
Ongoing Conflict Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The battle for the soul of America is not over."
"The Insurrection is still going on though, isn't it? I mean, even the negotiations over the debt ceiling, that's still insurrectionists playing with fire."
"It's the reversal of the opium wars. It is the opium wars. We're still in them."
"There is still conflict here the holy war may be technically over but clearly there is a large group of humans including prominent holy Knights who deeply resent both the demons and the goddesses."
"We're not done today. There's still a war to win."
"These conflicts we're facing... they'll never go away."
"Estimates place the rate of Ukrainian tank hits at four a day since the beginning of the struggle."
"For the time being, the Court's ruling grants them that wish but the fight is far from over."
"Israel and the United States are still conducting operations in Syria."
"The Ukrainian morale seems relatively undimmed."
"We are witnessing chaos day after day after day."
"Every day is Monday and the reality tonight is every day in Ukraine is increasingly filled with more destruction and death for Ukrainians still trying to get away from a war they did not ask for."
"The more they cover this, the more you know this battle is still going. This is not over yet."
"This war is not going anywhere and Ukraine is going to keep needing American help."
"The Insurrection is not dead, it's not even over."
"The only area as I've said is Northern Donetsk where um as the Ukrainians need to be continuing this effort to capture the town of Krasni Limon."
"Cyprus was now under Ottoman control but that was hardly the end of the war."
"The battle is still waging, but the taste of Victory is on our lips."
"They've only got about 10,000 soldiers left. They're continuing their fire, they're gonna continue to try at the very least."
"This war is not about our freedom. The core issue why this war arose still continues."
"The battle may have been won then, but now the war, very different case."
"The Afghan National Resistance Front is still around and they are still fighting back against the Taliban."
"The French are not out yet, they're not out yet. They're still fighting."
"The gun devil can never be killed and will forever be used by different groups."
"I hate the fact that this war has been going on for ages because the US doesn't want to surrender or something weird."
"Household wickedness is ongoing, spirits don't die, they're still operating."
"The threat had passed, but none of that mattered if the Reapers were still out there."
"The games continue at the expense of Mr. Norman's rights."
"As long as the enemy is still fighting the war is not going to be over."
"The war in Ukraine is not over yet but the tide is turning and it is already clear who will win."
"Afghanistan is not done with the United States."
"There's a lot of fighting left, but I think history will show that this is probably the turning point."
"It's just Luke saying nope, the war is just beginning, the rebels are back and this ain't done."
"We cannot imagine Ukraine without Crimea and while Crimea is under the Russian occupation it means only one thing the war is not over yet."
"The reality is there's still a lot of work to do Russians keep bringing their mobilized troops to Ukraine."
"Anytime we hear about regime change for Russia...more propaganda...to keep the war going on."
"Putin's war in Ukraine is still very much in the headlines."
"This fight is not over and lives are being lost as we speak."
"The last Alliance exists because of them and the war that bears its name will not end until they do."
"The most important lesson that we have to learn they're never gonna stop"
"The Cyber War isn't just active; it's accelerating."
"People know they're under fire and that fire is not stopping."
"Keep fighting against CRT because the fight is not by any means over. CRT is essentially the racist notion that everything in the United States and from the United States is inevitably tainted with bigotry."
"There's no time for parties because this battle is not yet finished... and it never will be."
"Later we see Chris has still not retired from the BSAA, as the war on bioterrorism continues."
"Both sides predicted the fight over abortion would continue."
"The Masters of Evil... could be the perfect ongoing threat to the Avengers."
"It seems like this statement remains true about this war."
"Ukraine's military has reported further in the last 24-hour reporting period about Russia continuing to sustain losses in southern Ukraine."
"It is a battle, it is a war, and it has always been the case."
"This is yet another one of these stories that illustrates that this battle is far from over."
"The survival of the Ukrainian air defenses will have a tremendous impact on the rest of the war."
"And because we know this is a war that has been perpetuated against us and it will not stop because our open enemies have shown us that when we show weakness when we cry like Bakari did and beg and plead with them."
"War will eventually bring destruction, and if people don't learn the lesson, the destruction will not stop."
"The beef was far from over and 50 kept going at Ja Rule and the crew over and over again."
"Waffle, this fight ain't over. Prepare for a rivalry."
"The war is not over, and I promise you friend, the true enemy won’t wait out the storm. He brings the storm."
"This is pretty big news... this has been a battle that's been fought since May."
"Mark my words, this is not the end of the conflict."
"Even with the resistance, the battle still continued."
"They're still sending missiles and nobody really feels completely safe so please let's not forget about Ukraine and let's do what we can do to support."
"The Sons of the Harpy resumed their attacks."
"Both sides are content to embitter the other in a tit for tat battle without end."
"All of this is very complicated Heaven Knows we've been talking about this now for since the War Began."
"The Avengers and Spider-Man stood victorious, but they knew that the real battle was yet to come."
"If this is going to continue, we are going to see many, many unnecessary deaths."
"You thought the war on terror was over? Well, it's not. The war continues on."
"The hate forever continues even with the fact the two teams seem to face each other every single month."
"As long as Stannis lives, the war is not over."
"The war in Europe is over, but World War II is not."
"You're my brother, they are my brothers too. I don't know why this is continuing, but you're my brother. I have complete respect for you."