
Harshness Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"You don't know what that person is going through because you have to be going through a lot in order to be able to say something that cruel."
"Justice is often harsh and instant with little consideration given to miscreants and misfits."
"Alaska is beautiful and brutal, nature in the universe is beautiful and brutal."
"Being harsh is not wrong all the time; sometimes it's good to be harsh and sometimes it's good to be merciful."
"That's not how the world works, man. It ain't show friends, it's show business."
"Please do me a gigantic favor and take a long walk off a short dock."
"The ergonomics are a zero, you receive no points and may God have mercy on your soul."
"It is absolutely dog eat dog. There is no love lost."
"Some of the criticism was just so unnecessary, petty, and destructive."
"No mercy, no being nice, no participation medals."
"I realized after hanging out... that it was grueling and downright mean sometimes."
"There ought to be a special place in hell for fentanyl dealers."
"Smoothness is like the biggest factor honestly because who the [ __ ] wants to take like a harsh hit?"
"Isn't that horrible? Yes, and that is what war is."
"Whips for the women, they'll be twice as vicious."
"This man was a monster and I've got no sympathy for that kind of person, period."
"This is someone that's probably being very harsh with their words or what they say."
"War was a way of life for these predators of the north."
"My man really dropped an absolute garbage take."
"He's not personally magnetic, he has an edge to him and he'll cut people on the other side."
"Reality stabs you in the back because that's what reality does."
"Indiana Jones 5 or a bucket of AIDS? I'll take the bucket of AIDS actually if I can put in a fight."
"You're too stiff and serious. You're also not exactly beautiful either."
"There is no mercy or salvation, only punishment."
"There will be no remorse, no forgiveness, no mercy."
"There is no level of Jesus, no level of mercy in this world."
"He's mean to the right people, he punishes the right people."
"The truth hurts folks, I mean it is what it is."
"Investing is a Bloodsport. On the other side of every trade is somebody willing to punch you in the face."
"The weakest parts of the herd get called out, they're being deprived of their capital."
"No one wants to hear the excuses no one no one cares."
"Review scores are bullshit, and people in the comment section deserve to have very painful lobotomies."
"Life is far more frightening than a horror film, and reality is far harsher than a movie."
"Nature's brutal, it's tough man but it is really, really peaceful as well."
"Cancel culture nowadays is more like cancer culture."
"It's a beautiful game but also can be brutal."
"Life is nasty, brutish, and short."
"It takes a lot to make me feel like I've been a bit too harsh."
"What a nasty vile thing to ever come out of your goddamn mouth."
"It's nasty business, it's brutal business."
"I think you're being very harsh and I think that's most unnecessary."
"It's heartbreaking, it's cruel, and it isn't always fair, but that's life."
"The harshest landscape on Earth seems friendly compared to the desolation of Mars or the hellscape of Venus."
"Your sisters have got hearts of stone."
"That is not a soft message. Peter's using some very harsh language and it's worth noting his audience is receptive."
"There is nothing fair about life, life is ruthless."
"Your kid is a [ __ ] loser and an idiot and a sucker because this is all fake."
"They say the truth is bitter but believe me it's not bitter, it's harsh."
"Life shows you no mercy, so why should they?"
"He feels like you've been reading history from mossy stones under a bridge."
"Wow, what a harshly beautiful landscape."
"It's a harsh look at reality that doesn't let you avert your eyes."
"Lake Natron is one of the most inhospitable places on Earth."
"Amidst its breathtaking beauty and grandeur, the wilderness can also be a harsh instructor."
"I won't always be around to save you. The world can be a nasty place."
"What an absolute brutal delivery."
"In this cruel Korean entertainment industry, people trample on each other."
"You young lady are a very spoiled brat... I hope that you end up lonely and miserable because that is all you ever will be."
"I think that it sounds very thin. It sounds very tinny. It sounds kind of harsh."
"You're about to get murked, God does not want her to live, dang, that is harsh."
"It is harsh, it is severe, but it's a long and hard road."
"Nature never promised to be kind to us."
"They're not intellectuals they're not good they're not serious thinkers they're not serious writers like I said they represent cruelty and corruption and that's it."
"Salt and oil, salt and oil! Who said that's gonna be a good meal for the crows outside? That's brutal, that's so mean!"
"That's probably the meanest thing you've ever said to me."
"K2 is harsh, it's brutal, and if you can't handle it, you get off and you never come back."
"He's just an awful human being... he's stuck there and there's no vegetation for him to eat... there are no animals... this awful awful piece of human that doesn't even deserve to be on the bottom of someone's shoe has to figure out how to survive."
