
Spiritual Warning Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"The pre-trib Rapture Doctrine just simply is not there in scripture. It's a false Doctrine."
"The devil will make you feel like what you're doing is love, but it's all a counterfeit."
"You only have one shot at this life. Do not follow Satan into darkness."
"If you try to escape from one demon, you could just be getting closer to another one."
"Judgment begins in our house, says the Lord."
"If spiritual watchmen do not warn the people of the danger they see coming, the watchmen will be held accountable for what happens to the people." - Perry Stone
"Don't Harden your hearts as you did in the Rebellion." - Warning against hardening hearts.
"Deception will be so great that even the elect could be deceived."
"You're not getting life, you're getting death."
"This message is designed to keep us out of hell."
"A day of deception is coming that was so intoxicating even God's children would succumb without His intervention."
"What I suggest to you today is the things that you're going to be hearing and the increasing claims they're going to be coming out is none other than demonic deceiving actions."
"In the last days, there will be very perilous times. We're living in the end times when darkness seems to prevail over our nation and the world."
"The scriptures warned us of a time when hearts would turn cold."
"There is only one way to heaven, there are million ways to hell."
"Believe in Yahshua the Messiah, he redeems by his blood and enter through the narrow gate. Beware of false prophets."
"God's given this warning, there's something there."
"Jesus Christ is the only way for you to stay out of hell."
"My mission is to tell everyone the imminent danger we are in of losing our souls for all eternity if we remain fixed in sin."
"America needs to pay attention because God may give us exactly what we want. America, this is your wake-up call."
"Woe unto you rich men that will not give your substance to the poor for your riches will canker your souls and this shall be your lamentation in the day of visitation and of judgment and of indignation."
"God is not mocked, and he's not going to sit back and just continue to let it happen."
"For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom."
"Jesus said unless you repent... you shall all likewise perish."
"Wide is the path to destruction... many more will say 'ah, I don't need it.'"
"If your pastor don't have a pastor or some form of system of accountability you're probably going to end up running into witchcraft at some point or another."
"If the world looks for a false peace through this white horse riding charlatan they are only going to have endless lostness."
"Witchcraft deceives through rituals, but ties you deeper into evil."
"God wants us to know that the lack of seeking his wisdom will be the downfall of many people."
"Manipulation is a sign of false prophetic ministry."
"Satan always promises some magical way to escape judgment."
"Every prophecy is meant to tell us with a loving voice of an imploring mother: change, convert before it's too late."
"Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins... for her sins are piled up to heaven." - Revelation 18:4-5 (NIV)
"If believing that doesn't put the fear of God in us, nothing will."
"When you do [lose faith], Satan will show up and he will usually show up with an imposter."
"Be careful, you do not want the cursing to come on you when God is trying to offer you the blessing."
"What stronger warning can I give you than that which my text contains? Except you repent, you will all likewise perish."
"I don't care about your cheap color. Don't obey God? Die hell, your britches going. Going, all right. Hallelujah!"
"Be wary of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing."
"You've lost your life if you continue in sin."
"God warns you in advance of people and demons that are going to try to attack you."
"Satan can transform himself to appear as an angel of light."
"The quran issues the severe warning that it is at the cost of one's hereafter, the magician quite literally has to sell their soul in order for the jinn to comply."
"Not everyone who says to him 'Lord, Lord' will be allowed to enter his kingdom in heaven."
"Judgment will begin at my house... before I come to yours."
"Satan has technology... the end game is deception."
"Fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." - Matthew 10:28
"Fear not him who has power to kill your body and afterwards do no more, but fear him."
"So this story is gonna be a bit painful for me to share but I want to share this story with the hope that I can educate and possibly prevent anyone from ever touching a Ouija board."
"What good is it to have all the money in the world and still spend an eternity in hell?"
"The door of probation will close very, very soon."
"You do not want to be one of those people to whom Jesus says depart from me for I never knew you."
"Beware that no one lead you astray, for the son of man is within you."
"The scripture also makes it clear that we've been warned of the dangers of neglecting prayer."
"If you water down too much the good news... it becomes fake news."
"You are opening yourself up to real evil entities that want to destroy your life."
