
Judicial Fairness Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"The corruption here is palpable and the prosecutor knew who Maurice Freeland was, offered to testify in exchange for immunity, and they didn't give the information to the defense."
"The judge must declare a mistrial with prejudice."
"Is it even possible for Donald Trump to get a fair trial?"
"Packing the courts is wrong, regardless of political stance."
"Judgment only takes place when the accused is present, hears the charges, and has a chance to answer."
"The system is just not always fair. If a compassionate release doesn't apply to Vicarina, I don't know who it would apply to."
"We have a duty to ensure a fair and impartial trial."
"A fair jury is a jury that's just not yet ready to lynch."
"Justice is depicted as blindfolded for this very reason. It doesn't matter who comes before her—all are treated equally. You destroy this foundation, and the rule of law becomes a sick mockery."
"A judge shouldn't be looking at a person and saying because of your political affiliation I rule for or against you."
"There has to be some sort of protection given where men are not named until after their verdict."
"I believe in the rule of law and that's what our country is about, and no person is above the law, not even the President of the United States." - Dr. David Guadalupe
"No man is above the law and no man is below the law."
"Better 10 guilty men go free than one innocent be punished."
"The only thing that in this country you are innocent until proven guilty."
"That was a fair trial in the system of white supremacy."
"What the Commission case said was that nobody in this country is above the law."
"The proposed schedule appropriately balances President Trump's constitutional and statutory rights to council and fair trial with the Public's need for promptness."
"Your investigation was not hindered at any point."
"But look, if they're successful in depriving the country with a fair trial, there is no exoneration. Americans will recognize that the country did not get what the founders intended."
"The verdict needs to be thrown out. Period. End of story."
"The idea is that the people are protected from cruel and unusual punishment and excessive fines and bail."
"A fair-minded person would now withhold judgment as to guilt until the report and the evidence are available for us to see."
"The court is appreciative of Mr. Wood's efforts to preserve justice and ensure a fair trial for the defendants."
"If it isn't true, and you buried this guy... that still is terrible for him because forever a huge percentage of this country is gonna think that he did it." - Cenk Uygur
"He's innocent until proven guilty, it's just facts until it's seen in court."
"The guy is getting railroaded the defense filed motions about the prosecutorial misconduct"
"He is not uniquely endowed by our his creator as better. He should stand trial, he should stand and be held to account just like you or I would."
"All parties coming before this court must be treated equally."
"The more I listen to this judge, the more impressed I am that he's actually a very intelligent man. He's actually really trying to be fair and apply the law."
"If we threw everybody in front of the judge and we were able to remove gender from it... it should be clear that it's 50/50, that there's no favoritism towards one side."
"My focus as a prosecutor was protect my Witnesses protect my case and by protecting the case that includes protecting the rights of the defendant protecting the case from undue influence from outside influence protecting the potential jury pool."
"If what the state has alleged here cannot be proven Beyond a reasonable doubt you said you would find her not guilty."
"You need to prove him guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, the women aren't being held to the same standard."
"If this had been you without the protections offered by a badge and a gun, do you think the courts would have been as lenient?"
"This is getting close to kangaroo court status."
"I believe in due process by and large. I was really upset to see Vic being destroyed without looking over facts first."
"That's not in dispute, but trying to get him to say he wanted them to die, I mean what a swing in and miss."
"None of these people should be held just on the basis of their political ideology."
"It was difficult to watch and shocking just like it is for everybody. I'm not passing judgment on the decisions my officers made. They will be given the opportunity to explain why they did what they did as they should."
"Innocent until proven guilty always because I think it could be false."
"If there is a scintilla of Reasonable Doubt you must have the courage to speak up and say so."
"The treatment of Judge Jackson was completely fair, completely incomparable to what happened to Brett Kavanaugh."
"At the center of the South African Constitution: the right for the accused to be heard."
"The burden of the state to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt protects us from tyranny."
"The charges are essentially we're going after somebody for being the victim of a blackmail attempt instead of the blackmailer."
"Here's the deal I'm saying that in terms of that's the standard you can't vilify someone and make the world think that they're actually guilty before the thing is played out you can't give them a serial killer name like the Kenosha shooter."
"You cannot have a fair trial if the jury cannot consider the question of was the disclosure justified or unjustified."
"Prosecutorial abuse doesn't have an ideology. It is a grave danger to basic issues of fairness and the justice system."
"There's no constitutional right to lie. You cannot punish the defense because you can't, you know, find him guilty as punishment."
"Why would they even believe the trial was fair?"
"There needs to be a political process... the voting system and the Judiciary are the places where we can get Justice on this."
"Judge Cahill was largely protective of Mr. Chauvin, he was very strict about protecting Mr. Chauvin's rights."
"An impeachment, after all, is not anything resembling a fair judicial process."
"Everybody deserves their day in court to defend themselves and to be able to prove something or not."
"I think it's painfully obvious that the defense would gain nothing from beating up a young witness about something else that happened."
"This is not a win. We've lost a life and all we can do is pursue justice fairly in order to bring justice to this family."
"Murder's murder, the outcome may be bettered but he should still be punished."
"The presumption of innocence: no principle more firmly established."
"Such state conduct risks undermining the integrity of the judicial process."
"Whenever justice is served, it should not only be fair but appear to be fair."
"They're gonna do everything that they can to make sure he gets a fair trial."
"I almost gotta just default to innocent until proven guilty."
"Cosby kind of... did not receive the beginnings of a fair trial."
"Equity is concerned with fairness and justice. It's a tool that federal courts have long used in other courts to right wrongs when there was no adequate event remedy available in law."
"The rudiments of due process include a judge is fair and impartial."
"Every litigant in the Supreme Court can be assured that I'll listen to their arguments with respect and an open mind."
"She calls balls and strikes; she's fair."
"Probably nothing is more critical to a fair trial and reliable verdict than the fairness and impartiality of the judge presiding over a case."
"The ultimate question is whether there exists a substantial likelihood that they were actually prejudiced or biased against the petitioner."
"Courts and tribunals will attempt to apply these principles as fairly as possible."