
Public Deception Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"When you give the patina of objectivity to a subjective decision to ban prominent people, what you are actively doing is deceiving the public."
"The whole thing with the dossier was a total setup."
"Elron Hubbard was so obviously a fraud, a con man, and a liar during his entire life."
"The strategy of the Biden Administration is to pretend that, you know, that doesn't matter as always."
"The failure to distinguish between sex and gender is clearly an incredible thing, and the fact that so many in the scientific community have pretended to buy into this, and I say pretend because they do know better."
"Buried what he knew about the coronavirus threat and then lied about it at length to the nation."
"That's what's been so frustrating about this talking point, and that's what was so frustrating hearing Joe Biden tell that bold-faced lie again tonight."
"We now live in a post-fact world where falsehoods and misinformation can spread just like disease."
"Legalize all drugs legalize pot in order to get that passed they generally aren't as forthcoming about the harms of marijuana."
"What do you think of keeping killer whales in captivity? Do you think SeaWorld is hiding the truth from its visitors?"
"Yes, the photographs were fake, but it's worthwhile to explore why people of the time wanted so badly for the images to be real."
"Forged documents: Angus Taylor produced forged government documents in an attempt to smear Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore."
"To the public, you were lied to and your Goodwill is being both weaponized and abused."
"He's going on TV and just lying and making things up and that's absolutely fascinating."
"The will of the people is being undermined by some very powerful despicable entities, and we're here to call it out."
"Don't do it. They're insulting your intelligence."
"The media keeps lying through sins of omission and commission."
"The least you can do is respect the audience that gave you this privilege."
"China's misleading articles aren't limited to covering the U.S. They've also taken the words of Norway's national drug regulatory body to suggest a link between vaccine doses and death cases."
"Just because something has lots of views doesn't mean that they actually know what they're talking about."
"The whole scientific community and anybody with any scientific inclination whatsoever is now acutely aware of what an unbelievable lying fraud this guy is."
"They love the fact that none of what he's saying makes sense because he's promising them a better world."
"The Kardashians were able to trick such a well esteemed publication... you have to give them credit like they fooled everyone including Forbes themselves"
"But no, your garbage person of the week with 53% of the vote is Rupert Murdoch for admitting his Network lies to keep viewers."
"It is confirmed, the federal government is lying to you, they are withholding evidence from January 6th defendants."
"President Trump abused your trust, that he deceived you."
"I remember when there was like this whole rumor spreading that that was fake. It was fun and he faked it."
"This is about a cover-up. It's about lies told to the American people. It's about people trying to pull the wool over people's eyes."
"Empire actor Jesse Smollett took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career."
"A statement of fact and they know that fact is false, well they might say I don't know it's false because I got a UK decision against him."
"Mr. Trump is a con man... He asked me to pay off an adult-film star with whom he had an affair."
"Every news cycle, every story, you're finding out is a lie that is being contradicted. Elon Musk... is saying the intelligence community and the media itself is working in collusion to lie to the American people."
"The US Attorney's Office calls the Fairfax LSD kingpin suicide a hoax."
"Fauci's lies are inexcusable and it heals Congress and the American people an honest answer." - Senator Marsha Blackburn
"Jones has already been found liable for defamation after using his platform to spread the false and offensive conspiracy theory that the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax."
"The latest sorry excuse is really the most pathetic of them all: nobody told me."
"People like Tucker Carlson who know they're lying to the public can convince tens of millions of people of those lies."
"The Jesse Smollett thing every day basically has kind of been confirmed at this point there was a complete hoax."
"The Blair Witch Project, it was a movie where they did the marketing behind that was so well calculated that a lot of people that they led a lot of people think was real."
"People should be pissed, people should be angry that the government tried to bamboozle them for a month just for a better rating, just for a better outcome when it came to the midterm elections. That's just disgusting."
"He immediately announced to the audience that the corpse was a fake and Joyce was still alive and performing somewhere else."
"The true enemies of the American people are the people who run America."
"Fear is coming from fake science and mainstream media plus a lot of frankly grifters on social media."
"Kanye has, of course, unfortunately, he's a brilliant as an artist and talented and creative but not very smart when it comes to recognizing that he's being sold a [ __ ] lie."
"Corporate media does not serve you. It lies to you, leads you down a path of destruction."
"The part about this story is that she ever had a Warner Brother TV deal. This is a woman that has no talent outside of scamming people to give her family millions."
"Modern economics and finance actively misled and lied to the population about the nature of the modern economy."
"The people of the state of New York alleged that Donald J Trump repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal crimes that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election."
"Jussie Smollett was charged with filing a false police report, arrested, and the whole world learned the attack was faked."
