
Gaming Frustration Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The problem with crafting in later parts of the game is you're constantly getting bottlenecked by rare-ish materials that are just not easy to get."
"My horse decided it had enough of freezing and decided to take a bath in the lava instead, and it died, losing me my gold horse armor and my only saddle at the time. This was very frustrating."
"This enemy makes me lose time and I don't like it."
"Honestly, it's making me just lose interest in the multiplayer right now."
"I'm restarting the game just to make this character decision. I'm [__] pissed."
"This is why players hate getting coins from item boxes."
"CC chains in Vanilla were absurd, sometimes leaving you helpless for 30 seconds straight."
"I'm about to sue you, Minecraft. I'm not even kidding. Can I sue a game for being unbelievably mean to me? Because I'm about to, I'm a bouncing madman. Sue's game for being really unfair with diamonds, it just wouldn't work."
"Are you actually trying to annoy me? Because you're kind of succeeding. If you don't give me a diamond in like the next few seconds, I'm about to get over AIG up on you, man."
"I'm going to [ __ ] lose it bro like I'm actually gonna [ __ ] lose it."
"An entire day's worth of raiding and not a single pal caught. Pain. They didn't die but they've done nothing. They have not gotten a single lump of coal."
"This has made me never want to play E4 ever again. So, I might just become a Crusader Kings channel."
"The story kept me engaged to the point that even when I was frustrated with the gameplay, I wanted to keep playing to figure out what was going to happen next."
"I'm just trying to play the game, alright? That's ridiculous, man."
"I love buying games and not being able to play them."
"I'm not ready, I'm... you gotta be honest, every time I get into this game, I just... ugh."
"Harlequins might be one of the most frustrating armies to play against in 40k right now."
"I am mad at this game! I just died right but I was like, so that was so messed up."
"I feel stupid for grinding for something you can buy and even more stupid for paying a thousand dollars for a [expletive] game."
"I won without pay win, you know what this game sucks, I'm out of here, adios."
"You're a ball of manicotti, Mario, grab the ledge, damn it!"
"The floor melee is pissing me off, seriously, because honestly your aim once you actually start aiming isn't terrible."
"If we lose this game, it's not my fault, the game's fault."
"Sorcery is broken. Why can't I be lucky for once?"
"When I die because of lag, that is the worst."
"It feels really bad to get all the way to that final round and then lose not because you performed worse in the game overall."
"I hated the side quests to unlock size schnoodles."
"Let me know what you think about moving because of that power glitch every time we come back it's actually it is a little frustrating to have to reload the game every time just so it resets."
"I don't like that player. What are you doing? What is this nation? My shack, don't touch!"
"I find it really frustrating to play all the games now because I'm pretty sure you guys have probably seen me complaining a lot in a lot of videos recently."
"This is a terrible, terrible decision... I might never play Gloomhaven again after this campaign."
"Who tested the game, brother, and then thought 'Oh, do you know what we don't need a search function?'"
"I would be more angry about getting 35 anima power than getting zero."
"Can I please function as a character of this game and get my hard-earned freaking loot?"
"If I am conceding goals because my team isn't actually doing what I'm telling them to do, what are we doing?"
"There is nothing good about Pokemon Home. There's absolutely nothing good about it."
"I can handle bad mechanics, I can't handle just pure stupidity."
"Oh, good lord, for the love of all things holy, you got a patrol! You got a patrol! He didn't patrol, and now he's waiting for his monks to come in."
"I am literally the best in the world, me and 11 people are forever scarred by this game that plays three songs over and over. This game has no redeeming qualities at all."
"Why can my teammates die but I can't in 13-2? Should Sarah or Noel bite the bullet, you can immediately switch over."
"World PvP is trash content, it's [__] annoying."
"You're literally brain dead in the Battle Pass."
"I mean, I got four gold medals and got nothing out of it. I think the last game should count, even if I was in the lead. I think it should count, it makes it more intense."
"Love how he didn't even get the relic, like come on guys."
"I was supposed to have a FIFA Rose Rory video today, not a World Cup won either a regular one but for some reason I can't log on to FIFA."
"This weapon does a lot of damage, if I can't kill Melon with this, I need to Rage Quit."
"Bro what do I feel like with the 99 driving dunk I'm still going to like lay everything up."
"Oh my god, I hate this dude. I hate this man. Oh my god, dude, someone just keeps time stopping over and over."
"Nope, that's it. I'm done. I'm not playing anymore."
"I gotta make an iron pickaxe, I can't be bothered."
"This game hates me. Real quick, I know your thumb's having a hard time, but could you mash like really hard with your thumb to beat..."
"There's nothing worse for a game than players feeling like nothing they do will change their outcomes."
"I regret it, keep last, keep last, keep last, no I couldn't hit super dash in time."
"Truthishly, I'd rather fight somebody with McDonald's wifi than use Nobushi again."
"I just hate having to restart an hour's worth of gameplay."
"You don't want to feel like I didn't even know I was standing in minefield when I died."
"What can I do to change the result of this game other than flame my shitty teammates."
"I think I'm gonna rage quit, bro, I think that's what I'm gonna do!"
"Did you just die? I hate bedrock so much." 💀
"If that teleport was any slower I lose 90 hours of progress."
