
Prophetic Vision Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The prophets slicing them saw a dream of lailatul cutter and he said but I forgot the exact night so he said look for it in the odd nights of the last 10 nights of ramadan."
"I'm releasing this right now as I'm praying. I am feeling the anointing is intensifying on me for many of you to be receiving dreams and visions from God."
"I believe what we're really seeing here is a prophecy that is made for all of us... it's a prophecy of our time... of what we're heading into."
"Jesus affirms Daniel, and Daniel says that the world is going to be ruled by four great empires. It's going to culminate with the rise of the Antichrist and it's going to end with the return of the real Christ."
"We live in the day that 'our forefathers have awaited with anxious expectation.' We have front-row seats to witness live what the prophet Nephi saw only in vision."
"The Antichrist will come up with a new order where you can't buy anything, work, or travel without the mark."
"This is the time for seers to come out and start speaking out what they see."
"The cycle is already written God wrote The End from the beginning."
"You will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of the power and coming on the Clouds Of Heaven."
"We're moving into the greatest days that the church has ever seen."
"The rise of sheep nations, nations that are not gonna allow themselves to bend the knee to the dragon or to the Beast."
"Step into it today and we speak it over the whole of Aglow, those far and wide. It will be felt, every eye will see, everyone will come into the understanding as we go forth as new."
"In preparation for the return of Israel, the land is required to shoot forth its branches and yield its fruit."
"Abu Bakr's full belief in what the Prophet brought."
"For the vision is yet for an appointed time, and at the end it shall speak."
"Imagine what the world would look like with 7,000 prophets in every nation."
"Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men just to begin with a terrible winter, a king or queen strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark."
"I see into the future far into the future and I read the Doom of the race of my oppressor."
"Can you imagine what's going to happen because these proclamations of his word, all in writing for you? Imagine what's going to happen in your life, in your home, in your family, in the people you work with."
"There's a generation coming that is going to have to know how to set people free."
"The Lord is preparing us to hold the new wine, cleansing and purging the church for what's coming."
"It's a flipping of the tables... the wealth of the sinner who stole our inheritance is stored up for the church."
"These days that are coming are the most glorious days the body of Christ has ever seen."
"After this I looked and there before me was a door standing open in heaven, and the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, 'Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.'"
"I speak and I prophesy that every dream of our world of tomorrow is going to come to pass."
"God has talked about this for over 20 years, that this is his plan."
"In this new glory that is coming, we will have prophets where not one of our words will fall to the ground."
"A dream from Aegon the Conqueror himself called the song of ice and fire."
"The Lord is raising up a generation of Elijah-type prophets who are going to stand... in front of kings and presidents... God will back up their words with power."
"The greatest glory, presence, goodness of God is coming to earth... it's starting... it's going to keep growing."
"Leviticus looks forward to the most incredible future yet to come."
"All the prophets have looked forward to our day."
"The lights of Saxon England were going out, and in the gathering darkness, a gentle gray-beard prophet foretold the end." - Winston Churchill
"God is about to do something so big. What I have seen in the spirit is about to manifest in my face."
"I saw a picture of President Trump playing chess again. Now he's couching this as a prophetic vision, right? He saw in a vision Trump playing chess. President Trump playing chess again."
"Merton's prophetic message invites us to reshape our relationship with technology."
"Bless the coming and going of him. May his passage cleanse the world."
"I went right into the future, and what I saw was the end of the ages. We all make it; we're all in one accord, singing at the throne."
"A seer hath the Lord raised up unto his people."
"This dream that you had, it was not just a dream, it was actually a prophecy."
"The hour will not come until the Arabian Peninsula becomes as it used to be, grazing grounds and rivers."
"The dream applied to the latter days; the kingdom of God is at hand."
"Living waters shall flow from Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea and half of them toward the western sea."
"The Kings shall shut their mouths at him; for that which had not been told them shall they see."
"Through a series of visions, God, through Jesus, reveals to John, what will be the outcome of the struggle between Rome and the church."
"The time will arrive that the Saints will be strong where in the kingdom."
"It's pretty obvious that Rhaegar chose Lyanna because of prophecy."
"Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these, saying, 'Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints.'"
"Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, old men would dream dreams, and young men would see visions."