"The President delivered on his promises and got his priorities funded and that's what the Democrats don't want you to know." - Nick Mulvaney
"For 15, 16 years you were given an idea of who the Duggars were... and that has caused a ripple effect with a lot of people feeling deceived and hurt."
"The data they're working off of is inaccurate, but then they report the headline to freak people out. They want you to be misled on purpose."
"You're witnessing the greatest coordinated disinformation campaign to ever be launched against the American people."
"I'm not gonna play these games when Michael Flynn comes out and says this and then lies... this is a very serious problem."
"This is the greatest political scam hoaxes in the history of our country."
"I call on all Americans to reject the lie and I condemn those who spread the lie for power, political gain, and for profit."
"Fallout 76 has been a big failure despite what Bethesda's todd howard has been misleading the public to believe."
"I'm just a college dropout and even I understand this. It's not hard to understand. They just sheep herd you and lying to you on purpose."
"It allows prosecutors to delve into whether he might be publicly lying because he has a consciousness of guilt."
"Our United States government lied... there's a war underneath there and I'm talking dead serious."
"What Zuckerberg says in front of the Senate is completely different than what is actually happening."
"Every single video she puts out is deflection and real straight up lies."
"Machine learning and audio visual AI programs designed to mimic human faces, voices, and speech patterns have already progressed to a level where they are capable of deceiving a large section of the public."
"The elites in our country who are in media, who are the pundits and the columnists, they are gaslighting the private sector."
"Our democracy was undermined because Boris Johnson prorogued Parliament and he lied about the reasons." - Amanda from Bristol
"There can be situations where everyone is pretending to believe something but no one really knows."
"You have been lied to. I have been lied to. We have all been lied to."
"Almost like half the people on television are lobbyists and they never tell you. It's insane."
"Honestly, it's just dishonesty. The only people you can fool at this point with those types of points are the same people you've been fooling with the same things Trump has been saying for the last three, nearly four years."
"Regular people who are in the dark are given this fun house mirror version of what this show really is."
"Putin's central insight is that he doesn't care if he's caught lying or breaking the rules. He's a shameless thug."
"We've gotten so numb to what is bizarre behavior. We have a president right now who lies multiple times a day."
"Alexander Solzhenitsyn: 'We know they are lying, they know they are lying...and they still continue to lie.'"
"The reality that they're pedaling turns people off so they lure you in with lies."
"Papa John reveals that he lied to America. He didn't actually eat 40 pizzas in 30 days. You [ __ ] lied to the whole country!"
"They don't actually believe what they're saying, they just want you to believe that they believe what they're saying."
"Trump is like a great car salesman; he sells the vaccine, but when push came to shove, he blew it."
"During the trial of Elizabeth Holmes, prosecutors showed a presentation that she had made to the board of directors saying that 10 of the 15 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world had validated the Theranos results. This was a lie."
"It's not that they don't know that what they're saying isn't true, it's that they're saying to all of us, they don't care."
"I'm busy talking about lies and lying liars all the time, and now they're all zombies."
"That's an absolute bullshit, Eric Dubay outright lie bullshit bullshit."
"If this gets out, the government is betraying the American people."
"This was one of the biggest frauds in American history and the media pushed it."
"What if they did land on the moon but some of the videos that have been put out into the public are fake?"
"We're heading right back where we were with the indulgence of the press."
"He lies to the American people every time he opens his mouth... It's offensive, it's a lie."
"The conservatives get away with it by promising to fund the NHS and promising that they love the NHS."
"With the absence of the Fourth Estate and independent science and independent oversight from the Public Interest the Commonwealth they've been able to get away with enormous deception since the 50s."
"The United States government is in the business of lying to the American people. They shape perceptions and dominate what the American people think is real."
"Remember when that nordstream pipeline blew up? It's really odd that the Legacy Media are saying Russia blew it up themselves, because Putin, as we've been telling you every day now on the news, is crazy."
"This is some Next Level grift. If you're looking for the truth, it's not gonna come from Brittany Dawn, certainly not." - Questioning motives and integrity.
"President Donald Trump is unafraid to tell you hard truths and not carefully crafted lies unlike Joe Biden."
"To make his knowingly false claims appear legitimate... erode public faith in the administration of the election... achieved all of that just by the sound of his voice." - Caption
"He's not just lying to you, he's also lying to every single Republican in his district and around the country."
"There is no genuine appetite in Canberra to tell the truth or to hear the truth."
"Blair Witch Project: Tricking the public consciousness."
"Are we surprised so many bishops have lied about their knowledge in the abuse scandal?"
"If Barnier is right, then Mrs. May has lied to the British people and betrayed Brexit voters."