"This is actually the worst UHD. I have no book, you serious? I see a village but I know it's a hundred and ten percent looted like nine minutes into PvP."
"Why is it not okay to fail in any way other than the way that the game wants you to? So ridiculous."
"The frustration of facing ultra-defensive opponents, despite it being within the rules."
"Did you ever put your best foot forward to do your absolute best to be the best human you can be and then three people team up on you and snipe your king? So relatable."
"If that had deflected back and killed me, I would have lost my damn mind!"
"I'm bored out of my mind, Apex is making me lose my mind."
"Killer that killer is trash dude, bro literally everybody else pops off but you come on I'm done."
"This just says the loading is so bad. I want to try to change the position of Bogdanovic, can I do that? I can't, can I?"
"I never win when I'm the imposter... there's nothing I can do."
"This is actually insane, just let me play the game dude, jeez."
"Thanks, game, really appreciate it, you took my tent, you took my night in a tent and I'm just offended."
"I lost to Sam's monkey berserk gorilla no brain cell deck."
"You trop in, you get eliminated right away, and your penalty is waiting 10 minutes for the next game to start."
"I'm dead again, oh no no no no no no no no no all right all right I'm going to change Char, I got to be the rose we got to get this thing going here."
"Nah bro, what is my teammate doing? Play the game bro!"
"If you first don't succeed, pick yourself up and try it again. Try it again. Try it again. I have six balls left, Metagross. Please, bro, please."
"It makes the player feel like instead of trying to get some sort of mastery over the combat system they instead need to dump points into their statuary and slam their head against the game's content until they get through it."
"This level is a giant middle finger to the player."
"75 crit rate how have i missed the crit three times in a row."
"I hate it in playthroughs, so if I get yawned by something, I can be pissed off."
"I hate long multiple phase bosses even if they're fun."
"There are some unite moves that literally make me want to tear my hair out."
"You guys are right the Nether sucks I didn't remember being this annoying but holy heck those guys are super obnoxious."
"It's demoralizing and it makes you feel like what am I doing with my time playing this game that's full of robots."
"I hate fighting Zero Suit so much, she's just so impossible to catch."
"Shao Kahn in Mortal Kombat 9: extremely cheap, absolutely ruined the ending for me."
"Honestly, I'm sick of the Villager hunts. That's it. That's the tweet. Sick of looking for Lily. I want her to show up already."
"When the skill gap is so compressed, the game becomes extremely frustrating."
"I can't believe I just lost my score, I'm so triggered right now."
"It's frustrating, man, I'm trying so hard to find this meteor."
"We might unlock something, Steph. Your odds of success don't go up after a certain number of failures. Quiet, I need to focus, I need to focus! It's STATISTICS!! QUIET!!!! (RagePat)"
"Fuck yourself game, I guess. But you know, a lot of it is also very scary."
"I think the problem is when those RNG events exist in HoI4 and you have no control over them as the player. They're just frustrating."
"The one that lives in your memory, not because it was too hard or too easy, but whose defining quality is that it was just totally unrelentingly annoying."
"As annoying as it is to not be able to single kill someone, when you do finally kill someone it's very satisfying."
"Oh shoot, I missed. There we go. No, oh well. I hate it when I'm right, which means I hate it a lot of the time."
"Playing with randoms is a mess. You're level 85 and you can't follow basic instructions. What are you doing?"
"It's amazing what happens when your mid isn't perma-fucking losing when you're missing permanently dying like five times the shit Lane phase and down 100 CS it's amazing how much more stable the game looks."
"This makes no sense, okay? So I rate look at the knife, look at the blade, bro, the blade isn't even on me. Really. Okay, this game's terrible."
"I just did my last rebirth, but I'm still not gaining any crowns."
"Come on, I don't have the shiny yet! I spoke too soon about the internet."
"I hate you, I destroyed five of everyone's planks."
"I might just bail on life because, wow, understand on the server, on the cell. Okay, 'cause like, I'm not about to fail this dungeon a fourth time in a row."
"We don't like seeing this, nobody likes getting their stuff stunned, nobody liked playing as cannon."
"I'm just gonna skip the multi. I can't. I can't. I can't."
"What killed me? I'm sick of playing this game, I'm so sick of it, dude."
"I crashed again, all right I'm literally gonna rage quit."
"Why bother with challenges if XP is meaningless once you hit rank 155?"
"This game is cruel sometimes. If I get a third one of these before I get this one here, this rage one that I'm waiting for, then the game truly hates me."
"This character, if the boss dodges, it does not count... It's a very frustrating condition. It's so bad, it hurts this character quite a bit."
"Why can't I put it on there? Cannot modify this item, son of a damage crap on a cracker!"
"I don't care, bro. Hold on, they cleared my inventory. Nah, that's crazy. Since when did they do that?"
"Anyone who has played this game casually knows how much this stage sucks."
"Fatality I hate when [ __ ] do that."
"Fatality Johnny Cage is op as [ __ ] too."
"Voyage ruined, literally unplayable."
"There's nothing more frustrating than starting an RTS game and being like, 'Oh my guy's collecting berries from the bush... oh no, like archers on the horizon!'."