"You're going to reap a harvest folks because we've dethroned our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in this country we've dethroned him now do you have a king in your life."
"I pray that this is not talking about the church in America the lukewarm church this is not the hour to be lukewarm this is the how to be radically on fire for God because Jesus is coming soon."
"The fate of fallen angels serves as a warning of the consequences of turning away from God."
"Starting off in January, we have the tower, so Pisces, there is some big change and event happening." - Pisces, 2021 tarot forecast
"The deity of Christ is critical because if anybody preaches another Christ, he's cursed, he's damned, and short circuits the possibility of the truth, and the truth alone can save."
"Hell an eternity of Shame and guilt oh my gosh."
"When a nation loses God, it loses itself" - highlighting the consequences of a nation turning away from God.
"The devil comes in many disguises, saying a lot of things, being very knowledgeable."
"This is a warning for change about the coming of Christ that he loves you and he wants to be close to you just accept him and change."
"The devil is a liar, he is a liar, he is a liar."
"The deception would be so powerful in our day that if possible the elect would be deceived."
"If you don't get rid of sin, sin will get rid of you."
"Prepare, for Jesus is on His way, and the great crisis is nearer than many of us believe."
"If you die in that state, you will never see the inside of heaven."
"Ignore God's rightful place in your life, face unavoidable consequences."
"Try Jesus, please don't try me, because I fight."
"Listen to your inner voice... warnings, visions telling us to prepare."
"Avoid affluenza; it makes me sick. Materialism blinds Christians so much so Jesus said, 'I will vomit you out of my mouth.'"
"Jesus spoke about hell more than he did about heaven itself because he's trying to warn you."
"What shall they profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"
"It is terrible to think of thy doom... Ah, my hearer, you shall have much to answer for."
"There's going to be a famine of the hearing of the word of God."
"This is real. Some people who just dismiss prophecy dismiss the reality that the Lord might warn us that we're on the wrong path."
"Don't go to hell for addictions, go for rejecting God's help."
"Those who cherish unbelief will go to the lake of fire along with the sorcerers, murderers, sexually immoral, and cowards."
"The source of occult power is Satan. It is deceptive, exploitive, and will eventually fail to deliver on its promises."
"Pilate's wife came to Pilate, warning him, 'Don't have anything to do with this just man, for I've suffered many things in a dream because of him.'"
"If this sermon depressed you or worried you, you may be getting a little too adjusted to this world."
"To see all sides to a story, the devil energy at the top would try to Cloud your vision."
"It is a sobering thought that even those who profess faith in Christ can find themselves on a dangerous path towards a seared conscience."
"When you drink the false wine, you forget your first call."
"There is no other way but Jesus Christ. Don't crash and burn now. Don't wait too late. Don't try to figure something out. Jesus already paid the price."
"These things are not from the Lord. They have their roots in ancient occultism."
"To reject the Son of God is not some simple decision you make. It is a horrible decision you make."
"You better get on God's side, hear this warning human family."
"I care about you and I don't want to see you in Hell."
"They're not going to come to you uh Sandra or Mary or Susie or whoever wearing a banner saying I am the false Apostle I am the false teacher I am the deceiver Bishop I'm the deceiver pastor and I'm here sent by the devil to destroy your life."
"Before you know it you're old and gone and used and Satan laughs and one more person is lost to the kingdom of God."
"Life is short, it's extremely short, and I think what the devil would like to do is for us to completely forget about the next life."
"If you cast it out and you don't replace it with what needs to be replaced, then it will come back when it sees the house empty. It'll come back in and bring seven worse than it was with it."
"Wake up before it's too late, enough calling Satan your god, enough following Satan, enough worshipping Satan. Satan is nothing but a piece of a lost soul."
"Here Allah is warning our beloved directly."
"God's patience will not endure. Once He shows you who He is, His glorious kindness, and you've had it expressed to you and you've lived the joy of it, and you turn right around and become that man who was forgiven a great debt."
"Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing."
"Do not offend the Lord our God any more, because He is already so much offended."
"If you believe that you are a part of a superior people group, you are on your way to hell."
"Focusing on yourself is the inroad of Satan into your life."
"Don't let the world rob your eternity."
"Demons are disguised as angels of light."