
Marine Corps Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Marine boot camp is extremely challenging – both physically and mentally."
"For the Marine Corps to look over at the 77th ID guys... and go 'you're one of us,' that's the best compliment the Marines know how to give."
"I joined the Marine Corps when I was 17 years old, and when I came out I was a certified full-grown man."
"Being a Marine is not about being the toughest, strongest, or the fastest. It's about teamwork and camaraderie."
"When they walk across that parade deck on training day 70 and they graduate, they're no longer recruits; they're Marines."
"Presley O'Bannon and his eight Marines had done the seemingly impossible."
"Once you're a Marine, you're always a Marine."
"The Marine Corps has an incredibly powerful culture. I think it might be the strongest culture in the world. Absolutely, I couldn't agree more."
"I stand before you as a symbol of leadership, and your respect for that leadership is vital if we are to carry on in the proud tradition of the United States Marine Corp. Is that clear, boy?"
"That's me, the Marine behind the Marine. That's right, the backbone of the Corps, the leader that takes green recruits and molds them into men. My eye."
"Graduation is only a few days away the Marine Corps wants killers they trying to become Killers today you are Marine the training is finished every Marine is your brother most of you will go to Vietnam."
"I was starting to get in a lot of trouble. The only place for me was in the Marine Corps. It's one of the best decisions I ever made."
"It was a situation that's only gotten worse over the years because if you go to 29 PMS now it's a 100% chance you've heard the story before if if you go to botam now there's an 80 90% chance you've heard the story before I mean it is Infamous in the Marine Corps."
"The Marine Corps really gave me the opportunity to change the trajectory of my life for the better."
"The Marine Corps is a lifesaver for you, who knows where my life would be right now," Jocko acknowledged.
"You go to Marine Corps boot camp, wherever, young service members find themselves and they raise their hand and make that commitment," Chad explained. "It doesn't matter what color you are, if your dad was rich or poor, it's on you to change the trajectory of your life."
"I loved every bit of my time in the Marine Corps and I wouldn't trade it for a thing."
"Now when you went into the Marine Corps where was your first duty assignment what was your first duty sniper training."
"I knew the Marine Corps was the most difficult branch and I always saw a bigger future for myself and I thought might as well take the most difficult route and I love it, no regrets."
"The Marines do a superb job of it... They spend two or three weeks tearing you down, making you nothing, then spend two or three months making you a Marine. And it works."
"The U.S. Marine Corps: the few, the proud."
"Look at that demon dude that's a spider that's been ruling the world for 800 years that tried to kill a child is that who we take orders from is that what we're here to do as Marines?"
"Marine Corps always do they always do the most with the last and that's just Howard trade."
"Making effective decisions and acting on those decisions faster than the enemy is a crucial element of Marine Corps tactics."
"You represent the Marines, and that's what I went in the military for. I always carried that with me. I always felt the Marine infantry was the tip of the spear."
"Marines with a growth mindset understand that they have control over their individual learning and that additional effort pays off."
"He believed that the Marine Corps saved his life and had the ability to do the same for young men and women now and in the future."
"It's a very interesting time in our Marine Corps history."
"The Marine Corps has always maintained and celebrated its birthday as November 10th, 1775."
"It screams Marine Corps because this is the rifle that has ultimately replaced the M4 for most, if not all, infantry units up to this point."
"The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years."
"The physical stuff was just an aspect of it to me, it was the values, the core values that we had to live by as Marines."
"The one thing in the Marine Corps is to adapt and overcome."
"I wanted to be with the best, and I believe the Marine Corps was the best."
"I'd always wanted to join the Marine Corps... I read about and heard a lot about the Marine Corps."
"By their devotion to duty, the officers and enlisted personnel of First Marine Expeditionary Force reflect great credit upon themselves and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service."
"I was in the Marine Corps, yes sir."
"Everything I ever accomplished, I owe to the United States Marine Corps."
"I enlisted in the Marine Corps the day of my 18th birthday."
"The Marine Corps trains us all well; I was well trained. The average Marine's pretty darn good in my book."
"He joined the Marine Corps to better himself."
"Approximately 150 people have received the title of honorary Marine."
"It's just the amount of pride that goes into being a Marine and the esprit de corps, as we call it, that just adds so much more to the job."
"He's on a mission. He's got the U.S. Marine Corps mindset. He doesn't care what's in between him and accomplishing that mission."
"The weight where I am right now is essentially the weight where I was when I was 21 years old in the Marine Corps."