
Voter Influence Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Even the negging in the deep blue areas, we're like 'oh you know your vote doesn't count.' It does count."
"Biden is trying to show Americans that democracy itself is going to be on the ballot this fall."
"If you keep voting Conservative then they'll, uh, liberals will have absolutely no reason to support you. You have to keep incentivizing them."
"But you know, there are things getting done and there is a way to change things, and the people you elect do care about getting re-elected, and they want your vote and if they know that you care about stuff, they will change things."
"Illusory truth effect: consistent repetition of false info as the truth will teach the mind to perceive a fallacy as reality when confronted with the actual truth."
"You need to convince people that by not voting they are voting but they are voting in the wrong direction."
"So it does seem that they are still at the will of the market um in terms of what voters want."
"Super delegates only job is to act in the best interest of the party that's why they have never tried to override the will of the voters."
"Elections matter there you go and when folks vote they order what they want and in this case they got what they asked for."
"Hold the line, these Democrats don't deserve your vote."
"Your vote does count, and there is something you can do."
"The average voter's opinion has almost no relevance to whether or not that position gets implemented in policy."
"If that sounds like a great bargain to you, keep voting for him." - Ben Shapiro
"Whoever you vote for, you end up with wokeness."
"Voting means nothing unless you own that candidate."
"Their whole agenda is to tear down. I mean that's really what they are there for, that is where they get the Bona fides among their constituents, the people who voted them in."
"Call them and tell them how their vote on this is going to dictate your enthusiasm level for next cycle."
"The verdict is going to be delivered by the voters."
"The biggest liar wins, and the ones that can lie consistently win the most. They stay in office not by telling the voters the truth but by telling them what they want to hear."
"It's like Arlo Guth's Alice's restaurant: you march into a politician's office, you shout, 'If you want my vote, you got to vote solar,' and then you march out."
"But with the right message, there are an awful lot of Democrat voters that will vote Republican next year."
"You can't separate the progress of demographics, organizing, and justice. Black voters delivered Georgia; they delivered these other key states."
"Withholding your vote until you see something worth investing at him sends a powerful message."
"Black voters delivered Georgia. They delivered these other key states."
"For any sort of non-political maybe leans left middle American person who is like what would I."
"The Democrats are still doing and Hillary voters are still doing is trying to shame you to vote for Democrats. Bill Maher is trying to shame you, like it's your responsibility to vote for a corporatist warmonger."
"It's very very important for the voters in Georgia to take that into account when they vote in January."
"Democrats are more likely to deliver on the issues that are important to our community."
"We are not going to continue to be a slave... it's either cut the check or we will not vote."
"That's Donald Trump. He's like their daddy, right? They can't drive some of these voters to the polls without him."
"If you support women's rights and you're against the sexual abuse, how in the world can you put a vote in for Gavin Newsom?"
"If the GOP cannot win independent voters on Election Day, they can still win the House of Representatives."
"You take out that consistency and... you get... voters... having a candidate they believed was consistent..."
"Donald Trump's agenda is he has got to depress Joe Biden's vote as much as possible."
"The battle brewing with Texas is playing a massive part in how voters are leaning on the immigration issue."
"There's basically no difference between the Democrats on policy, so obviously voters are gonna look at personal story."
"I just can't believe people asked me what about swing voters. Unless you don't have a clue what's going on."
"If we all vote, there is nothing Facebook, Fox News, and Vladimir Putin can do to stop us."
"You can't fix stupidness but you can vote it out."
"Everybody needs to be concerned with earning our vote."
"Convincing half of the country that if they vote it doesn't count, that's how democracies fail."
"He went after those leading figures in the establishment in a way that animated those voters who stepped back."
"This 2024 is at the top of the ticket a choice about are we going to continue to have a democracy is your voice is your vote going to continue to matter or are we going to have an autocracy right the it's that's it."
"This election will decide whether we restore the rule of a corrupt political class or whether we declare that in America, we are still governed, we are the people, we govern, we govern with the boss, we're the people."
