
Geopolitical Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"The only war that's going to happen with Russia is if nobody helps Ukraine."
"Building worlds is like a geopolitical imagination."
"It's not about being against the Russians, it's about helping the Ukrainians because they are suffering now."
"China is trying to achieve global domination."
"The French provided the Biafrans with weapons, imparting them through the Ivory Coast."
"This entire discussion is moot because now we know it's about the destruction of the Ukrainian state."
"It's fancy geopolitical speak for bro, I can [ __ ] you up anywhere on this earth."
"It's challenging in the Iranian context just because there are so many different types of vessels being used that are not flying the flag of Iran."
"Israel's most challenging days are yet ahead..."
"So what would happen if the countries of South America decided to unite into one massive United States of South America?"
"Russia was not a party to the conflict. Truce concerns only the forces on either side of the disengagement line."
"Putin is expected to withdraw from the Russian power War as he now has no chance against Ukraine."
"The United States has been policing the waterways since World War II essentially free of charge."
"Whatever we do, we need to act quickly. The most important thing is to enforce air defense in Ukraine so cities and nuclear sites are not bombed."
"It is only a matter of time before Putin's Army is removed from this region."
"We have to rebuild trust, of course, but I think one of the most important dimensions would be the Indo-Pacific itself because the European Union is also interested. France is interested. We have our interest, strategic interests there."
"Putin's game plan all along has been to let winter take care of it."
"The West no longer has technological superiority."
"It is looking increasingly likely that there will be an expansion of the BRICS..."
"If Batman does indeed fall under Russian control, that will be the precursor to something much bigger."
"I see a lot more pro-russian trolling and it's really active from 9am to 5 p.m Moscow time."
"This is the beginning of the end for the Russians on the territory of Ukraine."
"The Syrian-Turkish move is a game-changer in the Middle East."
"Russia has seized the Strategic initiative... dominating on the battlefield, in military economy, and geopolitical support."
"I'll end all of this, I'll reveal everything."
"We started this war in Ukraine. What do you mean 'we'? I mean the West, the United States, and NATO. And we knew this. We wanted this to happen."
"A catastrophic loss of life and human suffering... Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring." - President Biden
"The world will hold Russia accountable." - President Biden
"This is a dark day for Ukraine and it's a dark day for Europe." - Ian Panel
"Putin has chosen a premeditated war." - President Biden
"The reality that Vladimir Putin is trying to present to the Russian people versus what the West has signaled to the world for several weeks now about Vladimir Putin's plans in Ukraine." - David Muir
"Mr. Putin is not done in Ukraine. His sights are bigger."
"The Polish Air Force shot down the Russian submarine that failed to assassinate Putin."
"Russia is really in the driver's seat on this one, you could see it everywhere from the Swagger of XU Jinping."
"It's become the Hillary Obama neocon neo-liberal Victoria Newland Alliance."
"Iceland has regained its geopolitical importance."
"The most remarkable aspect of these assertions was the claim that there would be no such thing as Ukraine after the conflict."
"The more lethal ones seem to come from Russia."
"The attack on the oil Depot occurred after the Russian military reportedly attacked a Ukrainian military facility."
"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent." - Sir Winston Churchill
"The root cause of what we face today is the war, and it is the war that must end." - IMF Managing Director Crystalina Gergeva
"Every president recognized the threat that Russia constitutes to us and to the world."
"Ukraine is directly tied to all the stuff going on in Europe as well like energy and stuff."
"The other side of the equation we need to talk a great deal about what this really means to Russia and why this is such an existential threat not only to Putin's Russia but this to Russia in general."
"If I'm Russia, I don't have to fight to Europe, all I gotta do is wait."
"The reason that Ukraine has never been admitted into NATO isn't because it's like a corrupt country and they're worried that a corrupt country will be part of NATO, no, no, no, no. The reason is because they don't really want to clean up Ukraine."
"While China has many conflicts domestically, they’re growing by leaps and bounds internationally."
"Oil prices jump as Russia and Saudi cut their oil production yet again."
"How Israel deals with this dramatic turn of events today and in the coming weeks months and years will determine both how we emerge from the present crisis and how we manage in the new world taking form."
"They're in the same geopolitical boundary, and that's obviously really important."
"We're undergoing a fundamental shift of great importance; Asia, because of the rise of China, is going to be the most important area of the world for the United States."
"A shatter belt region is an area where countries or people are subject to the political, cultural, and economic pressure from external powers in conflict."
"Whether we like it or not, the People's Republic of China is a force to be reckoned with."
"I got them Golan Heights, which they were supposed to return to Syria, but I guess we're just stealing land now."
"This is a big big day for stability in the Balkans."
"The rise of China has a similarly kind of seismic effect on the global system."
"I think there's a lot in that diagnosis. I don't disagree with it. But nothing in history has just one cause. It's a combination of older and newer causes. Sykes-Picot is certainly part of the mix."
"It's just incalculable, the amount of damage that has been done. The transition from coal to oil, the oil revolution, suddenly made oil-bearing countries geopolitical hotspots. It's just incalculable, the amount of damage that has done."
"The concept of the Indo-Pacific has gained ground and has actually gained ground."
"I've always been a fan of Mustard's videos and this was a fascinating look at the geopolitical and Technical circumstances that led to its creation."
"Europe and Asia... the real frontier is the one that separates the Germanic world from the Slav world."
"The Falklands now has its place here."
"Forget that, blunt said, something is going on over there in the Middle East and it's only getting worse."
"Gaza has caused a Great Awakening."
"The Cold War, what a bullet we dodged, huh?"
"The last thing the Soviets wanted was a pro-Western administration taking hold in Afghanistan, but allowing an extremist regime to rise to power was almost just as bad."
"There are at least 12 unofficial, many of them in Ukraine."
"Jerusalem will be rebuilt and surrounded by enemies. Every one of the neighbors surrounding Jerusalem will be united against Israel, exactly as the Bible said."
"Jerusalem is a burdensome stone for all people. You couldn't fulfill that prophecy unless there was an organization of the nations of the world. You had to have the United Nations for this to be fulfilled."
"Saudi Arabia had nothing to lose, blood."
"The Royal Navy's Heritage of command ensures that in any geopolitical contest, the UK retains dominance of the oceans."
"The relevant geopolitical divide in the world today is no longer communist capitalist, east west, north south, it's between the world of control and the world of chaos."
"It is a massive defeat for Putin."
"Putin viewed the collapse of the Soviet Union not as the liberation of Ukraine and Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Baltic states or the possibility of a democratic promise, he viewed it as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century."
"As a way of sending a signal to China that the United States is not seeding its potential economic and Military dominance in this part of the world."
"The South China Sea is a big deal for three reasons: firstly, it's full of fish; secondly, it's got oil and natural gas reserves; thirdly, the South China Sea is the second most used sea lane in the world."
"The impacts of these geopolitical and economic forces are large and somewhat unprecedented."
"Asia steadily but surely becomes the center of global Affairs amidst heightened geopolitical tension."
"Democratic, strong, resilient Ukraine is the threat to Putin's imperialistic ambitions."
"The mere idea that were the Russians to advance... the Ukrainians would have this capability deters them from doing so."