
Bluntness Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"Yo, this axe is mad dull, I ain't going to lie."
"If you don't got money, don't [ __ ] talk to me."
"Gordon Ramsay is blunt. Gordon Ramsay is vicious. Gordon Ramsay will say it. He's like, 'You're a dumb idiot sandwich.'"
"You’re going to die someday. Sorry we had to break it to you."
"If someone believes that calling a sick person sick is an insult, well, [expletive] you."
"There's really no polite way of saying this: it's completely bonkers."
"There's a joint inside this thing, you can stand out in the wind, you know, a perfect first typical day in Chicago, just shoot monster hits [__] straight in your mouth."
"We might not believe in God anymore, but we still feel a sentimental need to be nice to each other. I'm not nice to people because it's sentimental; I'm nice because I'm not a fucking cunt."
"I'm not saying that there aren't some weird things out there."
"Their performance is ass, the hero's characters, that's it, that's all I'm saying."
"Life is too short to put up with [expletive] anyways."
"If you're gross, you're gross. Go and do some work on yourself. If you're broke, you're broke. Go make some money."
"Honesty is a virtue, unless you're using it to be very blunt and offensive and mean to people."
"That means that according to my math... you should probably shut the [ __ ] up."
"Super blunt but you know she's getting stuff done."
"This is a gangster regime that's the only words you can use to describe it."
"I'm going to make absolutely no effort to protect your feelings."
"This house has to be gutted, and I'm just going to be really blunt: you have to make a mathematical decision now."
"If atheists were honest, they'd admit their questions suck balls."
"Words cannot describe the level of mask-off stupid."
"Don't ever say that again because you look ignorant as hell."
"Every child is evidence that their parents had sex."
"President Trump's basic attitude toward the world is F all these people and that's his basic attitude toward the world."
"I need to make this team as shitty as possible."
"Yo, man, yo, he really gives no [ __ ] man, hilarious."
"Yo, he really gives no [ __ ] man, hilarious."
"He's like a carny, you know what I mean? If you have to cut your poo, you're not done."
"If someone's constipated, that means they're full of [expletive]."
"It's just being an [expletive] and nothing more."
"It's okay." - Charlie's terrifyingly blunt reply.
"Are you high or just incredibly stupid?"
"He was harsh but he wasn't wrong."
"This is not mean when it's accurate."
"I'm going to say whatever I want because if it hurts your feelings I don't give a [ __ ] because this is a [ __ ] real world."
"I actually said to them all, 'You're gonna die.' I could tell they were encouraged by that."
"I'm going to tell you right now there are going to be some feelings getting hurt here, but just know the truth doesn't have feelings."
"You need to shower because you look like [ __ ] trash."
"Science is interesting. And if you don't agree, you can fuck off."
"It's like if someone says, 'I don't like Van Gogh.' You're like, 'Yeah, well, you're an idiot.'"
"People appreciate your honesty, even if it's blunt."
"To be a medium you have to be a nosy son of a..."
"I say what it is point blank period [ __ ] you can take it how you want to."
"They're just a very honest, blunt, direct person."
"I'm sorry for my bluntness," he said at last, "and that's a genuine apology."
"You guys are extremely honest right now and blunt."
"You have a very irregular looking face, ma'am."
"It's like telling someone that the kid's ugly."
"Sometimes you just have to call a spade an effing spade."
"The truth isn't rude, but you can go out of your way to be extra polite," argues Calvin.
"It's the harsh truth that you need to hear."
"They say what they mean and there is a show on Netflix called 'The Bridge' where the lead character is a detective who is high-functioning but she is on the spectrum and she's very blunt in what she has to say."
"'Are you ready to look like a prick? You made that decision when you put that shirt on, mate.'"
"People really like your honesty even if sometimes it kind of hurts them. They're gonna come to you because at least they'll get the truth with her or him."
"Sagittarius, you have a tendency to not give a [ __ ] about what you say to people sometimes because it's the truth."
"She's being polite no she's just being an [ __ ]."