"Natural selection is an ugly process that has beautiful consequences."
"Sometimes being suitably harsh is in the grand cosmic scheme of things far more compassionate and the right thing to do."
"This alien world is as inhospitable as it gets."
"The desert is merciless. It takes everything from you."
"Speaking or acting harshly may sometimes be necessary to make someone listen."
"One implication here is that speaking or acting harshly may sometimes be necessary to make someone listen."
"You're a disgusting, spiteful, selfish, self-centered, attention-seeking, victim-playing, vindictive, nasty, egocentric, immature, untalented, unprofessional, insecure little man who does not deserve a place on social media."
"Everything's for a reason, so some kid that somewhere has cancer, come on, my [expletive], I'm saying it. That's not how life works. Bad [expletive] happens to good people all the [expletive] time."
"The harsh rocky world of Geonosis is located in the outer rim near Tatooine and encircled by a ring of dangerous tumbling debris."
"Yeah, he was pretty harsh, but in a good way, I mean."
"We're living in days where people are harsh and mean to each other, fierce, savage."
"That [ __ ] look like a a incest baby."
"Feels like this is the only safe place in something so cruel."
"Someone does not care and it's being harshly shown."
"This is brutal but sometimes you need a slap to your face."
"Every turn is a hard jerk and every dip is a rough slam."
"Be mean, be mean and if you're mean they'll love you for it."
"Nature was raw and untamed out there, it could be unforgiving especially in the summer heat."
"This is a place of great beauty, but it also can be harsh and unforgiving."
"War is a nightmare, it is awful, indifferent, devastating, and evil. But war is also an incredible teacher, a brutal instructor."
"Your eyes are like the best cameras in the world. So anything that is too harsh, your eyes pick up on it."
"The desert was unforgiving to those who didn't respect its perils."
"The world was a cruel place, she'd learned that."
"The desert can be a very unforgiving place."
"History is not always as kind to its subjects."
"The economy of the Arctic is a harsh, perfect thing."
"I never thought you'd be the kind of person to throw a child out in 10° F weather."
"Absolute honesty without wisdom is brutality."
"Grimdark is not forgiving; it hits you with the gross, the brutal, all that."
"Oh good morning, gosh that morning light is harsh."
"We're just too harsh on ourselves."
"For all its beauty and splendor, the sea can be a cruel teacher."
"The midwestern winters can be brutal."
"You cannot show any weakness; it's a very cruel and raw world."
"Life on the streets can be harsh and unforgiving."
"Central Australia, one of the most beautiful and unforgiving places on earth."
"Dawn came cruel, a dagger of light."
"It can be brutal out there but beautiful."
"Real world is just not a gentle place."
"Without mercy, without compassion, without remorse, all war depends upon it."
"The world was cruel, and the life of a Shinobi was unforgiving."
"There's absolutely no doubt that this is a very harsh environment."
"A leaden sky hung heavily over the steppe as the bitter wind whipped up the cold."
"The sun came up gradually, bathing everything in the harshest of lights."
"The terms of the treaty are harsher than the Germans ever imagined."
"It holds a mirror to some of the ugliest parts of the human experience."
"It's my antidote to a cold, hard, really cruel world."
"It's harsh but undeniably beautiful, one of my favorite places in the world to be."
"It's a cold world we live in, Clint. A cold, cruel world, isn't it?"
"The world is built by killers. So you better get used to looking at them."
"Mother Nature is unforgiving, and life on this planet is a fragile thing."
"This place is as unforgiving as it is beautiful."
"Life is cheap, and survival by any means possible."
"The Last of Us is a story of human struggle in a harsh, cruel world."
"No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty."
"It's always one or the other in the desert, a lot of the time it's both, and in July it's oppressively so."
"Patrice was the harshest teddy bear in the world."
"Sometimes you will say the nastiest things that you would never say to even your worst enemy, but yet you say them to the person you love the most."
"The world isn't a kind place, the world isn't even a fair place."
"Some say Namibia is the land God made in anger; endless stretches of savanna, a multitude of undulating hills, arid expanses, and the unforgiving Namib Desert."
"I think the winter time is the most challenging time of year; it's the most brutal, most unforgiving."
"Northern Saskatchewan, the land of living skies, landlocked and sparsely populated, this diverse province has a reputation of being equal parts beautiful and brutal."
"There's a particular wild beauty to this windblown landscape, one minute caressed by and the second minute severely punished by the ever-changing temperament of the Atlantic Ocean."
