
Relational Depth Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The opposite of loneliness is not company, it's connection."
"Understanding someone's silence can speak volumes."
"Your person feels guided by you; you're like their light bearers."
"We really do speak the same language. We really do get each other."
"When you become love, love pays the price, love is enough."
"There's definitely a strong connection here, a spiritual connection."
"Me and Justin have actually really been through things together... we're really best friends."
"You're going to see echoes of your father or your mother, your sister, your brother. You have the opportunity to have with that person the best relationship with anyone you've ever had in your life."
"It's him finding a connection, a real connection with someone."
"Love is willing to go to another if you're based in virtue. You're going to see the virtue of the person that's going to be the thing you're going to love about them more than the way they look."
"Once you've seen someone naked, you already know 70% of them."
"Clearly a faded connection, a past life bond."
"Serendipity: right time, right place, right person."
"Someone who reaches out, not just for a favor, but genuinely cares."
"The little things there's nothing bigger is there."
"It's like a natural extension of that human drama."
"Intimacy is so much more than just sex. It means the way we carry ourselves, it's our parents, our attraction, our personality."
"Your person will recognize you because there is this feeling of you being very giving."
"I want them to enhance my life rather than just be, like, 'Hi, how are you?' I want them to make my life better."
"Undefended relational curiosity allows for deep, honest connections to flourish."
"I loved seeing friendships that can be just as fulfilling as romantic relationships."
"Stay connected to me. Abide in me. Be in this thing for the long haul with me."
"I've come to think of you as more than a friend."
"Vulnerabilities connect us more deeply than strengths."
"Can you imagine how it feels to have somebody love you the way that you deserve to be loved?"
"Every relationship you've ever had in your life can... be so profound."
"You're gonna finally meet somebody you're gonna really be able to tell their your truth to, who's gonna get you, who's gonna want to talk things out with you."
"Your connection is offering them something real, something grounded; they want to tackle this problem once and for all."
"It's your friends that you should really build that connection with because most of the times your friends are going to be there."
"You may have been trying to get to know someone deeply."
"So when you're dealing with someone that's not distracted by your beauty, they're 100 focused on just getting to know you, it is a little settling, very different."
"It's not just sex with you, my love. It's not."
"Having someone that will be able to stick up for you, even if you're wrong, is that feeling that just makes you feel like they're more than just friends."
"Our friendship is like a good long conversation, sometimes funny, sometimes dramatic, but always supportive and satisfying."
"Friendship is having people in your life that you can feel whatever you feel around."
"Your wife needs more than just financial support. She needs to feel desired."
"I feel like I've known this man from previous lives could that be I don't know but I really feel like I've known him."
"Attraction is not just skin deep but of hearts and souls."
"Embrace them in the ways that we need more wholeheartedly."
"You're stepping into some new relationship and it's a relationship where you're really connected with this person on an emotional level."
"Love conquers all, passion, compassion, understanding each other."
"The internal bond beneath the surface is absolutely pristine."
"Conflict deepens relationship... Walking with God through deserts or Darkness or valleys deepens intimacy with God."
"Let your actions speak louder than your words and show your love."
"Simple conversations like that go a long way."
"It always feels as if he knows what you're thinking, and that he can say the words before they come to your mind."
"The true kernel may be that there is love there."
"For them to want to open up in a relationship, it must mean that they have decided to lean into the fire."
"What kind of friendship do you have that is affixed to you? That's what friends really are—they are affixed to you."
"I think it would be undying and unconditional love that mixes with the heart at the level of relational love."
"The characteristics that are necessary for long-term sustained friendships would include things like a genuine interest in who you are and availability."
"That connection was so powerful in so many ways."