
Emotional Involvement Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"It's amazing how a game can get you emotionally involved in a way that a movie can't because you're so actively participating."
"It's just the craziest news that's... no, that doesn't impact me, that I'm taking very personally."
"When we kissed, it showed how completely involved they had become with these made-up people's lives."
"Being with people firsthand experiencing I guess true crime in real life right with the family and some of their most stressful moments was just I don't know it really changed my outlook on all of this stuff."
"What really attracted me to this story wasn't the name, it wasn't the money, it was this very lost woman who fell madly in love."
"This isn't just a story about horses; it's about people, emotion, and a debate about what it means to be Australian."
"I feel like there was some passion behind this killing."
"It seems like there's some emotion, some passion there."
"Maybe you should wait and find out before letting yourself get anything invested."
"I'm not saying [__] didn't happen, I'm not saying none of that. I'm not the fan of nobody because, bro, the way she was crying to me on that phone, bro, I'm here to help."
"This incarnation of Sonic is also arguably one of the most emotionally involved."
"Loki's emotional arc from objectivity to personal investment."
"Obsessing over her life isn't going to make her less sick... whether or not she dies or recovers isn't for us to decide..."
"Being the Bachelor or Bachelorette, like I had that happen - you have feelings for, you know?"
"The last thing I want is to come between the Donnelly brothers again, but the truth is that Donnelly stole my heart a long time ago."
"This is not a fun experience, but it's a really engrossing one."
"There has to be a role for romance in football."
"It feels a bit more characterful, a bit more flamboyant to me, it's a more involving, emotional, is the wrong word, but the first word that comes to mind is the more interesting driving experience."
"Him being annoyed means he cares, okay, do you know what I mean? He cares."
"You can't go into your bag if your heart's not into it."
"Your person feels blessed to have you interested or involved."
"Watch for red flags, know what they're doing to you, and do not get emotionally involved right away."
"I want to say I'm a seven because they're good with him, but I still don't ever trust nobody fully."
"A series that didn't just show you another world but made you feel like you're a part of it."
"Emotions are always involved in depth, but I'm not doing that for show."
"You're moving forward not only with your heart but with your money."
"Witchcraft is like love: it is meant to be felt, lived, experienced."
"You're inherently pouring some of yourself and bringing some of yourself."
"Football must be played with emotion otherwise will be boring."
"Your prospering is connected to your ability and willingness to have a whole heart."
"They want to come toward you, they also often check their phone or check their messages to see if you message them."
"Fear always makes you a participant. You can't be objective if you're emotionally involved. If you're emotionally involved and become a participant, then you are affected by the very things that you observe."
"Just enjoy the phase, don't get emotionally involved because somewhere it will hurt you."
"I actually started shouting at me screen you know I would be like wanting for guys to attack me because it's so [ __ ] good."
"I legitimately give a [__] yes this is my job but I really really really care about the people the men fighting."
"I could not stop thinking about it and I could not put it down while I was reading it."
"With every flick and tap of your thumb, you feel complicit in everything happening in the story."
"The thing about getting close in a case is that you actually start to burn..."
"There is no resolution to something like that. Tensions get high, people's emotions are involved."
"It's damn near impossible to remove emotions when a young mom is slaughtered."
"Whatever you're going through is connected deeply to a project."
"I really hope that she is found safe and sound. I hope she's in a good place right now, and not in dire straits, not in a bad area, but I worry about this, I worry about the outcome of this, and I'm praying that I'm wrong."
"They find you very attractive, they want this passionate beginning, they think about you a lot. They want to heal the situation."
"When you hear this story... I was hanging on every single word."
"Somebody was fear, scared of falling for you, scared of being too involved."
"But they're afraid of you walking away particularly not being interested not being emotionally involved being emotionally withdrawn and emotionally unavailable whether you have or have not that's their fear."
"The second affair I had was crucial to my marriage because I got emotionally involved."
"Sabrina finds herself emotionally involved with Dale, a close friend of Robert."
"Good writing demands honesty and a large degree of emotional involvement."
"He said: "That was probably the hardest part about it. I had obviously got my feelings involved."
"If it's an emotional affair, that [ __ ] could last years."
"Pay attention to the red flags in the acquaintance and casual friends stage, before getting emotionally involved."
"I don't think you can do this job unless you care about people. I don't think you can do it without becoming emotionally involved."
"That's what a lot of people don't understand. To have them emotionally involved in what you do is the goal."
"To have them emotionally involved in what you do is the goal. John made you feel, right? John still makes you feel."
"This experience has taught me to be a little more cautious in getting emotionally involved in relationships."
"Right, they want to see you caught up mentally and emotionally about somebody."
"An affair involves more than just physical intimacy; it encompasses emotional involvement and attention given to another person."
"I love that it makes you feel involved."