
Personal Renewal Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"This person has learned a lot from whatever's happened here, and they want that brand new beginning."
"Time to put the past behind. Now I’m living. All is forgiven."
"This year cannot be a new year unless there's a new you."
"Falling back in love with the things that I love."
"And I ask God that you would just come in right now and wash my mind, wash my heart."
"August is going to be a great month for letting go, releasing, clearing out."
"I want a fresh start. I'm tired of hiding my house, tired of hiding my bad relationships. I want a fresh start."
"You regain your strength, your passion returns."
"Forget the former things and do not dwell on the past."
"I feel renewed and I feel refreshed. I don't know about y'all but I feel good, I feel good as hell."
"Every day is a reset: 'You get a chance every day to become the flower again.'"
"Show us how to resurrect that part of us that was once dead."
"It is a plan to turn our national recovery into millions of stories of personal renewal."
"We have finally liberated ourselves from some old hard chapters of life and grounded a new chapter in life to make it stronger."
"Once you really grieve this, there's a whole fresh start waiting for you."
"I am going to do all signs new love read for new love people or people that want new love because I'm tired of picking up on this past [__] all y'all fighting. Hallelujah, some of you are probably saying that, ain't you, when I just said that."
"It's time for new energy for you, it's time for the magic to return into your life."
"October, November, December: stepping into a new version of yourself, a year of flow and harmony."
"There's a definite new connection here and it's going to help you to fill up again."
"It's like you're gonna see things with like fresh new eyes."
"Ending endings that bring Healthy Beginnings."
"The good news is, within each of us is the big eraser."
"Let revival start with each of us. It is time."
"Having a second chance to do my life all over again was a godsend."
"October through December, you're no longer in the desert, you're in the oasis."
"God, I need a divine restart. Come into my heart, reset my thinking, reset my emotions, reset my desires."
"As long as I stay true to myself, all those other narratives will fall by the wayside."
"Renewal and rejuvenation are on the horizon."
"Renewal comes from taking time to rest and reflect."
"It's the metaphorical death of the old Nikki and a hopeful better tomorrow."
"Personally, anything that's been holding you back or hindering your path is automatically left behind this month as you emerge a brand new you with A Renewed Energy and Vitality."
"I've seen people say this is the best thing they've ever done, they feel brand new, everything's fine, they're in the garden, they're on their knees, and everything's great."
"I believe that only by bravely facing the truth and starting anew can we have a new chance at life."
"Step off the path and find sanctuary to reassess and renew."
"This Aries full moon completes that cycle for us and has us coming back to the self."
"Victory for this Jesus is sitting with his bros and empowering them to go out and make the world a better place."
"It's time for reconnection to experience a new version."
"New moons are all about new energy, new starts, new beginnings."
"I'm looking for that great flash and spark that's gonna make me just want it again, feel it again."
"Release your past and start a new journey, you are a teacher and helper of others to find their way."
"Cast off the energy that no longer serves you and create new strategies. Finalize your ideas, get moving, there is no time to waste."
"The universe wants to turn over, it wants to give you a clean slate, but it's up to you to let it."
"You deserve to get back to yourself and as part of the natural cycle of life enjoy the next phase as you create the time for yourself to rest recuperate and relax."
"If the light in your eyes has gone out, start a fire."
"You have broken free. Their plan didn't work."
"You're coming back to yourself but even brighter light, even stronger, even more powerful."
"Let me throw that away and start all the way fresh."
"Lord, I renounce the following things that you know, the secret things and the shameful things that you've been trying to keep hidden."
"Utilize this Leo new moon and this Lion's Gate energy to cleanse away all the emotional and mental debris that no longer serve you to allow all this beautiful new energy in."
"This is you coming back to life, all right, from the inside out."
"A rebirth is assured, such, you will have that freedom again."
"Being born anew in a new moment, in a new moment."
"Cosmic reset time. Let go of old conditioning, embrace authenticity. Saturn hitting your sign brings rewards."
"Feeling like a new man after the ball, bro. Hold A to Sprint, that's a crazy way to start the game."
"Renewal is coming, don't give up on yourself - set goals, take action, and shift the energy."
"Transform me, create in me a clean heart of God."
"You can die to the pain of the life you've been living and you can resurrect to a whole new world."
"A difficult chapter of restriction, lack, loss, challenge, all of that is what is going away. That is the old. You're saying goodbye to it."
"Shedding out the old to allow the new, protected by angel wings."
"Approach it with a new sense of self, a renewed sense of acceptance, self-love, and excitement for what you're capable of."
"I found a new start and built something they could not touch."
"Begin putting off the old ways and being renewed every day."
"I feel like I got a new wind as to the person I am."
"Christmas has always been my reset in the year."
"There's definitely like a healing or a renewal."
"You've got a new life, she's got a new life. That's it."
"Dopamine has this incredible property of rejuvenation that can allow us to not only endure but to renew and regenerate our ability to lean into hard effort again."
"Being alone can lead to introspection and renewal."
"Rise from the ashes. Renewing growth, changed mind."
