier."
"There was the first-ever video uploaded on YouTube."
"For years fans and critics alike have pushed Twitter to dream bigger, to innovate faster, and to fulfill our great potential. X will do that and more."
"We've always had this robust set of community guidelines, which we've had to evolve."
"Maybe the next YouTube will learn from the mistakes of the current YouTube."
"This is what happened back in 2009. Like I always tell you guys YouTube was not a commentary platform. YouTube was about comedy and sketch."
"Twitter will soon add the ability to attach long-form text to tweets."
"YouTube is changing. YouTube has always been changing. Changes the name of the game."
"YouTube is like a fine wine, it gets better with age."
"Mario 64 changed everything, it took what had been primarily a 2D side-scroller franchise and opened up the world."
"Final Fantasy VII: An iconic leap onto the PlayStation."
"The future of social media is actually going to be much more group-based."
"A paradigm shift for how Twitch handles live streams."
"I feel like Roblox is trying to shed the old skin."
"In 2014, Shenmue's director Yu Suzuki revealed at a talk at GDC 2014 that the game was actually originally intended for the Sega Saturn."
"When it comes to chat, but I think Instagram is starting to also see how important Instagram is."
"Twitter needs something to happen, and the direction that Elon Musk wants to take it in, I don't think is the right direction."
"The Era of Excess may be having a number of other unintended consequences for fans of YouTube."
"I think Microsoft is really trying to position Xbox as a platform now more than a piece of hardware."
"You know what's ironic? YouTube has become what it is today because of its emphasis on watch time."
"As we saw earlier in the walkthrough of the portal, Azure offers several products and Microsoft is dedicated to continually iterating and evolving the platform."
"I started on YouTube back when the platform like there wasn't a way to monetize, there wasn't a way to monetize, there was very little you know looking back there was very little on the platform at the time, it felt like there was a ton of stuff happening."
"Do you remember that it was called MySpace?"
"12 years later and Instagram has 2 billion active users."
"Over the last few years, YouTube has more and more rapidly transformed into a platform that protects the interest of corporations first."
"YouTube is such a democratic platform that anyone can do. TikTok is rising as well, and it's becoming even more accessible."
"Social media is a moving target; things are constantly changing."
"If you get three platform changes in a row right, I think you get like escape velocity."
"One of the biggest challenges Facebook faces is to keep people and businesses happy with continuously driving change in its functionality."
"I want to have a platform where I can run these things that's new, that's current, that's being evolved all the time and having features, and it's portable."
"This could be a major pivotal moment on YouTube."
"YouTube, don't change it because if you do, you're just gonna end up like MySpace."