"The ocean is a magnificent, inhospitable place; cold, dark, and violent."
"There's no reason to show them any sympathy; outlaws deserve no mercy."
"Winter returned with a vengeance."
"All kings must be butchers, or meat."
"That's the harsh reality of Hollywood."
"Your warm voices are a blessing in this minus 21 degrees Celsius room."
"This is no world to play with mammets and to tilt with lips; we must have bloody noses and cracked crowns."
"The air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice on his cheeks."
"This world is very cruel, and there is no room for the weak."
"Destiny is all, and destiny is cruel."
"Create your own realities, man, 'cause the world is harsh."
"He explained to him that he was way too kind and naive for this cruel world."
"It's the realities that count, harsh though they may sometimes be."
"It's a cold world we live in, it's a cold world."
"The Earth, this breathing biosphere, is not a sweet mother nature; it's quite a wild witch of a being who sacrifices us very easily."
"It's kind of making me realize how brutal the fabric of society is."
"The prisoners called the island 'the devourer of men'."
"War is cruel, it's unforgiving, and it is not selective."
"The air turns bitter cold, unbearable in the grain, the mice miscarry, the birds flutter on LED wings."
"We are often harder on our spouse, harder on our children than we are on total strangers."
"The sun was high and pitiless, heat shimmered in waves off the stony outcrops of low hills."
"A land of ice, a land of wind, where the puelche blows fiercely when winter lays hold of the Southern Hemisphere."
"The sun had baked the plowed land into a grey mass, with little cracks running through it."
"The world is a cruel place, and it's home."
"That's a harsh thing to do to someone."
"The world won't become a kinder place only for you."
"Be realistic. The world won't become a kinder place only for you."
"The Versailles Treaty of our timeline was so brutal."
"Life doesn't give a [__] about love, life is cruel and life times and times again ruin that love."
"Forgive me for being such a harsh person on you. I never really meant to hurt you."
"The world could be a harsh place."
"Despite the savage nature of them, feral worlds are often useful for Space Marine recruitment."
"Poor guy went through 26 hours of solitary confinement; that's brutal."
"It is hard to imagine that something so beautiful would be so brutal."
"That was cold, man. That is cold."
"It was harsh as harsh as it looks, but it was a fantasy of beauty and wildlife."
"I know it's mean, but it's part of the game."
"Life can be ruthless, even at the best of times."
"The Freljord is brutally cruel; everything is frozen, and survival is everything."
"People are so harsh and judgmental without even knowing."
"Even if he is a tad too merciless most of the time, he is still a good friend."
"Cut, burn, and poison is the expression that describes the traditional three steps involved in cancer treatment."
"Nature is beautiful but also can be quite cruel and unforgiving."
"The universe is never that merciful."
"The world is cruel, but people are crueler."
"You may have great dreams, yet the reality is too harsh."
"This is a ruthless world and one must be ruthless to cope with it."
"Natural disasters are not fair, villains are not fair, the world is cruelly unjust."
"The north is hard and cold and has no mercy."
"Evil people should be treated viciously."
"Life is nasty, poor, solitary, brutish, and short."
"The middle of the winter is the most unforgiving thing about this world."
"You've been shielded from what's been going on out there, but what the world is out there isn't what you saw on TV. It is much, much worse and it changes you."
"The desert is the environment of revelation, genetically and physiologically alien, sensorially austere, aesthetically abstract, historically inimicable."
"Just kind of reminds you about the beauty and the brutality of existence."
"Each day a few short hours when a breath of frozen air pierces the lungs like burning steel, 40, 60 below zero."
"The truth ain't pretty and the truth ain't easy."
"Your Majesty, life is really unpredictable and human hearts are so vicious."
"The world ain't Sunshine and rainbows; it's a mean and nasty place."
"The town was all alone on the rosen endless prairie, where snow drifted and winds howled, and the whirling blizzard put out the stars and the sun."
"Sometimes direct questions can sound a little bit hard, a little bit harsh."
"The world is cruel, sure, but there is beauty in the cruel world."
"Disliking someone's laugh is probably the cruelest thing you can do."
"Freedom is beautiful but it's cruel too."
"Life on the islands is simple yet often harsh; there are no streams or rivers, therefore the collection of rainwater is essential."
"It's a brutal world, then there's too much room for compassion."
"We speak to ourselves more harshly than even our best friends would."
"Nature is so beautiful sometimes, and then other times it's nasty."
"Welcome to Everon, harsh planet filled with wind, rain, and way too much electricity."
"War is not glamorous and exciting and fun and cool; it's hell."