"I kind of had a resurgence and everything I've obviously been on like somewhat of a health journey I've been losing weight but even that aside I just feel like I've kind of recharged my purpose."
"For some people, you could feel a renewal this week... let's go, you could even feel like finally finally things are clicking into gear."
"This is gonna be like you guys are starting a new chapter a new cycle that is really gonna bring you a lot of inner peace a lot of inner fulfillment and a lot of the excitement."
"Focus on that rebirth, new life, leave the junk of the past behind, take out the trash."
"Walking away from old patterns and embracing renewal."
"I am feeling that right now more clearly than I've ever felt it before I really am that the old is falling away and I'm I really feel like I'm kind of starting afresh with a blank canvas."
"How do I transition from one soul identity and pour the cup out to begin again?"
"Sometimes you gotta start fresh, start from the ground up."
"There is going to be a rebirth happening for you in the month of November."
"You better go make an album. You better start over. You better remember what God put back in you because I believe that you are talented."
"Goodbye yesterday, hello today. I'm coming out of my comfort zone."
"You're starting anew, your energy is going to be lighter."
"This spring is often described to have this very symbolic meaning of rebirth and new beginnings."
"You seem to be feeling re-energized, you're feeling renewed, you're feeling optimistic about to the future."
"You'll be surprised by how things sort themselves out once you've replenished your energy."
"It's like every day is a chance to start fresh."
"Each new moon marks a fresh start, a chance to rewrite our story and manifest our desires."
"This person is ready to socialize again, ready to give it another try."
"Your connection is clearing out a lot of the old, clearing out a lot of things that create feelings of burnout and exhaustion."
"You're going to have new beginnings and love in your life and your good news is coming your way."
"Take the time you need, replenish your soul so you can be the best you again."
"Becoming childlike again, innocent, a state of innocence, the return to innocence."
"There's a rebirth coming for you, whether in money or love stability."
"I love a new year. I love a fresh start. It's very motivating to me."
"New week, new me, everyone, but seriously this time."
"I absolutely am so happy and grateful to be coming out of that season of my life and I am going to make this year the absolute best possible."
"It's a new year, new me apparently since September."
"There's almost like this idea that you need to cut something out of your life and in doing so you get a new beginning."
"A new beginning is sparking excitement and motivation within you."
"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life."
"There's a new beginning that will take place for you."
"Sometimes you gotta walk away from everything that once was in order to get anew, in order to upgrade."
"You don't need to be stuck, you can start fresh and new."
"I will arise with your power no more backsliding by your grace Lord help me to arise."
"The venom has been pulled out. She can now start new, start fresh, clean that poison that Vince McMahon poison."
"They feel like you've sparked their interest in life again."
"It's time to regain your sparkle, shift your perspective."
"We have been told that we have been made a new creation and that we're not to conform to the world anymore. We will be transformed. I love that."
"Create me a clean heart, so you're asking the Most High to put in you a clean heart."
"This is a chance for you to really let go of an old skin, an old layer of something that existed here."
"There's something about fall isn't there where you just feel like ah um I don't know you're literally turning over a new Leaf so I'm just feeling really good about the nature of my Channel right now."
"Embrace the new path ahead, a fresh hope, a fresh sort of look at the new year as you shift that energy."
"It's transformative, shedding away what keeps you stuck, like the tower on fire, making room for something better."
"Can you allow your heart to receive that resurrected power that allows it to beat again, that allows it to pursue again, that allows it to see again?"
"Cut through the past's ties and embrace new opportunities for growth and rebirth."
"That was fantastic, I feel like a completely new man, I am like a totally new person, totally refreshed, rejuvenated, want to shock to the body and rolling in the snow that was the highlight."
"I just want to be free of everything I went through. I just want to be the new Starina."
"I feel like I need a spring reset in my life."
"It's a new day, it's a new life for me and I'm feeling good."
"A new week, a new lease on life, a new Matthew."
"Your time to rest and reset is here. Release all that does not serve you. Stop resisting. The void is the time of possibility, not just darkness."
"Feeling free, feeling like I get to start over again."
"Remember that childlike innocence. You're being reborn again, almost."
"A new cycle coming in when it comes to yourself."
"I haven't celebrated my birthday in years but I feel like I'm coming out of that hermit mode energy."
"I am restored, I am myself, I am now and forever Mister E."
"He got something out of me that I haven't had come out in a long time, and that's hunger, creativity. It's the will of doing good again."
"Renewing and refilling does not mean that you've done something wrong. That means you're getting everything right."
"Whatever was dead inside of you is about to be alive again, whatever has been buried is about to be resurrected."
"I feel like a new man; who would have thought working at this company could be so sweet?"
"This can be our day, yeah, to start over, and some of us need to."
"I'm rejuvenated, I'm excited, I'm ready, I'm back."
"Lord, send a revival, and let it start with me."
"It's in all of us, the craving to feel new again."
"A new chapter is literally opening up, this is rebirth, this is a fresh new chapter."
"I feel amazing right now. I feel like I've gotten a second lease on life."
"The laws of God is given to you to be changed, to make you a new man."