
Personal Criticism Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"I should just be like, 'to hell with Zuckerberg, he gets what he deserves,' right?"
"It's not bigoted to not want to just allow your country to be dissolved."
"I tell you what, there's one person that I'm really, really frustrated with, and I think that it's Jill Biden. Listen, she's been married to this guy for years, she knows him better than anybody."
"You're the problem not me. You're too sensitive. You're too touchy. You're too hair-triggered, whatever their words are."
"Do not be cross with yourself and beat yourself up."
"You've been called a try-hard, that just means you need to go outside."
"You should probably just take that criticism and throw it in the garbage because the odds are this person just fundamentally does not like you."
"Donald Trump is incredibly weak, he's an insecure little baby and the minute you trigger him he does something stupid."
"I think a lot of people that say stupid [ __ ] to me like I'm a piece of [ __ ] have never watched anything I've ever done."
"You're a loser if you take a game that seriously."
"The idea that someone is such a loser is so pathetic a worm of the entity that they need to cheat at Magic the Gathering is, you know, in a game that's for like a tick one ticks or whatever."
"Kids are unintelligent and Hunter Biden is really unintelligent."
"I know you've been complaining, but you weren't ready."
"Donald Trump cares about exactly one person and that one person is named Donald Trump."
"I used to downplay myself talking about why you live in hotels. You make all this money. Are you living in hotels? Why are you going from state to state? Are you running from somebody? Are you getting [__] in these hotel rooms?"
"Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps is often called the best swimmer of all time, but it seems like his aquatic skills are really all he's got going for him since he's apparently got a bad attitude."
"It's amazing how you call somebody crazy that accomplished [__] you never."
"Anybody that has the time to sit there and hate on somebody else, they're insecure."
"The groom's cousin told the bride she walked inelegantly, and she spent hours crying and refusing to come out for the wedding dinner."
"Out of all the money that fans say you allegedly stealing, you did not put 500 to the side to go fix the side tooth."
"You're too much? No, they're too little. They're reducing themselves to a place of mediocrity and they want you to do the same."
"That person is a f***ing loser, and you know they don't get it."
"That voice in your head that tells you... you're not smart enough... it's sad because none of it's true."
"The only way you primary Donald Trump and beat him is to expose him for the con man he is."
"When weak people get into positions of power, that's a weak man."
"He's the dumber version of Ted Cruz... still an empty shell of a human being."
"Don't compare yourself; you're too hard on yourself."
"All the faults that you can point to for all the criticism you can give to him."
"Self-criticism is diminishing your sense of self-worth."
"He's a looney, he's he's... look at him! Look at him! He makes Woody Allen look like a good dad."
"When people easily bore, it indicates a lack of inner resources."
"His entire video is full of him not getting the point and being incredibly slow on the uptake."
"You're too stiff and serious. You're also not exactly beautiful either."
"But tragically, that best outcome won't be achieved by David Roman."
"Just be mad at her for a legitimate reason not that she's posting about Cody."
"Criticism of the product is not necessarily a criticism of you personally."
"You're gonna be sitting there with your new beer company that's failing, realizing that you pissed your life away drinking at the end of the bottle." - Jake Paul
"He can talk about me for the next six years. There's nothing else, like, what else?"
"I don't care if it's controversial; I just think that she has a massive ego problem, which has led to her doing and saying a lot of bad and stupid things."
"Just the rampant cowardice you see, it's been a theme throughout her entire life."
"A fanboy knows a hater, and I think you're full of ****." - Wade
"For all his rhetoric of family, he doesn’t truly understand what makes a good family man."
"Stan's problem with you... is a condition called being a cynical."
"I don't think I'm ever going to be a better person if somebody says man, Jen, you're a jerk."
"Ricky said quote it's very childish that he's slating the place where he came from the place that made him good luck to him i hope he doesn't bump into us on a night out end quote."
"His albums have gotten measurably worse over the last like 10 years as he's gotten crazier."
"I mean, you are so arrogant after that shitty video."
"I remember when people started calling me fat and I was like 'I called you and I go hey man I'm getting called fat a lot.'"
"Crypto mindset, stop being a poor fat piece of [ __ ]."
"When someone is saying something mean to you and they're being a hater, it says more about them than about you."
"I can't think of anything too much worse than saying you're wrong for being who you are."
"There's a difference between hating yourself and being realistic."
"This person is being a genuine piece of [__]."
"I've had enough of him bro, he's a failed artist that's just trying to make a name."
"Nobody wants to be told they're not a genius all the time, especially not me. Nobody wants to be told that the child that you created here, which is your comic book, the thing that you made, isn't perfect. It sucks, man."
"They know now that Ted Cruz is a self-absorbed individual."
"Nobody cares about you. And the reality is nobody will ever love you the way that Bee did because you are shallow, you are weak."
"Anyone who's putting you down is unhappy with themselves and in a bad place themselves anyway."
"You sow this, you sow that, you sow rich, but you're such a punk."
"He is dirt. I mean, there's nothing you can do to make yourself attractive, nothing."
"His guest Adam is not only the worst kind of person who's wrong about everything, he's also annoying, smug, and a cringy beta."
"Being your biggest critic forces you to get better."
"You're just a shitty person, especially when it comes to someone else's body."
"Money does not unlame you. Now you're just the lame ass with money."
"I don't think it's just not smart enough, like I'm smarter than this."
"When women today will say 'I'm a 10,' you don't work out, you have a bad attitude, have you seen this entire video?"
"In 2030, the Second Tiberium War started when Nod forces launched a series of coordinated strikes against GDI bases across the globe, and Kane's return revealed to the public."
"So now he is stooping to the level of heinous a-hole..."
"No one is judging you as harshly as you judge yourself."
"There's nothing wrong with you. You're not lazy. You don't lack willpower."
"...don't always beat yourself up thinking that you're doing something wrong."
"You got to stop being so hard on yourself."