
Democratic Participation Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"The threats to democracy are real, and the only way to defeat them is showing up and voting."
"The antidote to a government controlled by a powerful few is a government by the organized, energized, inclusive many."
"Being a citizen in a democratic republic is supposed to be challenging. It's supposed to ask something of its citizens."
"Vote for democracy, vote for debate, vote against card vote 19."
"Democracy is a team sport and while the secretaries of State might be the referees we all need to play our part."
"Every single voice counts and it is so important."
"2018 has seen huge growth in the amount of people getting registered and voting."
"Instead of saying 'oh yeah those kids will save us,' ask 'what can we do together to save democracy?'"
"Yes, there are horrible, ignorant people in the United States and they vote."
"Just how much of an impact every single vote has... and I'm sure that there are still people... who are democratic voters who still haven't voted."
"It's a dire sign for the Democrats, but ain't nothing gonna happen unless you go out and vote."
"Your vote matters only when you're informed."
"That's the purpose of having your vote, it's your only leverage, but all your votes, or at least 90 percent of your votes, already counted for the other team."
"It'll be the greatest thing to see a wave of regular Americans saying 'we the people, for us by us'."
"I've always believed in free speech and the right of people to throw their hat into the ring and for the right of people to be heard." - Larry King
"A more educated population can make better decisions when it comes to voting."
"You really do not want ex-TV show people, people who've been doing dodgy business deals their whole life, they do not make good candidates."
"Thank you so much for showing up and saving our democracy."
"This campaign is not about just getting me in office. It's about you having the ability to shape this country in the way that you see."
"The larger number of people we involve in the electoral process, the more robust it would be."
"You should have a say in what's going on in our country."
"We should have rank-choice voting in this country so that people can actually vote the way they want and then not be worried about 'wasting their vote.'"
"It is we who have been perfectors of this democracy."
"I think it actually celebrates our democracy so well that literally anybody can run if they would like to."
"Don't create a situation where people are worried that you're the danger right, we never want to do anything physical never ever anything violent right but should you question legislators absolutely that's your job as a citizen in a democracy."
"We can vote with our dollars, we can vote with our choices."
"Your vote matters, regardless of whether or not it's a perfect system."
"The goal of an election is to convince the losers that they lost and to participate."
"Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people."
"Believe in your own power... all people have power in a government of by and for the people."
"I voted for what I wanted. I didn't win. You can stay and keep fighting, and that's respectable too."
"Everybody wants everybody to vote, but if you don't pay attention to politics, what the hell are you voting for?"
"People who voted in the 2016 referendum thought their vote would actually count for something."
"If you opt out of democracy, you opt out of all of it."
"Thank you to everyone for voting, regardless of which party you voted for."
"We need you to vote. If you aren't registered, you can't vote."
"I think the original referendum should actually have been a real consultation with people."
"Wow, like a lot of people voted, so I was just humbled and appreciative."
"We're supposed to have a republic we should at least have some say over our foreign policy right shouldn't we at least be able to ask some questions."
"The vote is the most powerful non-violent change agent you have in a democratic society. You must use it because it is not guaranteed." - John Lewis
"Make sure you can vote, make sure you do vote."
"If we do our jobs as citizens, we become informed."
"It really is the only realistic way to change anything... every vote really does count."
"The best thing you can do for this and pretty much for anything else that matters is to make sure the Democratic game is not broken."
"Everyone get out there and vote. You can do it. We have to give ourselves a chance to turn the page."
"What we have to focus on is that in 60 days, as of this interview, in less than two months, we are looking at a midterm election in which so much is on the line."
"Folks embracing democracy, celebrating democracy, and executing their role in democracy."
"We need to overwhelm the system with our vote, with our presence to remind them: I see you, I got you, I know what you're doing."
"Your vote is your voice. You want to make it count."
"Believing in yourself as citizens, you're the sovereign."
"Elections are bad, elections are suspect, elections are for suckers and anybody who's not a sucker shouldn't believe any election results anywhere. Elections suck, they're a hoax, they're a racket."
"The sacred right to vote is the most important right you have."
"No matter what the polls say, we should react by voting."
"Your vote is all that matters, so people have to get out and vote."
"The people have spoken. Not only did we come out to Council meetings in Mass, we have collected more than 108,000 signatures on a petition."
"We must have a vote for anybody that doesn't understand the urgency of the crisis."
"Many people look at social media as the democratization of information for them, their ability to participate in democracy."
"We need to inspire Americans... to reassert the right of We the People to run our own government."
"People, you're the real power. You're the real government. You decide what the world becomes."
"Your vote really does matter and your vote counts."
"It's very likely that the American people will have a huge role in saving our democracy."
"Convincing or listening to those seven million Texans as to why they did not vote and helping them to come to a conclusion that voting actually matters."
"The workers...would democratically design their transitions."
"Every vote matters, but it has to be done together."
"Don't just take everything at face value. Yes, we've got to be thinking individuals taking an active part in our democracy."
"Your opinions matter: propose and vote on our protocol changes."
"If Democrats really want to participate in these areas, they've got to get back and live with these folks and be part of their communities."
"Voting is you exercising your sovereignty over yourself to determine your own good and bad."
"When we vote, we are putting people in office to represent our voice, everyone's voice, black, white, whoever you are."
"The production of social skills necessary for active participation in a transformed, inclusive democratic community is essential."
"We as citizens can make the rules, the laws by which we live."
"It's easy to tweet; it's hard to be a participant on the right side of this democracy."
"Mandatory voting... moving on to the voter side."
"More than 130 million Americans voting, making their voices heard."
"Remember that you can use your voice by voting."
"We need to put people back in charge, not the political parties."