"We can't have a guy like this. The guy doesn't have a clue."
"The only thing that didn't matter in this presidential election is the voters. We literally didn't matter at all."
"The Koch brothers are supporting these kinds of things because it gets votes."
"If we can't define who and what is sellouts... then we're going to continue to vote for people."
"There's not a lot of people happy about this book. If you don't write the truth about these things at a point where the voters in South Korea or the voters in the United States can act on it, I think you're doing a disservice to the people."
"San Francisco voters have delivered a clear message that the school board must focus on the essentials of delivering a well-run school system above all else."
"Black folk sitting this out is a political strategy."
"They're coveting the black vote without giving us anything substantive for it."
"This is the biggest political issue of our decade... decided by the electorate with that very large 17.4 million vote in favor of leaving."
"I think Andrew Yang sat down and tried to come up with a plan that would work and he's not just telling people things to win their vote like Elizabeth Warren seems to do."
"You vote for the sellouts, is what you're saying."
"Every day that Trump does something crazy, the door to voting for Biden opens a little bit more."
"So for them the issue is always to prepare the population so that the election never does what it could do so that it's an empty potentiality never realized."
"If Joe Biden conducts an entirely Mass grave campaign... it'll be hard not to get my vote."
"It's like, this will help galvanize his base. He's probably going to win reelection because it is such a fraud."
"Democratic voters should be pushing their politicians to push for single-payer. There needs to be pressure on this."
"It's dope, right? But I [ __ ] hate it because the cannabis community is always used as like a pawn when it's vote time."
"Trump brought in new voters but he also converted Republicans to the Trump party."
"Your vote on Saturday is your chance to show the radical left Washington Democrats that Louisiana rejects their extremism and their corruption."
"The point of the debates is you're not going to change anybody's vote."
"If you don't like what's going on, you know who to vote for."
"They're gonna try to gerrymander America up into these little things where it's like, 'Well, you believe in this, don't you? You want tax cuts, rich guy, so vote Republican.'"
"The moment that people understand that they could vote for people who will then give them money or goods or services, that's the end ultimately of a functioning democracy."
"They're afraid of losing our vote. Make your case for what you believe." - Andrew Klavan
"If at any point a Republican can get 20% support from the black community, a Democrat will never win again."
"So it turns out you can elect uncorrupted, clean progressives who actually fight for you."
"The only way you will ever affect policy is to show the Democrats that you will not vote for them and you will vote for a third party. That is the only way."
"Donald Trump demeans that every day every day so for Trump to go out there and try to tell all of us that you know all of you Christian voters you evangelical voters you pro-life voters you need me crap we don't need them."
"They've created wedge issues like abortion and guns to convince people to vote against their own interests."
"Ultimately, voters are going to put a stop to that."
"The mugshot made Trump officially gangsta. Voters who have consistently voted Democrat are now voting Trump almost solely based on that image."
"Development fetches votes, transcending caste and religious barriers."
"She exposed cracks in the support that he needs."
"Once the voters' sentiment changes and we're on board with getting rid of politicians, that's the major tipping point."
"Don't vote for either party, show them your power."
"Your one voice could be the reason they wanna show up to a poll."
"Supporting a transcontinental railroad for votes."
"Fake news coverage of Russia collusion hoax impacted fifty percent of voters in 2018."
"The black vote is not gonna be for free. We're gonna have to see some promises."
"So the more that people hear the Republican or Democratic message, the more they're likely to vote for that side."
"Everyday American voters are starting to support members of Congress that don't just do what lobbyists tell them to do."
"Every vote matters, every vote counts. So if Trump is maintaining his rural margins at the western part of the state and he does well again in Union County, pretty much everyone you talk to says Union County is going to be very telling."
"Biden won because Democratic primary voters were persuaded to abandon any policy desires in favor of just beating Trump."
"The only people who can stop the madness in America are the voters."
"Black voters have so much power, their vote."
"No black agenda, no black vote, it ain't happening."
"If voters care, politicians will take action."
"Leveraging the black vote and black power to really do something big in the South."