
State Politics Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"If you can distribute enough of these people all over the country, you can turn the so-called proverbial red States into blue States."
"Wisconsin is really good at figuring out what's right."
"Minnesota... I think it goes Republican for Trump."
"Georgia is one of the key states that Mr. Trump would need if he is in fact nominated and wants to win the White House in 2024."
"If we're gonna save America, it's gonna be through the states."
"Republicans are trying desperately in a concerted effort across multiple Republican-controlled States."
"Georgia flipped blue for the first time in 28 years. Our hopes for the Senate and our entire legislative agenda hinge upon it."
"I highly recommend influencing these states."
"Joe biden flips the states of arizona wisconsin michigan pennsylvania north carolina georgia florida and nebraska's second district."
"We're making progress in the state, you have made progress in this state, but there was a spirit that defined that progress, and that was community."
"Texas moving from a non-voting state to a voting state is revealing its true character and nature and genius."
"Democrats flipped a state house seat in Florida that Ronda santis in that District won by 11."
"The red states aren't doing this, only the blue states are."
"They're consistently behind the narrative on things like this and it's... Optics related but this is a state that used to be considered purple as recently as like 2012."
"The Republican convention is about scaring the living out of white people, particularly in the tipping point state of Wisconsin."
"Wisconsin came in, we won with Wisconsin, which hadn't been won in decades."
"You know this this presidential election is a testament to the fact that Georgia can absolutely be a blue state."
"The six other states were defeated not only by Qin, but by the incompetence and corruption within their top ranks."
"Every politician from your state that actually has influence on what's going on represents you whether you voted for them or not."
"Pennsylvania will be lean Republican so there's a few States left here I want to get to actually."
"Stolen election after stolen election. Blue State, Red State, doesn't matter."
"The signing into law of HB2492 is a giant step toward ensuring elections are easy, convenient, and secure in our state." - Jake Hoffman
"Tennessee is consistently the most insane State Legislature in the country."
"California will not survive... They've had enough, the public have had enough."
"Real change happens in state legislatures for better or worse and sets the stage for what happens at the federal level."
"This is the year of seeing a red wave blowout in Minnesota."
"So if you're in a deeply red state, there's still hope. Georgia flipped!"
"The battle brewing with Texas is playing a massive part in how voters are leaning on the immigration issue."
"Texans need to stand up and take action to protect gun rights."
"California, New York both went red, I believe it."
"Every other state practically voted more rightward than they did in 2012, but Arizona and Georgia shifted to the left."
"I moved to Florida away from California... Rhonda Sanchez's Florida is red as blood at this point."
"Louisiana is a state of four million people... if the DNC can't invest in Louisiana and flip Louisiana, fold the tent up and close the whole thing up."
"I think it's pretty fair to say that Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan are staying blue."
"Georgia is almost certainly going to stay blue."
"I am dead focused on saving Arizona. I don't like Washington DC, I love Arizona, and I want to save this state."
"We gotta flip Florida blue in 2020 and beyond."
"Democrats could actually be building up the possibility of an electoral trifecta in the state of Wisconsin."
"What happened with Janet prawitz and the Wisconsin Supreme Court here was a rejection of the identities that Republicans held."
"This is a major major victory for Democrats no matter how you cut the cake."
"By the end of the decade maybe even by the end of 2024 Democrats will have an upper hand in the state of Wisconsin."
"Texas is our chance to change what's politically possible in this country."
"Sorry, we're Progressive unlike your [bleep] hole state of Missouri."
"This is where we're at in 2023 in blue cities in blue States."
"Texas has been pushing very hard against HR1... we'll have to see what happens with it."
"California was a red State dude like California gave two major Republican presidents two of the worst."
"Right now, Donald Trump is looking very strong in the polling here in the state."
"I think Nevada is one that is primed for that both because of the dynamic that you mentioned but also it's very blue call it's a very working-class state."
"You can make a heck of a big difference in state legislatures, much more than at the federal level."
"If we win Pennsylvania, we win the whole thing."
"GOP-controlled states are leading voter suppression campaigns nationwide."
"Georgia, we turned Georgia blue. We won this election decisively."
"It feels like people are starting to realize that your vote matters whether you think you live in a blue state or a red state, a left state or a right state."
"You want to talk about a civil war, there is an internal civil war happening in the Texas GOP right now."
"Florida was scheduled by the Democrat elites to become a far left-wing state. Ron DeSantis had other plans."
"Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona is the meth lab of democracy. Hopefully she can clean it up."
"The nation state isn't going anywhere and the nation state honestly is a creation of the industrial era."
"Wisconsin will start to come home as many people start to realize that this is a repeat of the 2020 presidential election."
"The Georgia runoff still is a stinging open wound... it's a one-party state."
"This one court decision in this very purple state is going to have countrywide effects."
"She definitely will make a difference in these states."
"Texas is getting bluer right before our eyes."
"Powell's win puts Democrats back in control of the Pennsylvania house with a narrow majority once again."
"Never before has a runoff election in this state meant so much."
"If these republican rules in state after state remain in effect, it will be impossible or extremely difficult for democratic candidates to win."
"Democrats are on track to have a pretty solid victory in New Hampshire, despite this year being not that good for them Nationwide."
"Georgia has practically been a tilt blue state for quite some time, which puts the Democratic party in a significantly better position."
"Democrats are at their highest point ever in the Georgia Senate race, indicating a shift in a different direction."
"Florida is going to stay in the Republican column."
"Georgia could be the Republican party's last stand in a national election like this."
"Arizona is going to stay in the Republican column."
"Georgia has a 43 chance at going to the democrats."
"Historically that has been very important to Arizona that they have independent representation."
"The Georgia and Arizona flips cannot go unnoticed."
"One of the most important, if not the most important issue in Florida."
"When republicans don't play offense at the state level, what happens in California will happen in your home state unless we rise up in opposition."
"A third alternative is emerging in states like Tamil Nadu, altering political paradigms."
"We are absolutely seeing conservative takeovers all across all 50 states."
"I think Georgia is still fundamentally a red state."
"New York Senate passes the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of New York."
"More and more states are suing their republican governors."
"The state of New York, a democratic State and not exactly the one with the most integrity..."
"The key to taking a Battleground State like Pennsylvania is to go into the belly the beast in Philly and drive a stake Into the Heart of the corruption."
"Utah is a Mitt Romney State... they just want dignified defeat."
"Some states lost a lot of people in the last decade, and it's a trend that's showing no signs of letting up."
"Most ideas that we think of as progressive legislation in America usually start on the state level before they hit national."