"You're the a-hole but you're also right. Let me explain."
"It sucked. Okay, that's the answer you're looking for. It sucked."
"She's maybe one of the only people who will just say what everyone else wishes they could."
"Excuse my lewdness but I got a boner for that."
"That's not what that means. That means he's stupid. Really [__] stupid."
"Why are you telling me that? You're like an autistic child interrupting the whole class right now."
"Christine was rude but she was blunt. Okay, and she would say it for a reason."
"I just like to be honest with it. It may be a bit blunt, but I hope you understand why. It's for the greater good."
"People who are just like, 'I just be too much to deal with,' when people say I'm blunt, they're completely disregarding the assholeness that they bring to that stuff."
"We're not dating," Aizawa stated bluntly, though his words seemed to sting.
"I'm not trying to be nice to you. Get your clock."
"Alright buddy, that's enough. Get the hell out of my store."
"'I don't give a damn, it's the truth,' Dad shoved the flask back into his pocket and draped another blanket over my sleeping form."
"Don't be dense, get your ass off the pants."
"Ain't going to sugarcoat it. Most of us probably won't get off death row."
"Sometimes you do need to hear like somebody just like being very direct and blunt so that it really gets into your mind."
"Blunt can be exactly that, it's straight to the point without any color about it."
"Blunting emotions is not a helpful way in the long run to resolve issues."
"You aren't wrong, Walter. You're just an a-hole."
"I would much rather be rude than not alive, if you know what I mean."
"She will tell you the truth, right, and even if it hurts, and she... and it... she is oblivious to the fact that it's about to hurt you, but that's the truth."
"They're not afraid to tell you what's up and they are blunt but I love that about you Aries you just gotta rein it in a little bit you know what I mean like not all of us are like that."
"She's a street [ __ ] her words not mine."
"To call it stupidity is what it is."
"Are you like that? They'll often be proud of that fact. They're like, 'Hey, don't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, but I'm just a straight shooter. I say it like it is.'"
"It's not gross, it's just a dick."
"She doesn't give a f*ck honestly."
"I'm not interested. Tell your sob story to the officers when they come knocking on your door."
"Where's the bird? Oh, he ate it in the back cuz he's fat."
"I'm Dr. Fauci, wear a mask until you're dead, and by the way, go [ __ ] yourself."
"You look so gross right now. Period."
"I'm telling you go [__] somebody else because it sounds trash."
"It's a crazy-ass world out here, my [ __ ], and I know you ain't been doing [ __ ] but you've been at home every single day in your room jacking off, playing video games, and that's it."
"Don't be afraid to be blunt and honest."
"You're going to die one day. I'm sorry."
"Damn, the guy you murdered was not hot."
"Blunt. I tend to be reasonably blunt maybe a little bit too much but I just always respected people that tell the truth."
"He just sort of tells it like it is."
"I'm not complaining, dumbass, I'm pointing out the obvious."
"It's the way he tells them the truth no matter how bitter it is."
"You've inspired a lot of people and impacted them with your bluntness, even if they weren't always ready for it."
"Distractingly beautiful... can sometimes be too blunt."
"You can just ask me if I killed her."
"I'm just honest with him. I don't give a [ __ ] what anybody's wild ass idea is."
"I'ma tell you like this, your ass is ugly from hand to your feet."
"He sees no use in lying and tells the truth quite brutally in fact."
"You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an a******."
"It's not that we're saying it to purposely be mean and hurt your feelings but we think that we need to say it and we don't understand why we shouldn't say it so we're just going to say it because we value truth and honesty so much."
"I'm not mean but I'm blunt and I'm honest. I'm going to be. I'm not sugarcoating things so don't think that if autistic people are being brutally honest they're not."
"Just do your tasks, guys, uh, shut the [ __ ] up."
"You are not a good guy so cut it out and get a shirt that says deadbeat."
"Are you high or stupid? I'm only a small-town cop."
"Love sometimes is blunt because truth hurts."
"I was like, holy [ __ ] you're a loser dude."