"People have been blinded, they've been lied to, they've been fed propaganda."
"How could someone look at the hatred and suffering associated with that symbol and see an opportunity to manipulate that symbol to further his own public profile?"
"The war on plastic straws and cups thing is mostly just a way for big corporations to deflect responsibility."
"They were happy to lie to protect my brother; they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us." - Prince Harry
"What I'm trying to say is this Wilder-Fury glove cheating conspiracy scandal, it's been nothing but a race-bait hustle."
"This is a woman who went to Australia, lied under oath, got convicted for lying under oath, and such a compulsive lie that she's lying all over the place."
"They take us for a fool, ladies and gentlemen."
"This has to be the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people to make believe cops are here to protect and serve all the while we see them many times harassing and extorting the people."
"One of the things that I think people are going to realize is that he just lied the entire time when it came to being under audit for years." - Jimmy Gomez
"We know they've lied to us about Kavanaugh, we know they've lied to us about Russiagate."
"It's revealing that a lot of people whose whole life have been saying I'm for Medicare for all and when the time came to fight for it they're not doing that."
"The effectiveness of this campaign, though, it's only been internally. It has been really directed against the American public to convince them to support a lie." - Larry Johnson
"I have come to this definitive conclusion: I believe that Scott Peterson has engaged in a decades-long effort to reframe the truth through a deliberate campaign of misinformation and lies."
"The lie that Donald Trump told to the country is the most lethal lie in all of American history." - Steve
"This is a shameful and embarrassing how many lies are in this."
"Los Angeles Sheriff's Department deputy who reported being shot had actually made up the entire incident."
"We are being lied to every day on the matter of UFOs."
"It's going to be really shocking to a lot of people that are buying into whatever the mainstream media has been serving up."
"Stop talking about NK Ultra like it's only exclusive to the celebrities and the politicians when they already rolled it out on you."
"The government is not for the people, the government needs the people. They've tricked everybody to depend on them when we don't need to depend on them."
"It's uh disheartening and concerning and scary that so many people have fallen for that."
"He's a fraud bro a total fraud, fraud but yet people think that he's true no dude is a fraud exhibit B his video title Cat Williams goes in again clears the air after breaking the internet bro that title is misleading."
"Government policies consistently hurt populations that think they're looking out for them. They aren't looking out for you; they never were."
"Will he come clean about coronavirus? Will he admit that things are completely out of control? Will he concede that he didn't handle it the way he should have could have handled it or will we hear continued lies from the president?"
"There's been so much spinning and fiction spreading...certain sense."
"The evidence was overwhelming. Mr. Smollett had faked a hate crime, lied to the police about it, and compounded his crimes by lying to the jury."
"This whole thing was completely fake, phony, and false, and they were being called out on it."
"Look at the origins of covid, how many lies were we fed?"
"The actual scare, if there is one to be had, is in the establishment using this to bamboozle the public."
"Bar gave misleading testimony to Congress and used further misrepresentations."
"He's hiding a lot of things and he doesn't want you to see it."
"It's amazing how gullible we are... there's a tsunami of dead bodies around us all the time from cigarettes."
"In this universe we still have our usual heroes beating up the bad guys but this time around there's something beating inside of Lois we are we're pregnant mostly you but I helped."
"Jason Kenney facilitated a lie right through their teeth to their constituents."
"Be wary of what's being voted on. Politicians are good at getting on TV and talking, having talking points, and voting completely different."
"Trump supporters care about theater and props, not actual solutions to illegal immigration."
"We've been deceived for decades, but now it's time to reveal the truth."
"They're saying that in the Muller report it said that Trump lied repeatedly and he deceives the American people."
"All they did was trick us into thinking we select who speaks for us and who governs, but they're still in control of that person."
"Populism works when you align the snake oil you're trying to sell with the ailments they have."
"How do you get to be a trillion dollar company? You dupe the masses, man."
"The responsibility of the chaos that we see in Kabul lands squarely on the presidents and generals who lied to the American people."
"The job gets bigger the more they do for us before the more they pretend to do it."
"Folks who claim that the billionaires are the enemy funded by these billionaires, pushing this campaign which was a disinformation campaign lying to the American people."
"Glenn Youngkin is one who's been lying to you. He goes on right-wing radio and does his right-wing rallies and tells his supporters his quote 'if you don't want to get it, don't get it.'"
"What I don't like is liars and that's exactly what Dan Bilzerian has been exposed for."
"Is Max Kaiser ignorant as in he literally doesn't know that what he's saying is not true or is it worse than that he's an outright liar and deceiving his massive audience now either one of those is bad and it is one or the other."
"The whole government is putting off the people so they don't find out how bad things really are."
"The media we consume is infested with lies."