"I'm a pro at [ __ ] dissecting stupid and you are one of the dumbest human beings I've ever met."
"You just didn’t have to be such an asshole about it."
"So, my mom was, uh, what I think white people would consider craft in her honesty about all of that. But it's infected me because now I have a similar degree of bluntness."
"Stop pretending that you guys are these virtuous altruistic [__] like little babies like just shut up."
"That's just my assessment: mean and accurate at the same time."
"You got gifted with a bad mouth, didn't you? Terrible."
"Now, his emotional range of a gun with the safety off."
"Now I believe you're too thick to feed yourself."
"He's quite a... absolute genius... He tells the truth and doesn't mince his words... he's pretty blunt but eloquent."
"Did you catch a fish? Well then shut the [ __ ] up."
"I admire bluntness in moderation."
"This [expletive] cannot redact himself, he just gotta unload the clip every time."
"It's harsh but she's speaking facts."
"Tobirama was a stern man who spoke bluntly about most topics, never sugarcoating facts or the matter at hand."
"I think Anthony is just literally saying [ __ ] everything honestly."
"So many are afraid to give real advice or speak about the obvious."
"Please shut the [ __ ] up. Listen."
"They're stupid and f**k up all the time."
"He's just being honest, but that's actually messed up, bro."
"I literally replied back, 'I think you're stupid but thank you' because I do genuinely think he's stupid."
"You're a commentator, cut the [__]."
"Nobody cares about your hurty feelings."
"Put it in an order and shut your hole."
"I'm gonna look you in the eye and tell you, you're a selfish idiot."
"...that's just a fact she she is both bald and also a bigot."
"Let me crush your dreams real quick."
"I don't know how many people could just blur out the truth about someone being dead, dismembered, and just thrown from a helicopter like he just blurts that s*** out."
"People are dying Elizabeth. Grow up."
"Life is what it is. I'm not going to sugarcoat it for Gabriella, you, or anyone."
"Reading is good guys if you don't read then you're probably [ __ ] stupid."
"Well, guess what? When your ass hung over, you need a strong cup of black coffee to wake your behinds up."
"Honestly, it was just kind of that, like, I just saw her stand up and I was like, 'Okay, like, I'm about to beat this up.'"
"I feel like that's what they're saying with this it just they just don't care like we're not going to make up a fancy name we're just going to see what it is."
"She's keeping it 100, but she's also like BAM mean."
"I don't have time. I don't care where they went to college, what their favorite food is. I don't have time. Like, I don't care."
"The fool is the bluntest truth teller."
"I don't give a [ __ ] that's my response."
"You don't need a reason to be an ass."
"You probably ain't gonna get no ass."
"You are brutally honest with yourself and sometimes with everyone else."
"Sometimes you got to tell it like it is."
"Captain Marvel, no one likes you, go away."
"Can you two please stop the games and just get together already? How are you being this obtuse?"
"Let us be blunt. What would you have of me, my lords and lady?"
"Get your head out of your ass; you are smart, you could do something with your life."
"Sometimes you have to call things what they are, and sometimes you have to be blunt."
"I may be mean, but I'm not a liar."
"Welcome, Kitty. He tells it like it is; she's blunt, she's honest, she's at times harsh, but honestly, it's worth it because it helps so much."
"Facts don't care about your feelings; Freddy doesn't care about your feelings."
"He was a man of honor, it could be very blunt."
"Sometimes it's important to be blunt about issues, sometimes it's important to beat around the bush to be diplomatic."
"For all you idiots, welcome to reality."
"I'm not always kind, Joe, but I'm usually pretty honest."
"He's very truthful and honest with his words, that's why he comes out really blunt."
"This book is extremely dark. There are a lot of very devastating things going on in this world and everything is stated very bluntly."
"The difference between coffee and your opinion is that I asked for coffee."
"Facts don't care about their feelings."
"The only thing flat is his damn head."
"I prefer brutal honesty to hypocritical politeness."
"She doesn't shy away from really telling you the blunt truth, and I love it."