
Video Game Strategy Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"God is giving us time right now to examine our life, our rhythms, our schedules and to actually build our life with Jesus the worthy one at the center."
"Kokomi is quickly becoming the face tank easy mode character."
"Fetorias take out 20 population space but bring in a trickle of resources."
"Welcome everyone! It's time for the Age of Empires 4 launch weekend tournament."
"Thief was a game that allowed for physical combat but wanted both Garrett and the player to be better than that."
"Overwatch's solution is probably the most popular choice for team differentiation in games today."
"Apex success is rooted in having found the perfect middle ground between Fortnite's wackiness and PUBG's intensity."
"Soldier's an A tier... really good against Hog, really good being able to pepper him down over time."
"Surviving in No Man's Sky is pretty easy as long as you're prepared."
"Junk Queen: Shotgun primary fire, close range for maximum damage."
"Junk Queen: Commanding Shout gives extra health and movement speed, useful for engaging."
"Chandelure survived Gen 7 and established a niche for itself in OU in generation 8."
"Chandelure looks to be establishing itself as a top-tier Pokemon in Gen 8UU."
"The boss fight is amazing too...to actually fight by making them have to defeat Bowser Jr first in order to defeat Bowser."
"I would add Master Chief, because you know, to have an enforcer in the Elite like that, Master Chief just wouldn't be able to be stopped."
"It's a team effort this time to get the chaos emeralds with everyone splitting up and doing their part."
"Wario is wild... he really kills you at 20 from an air at least once a game."
"Pikachu outspeeds Ganondorf, out combos Ganondorf, kills Ganondorf fairly easily, edge guards the hell out of Ganondorf."
"I've decided that we go on to beast attributes panel. Squad's progressing really nicely. Let's see what we can do and how far we can go in the third season of this West Ham rebuild."
"For your first idea group as the Papal State, no matter what kind of playthrough you're going with, I recommend opening up with Divine ideas."
"Take as much as you can when fighting anyone while also keeping an eye out on aggressive expansion because even if we don't get coalitioned that aggressive expansion will prevent us from expanding even more."
"Well, you know, this is our fifth persona user. It'll help broaden our battle strategies."
"The reservoir does an excellent job of reinforcing how valuable stealth is right off the bat."
"Welcome to Dark Souls, where saving lives is just as crucial as slaying bosses."
"Fox's combo game is effective as it can not only be simple and easy to free flow with but in the simplicity there's almost always a way to mix up with a more advanced combo route to try mixing up your opponent."
"It's a ship for large groups of players, almost like a castle in a medieval MMO."
"Is it possible to beat New Super Mario Bros U while being Mini Mario at all times? Well yes, it is."
"I think it's important to make sure that as you're trying to reach your goals or you're trying to pay just pay your bills, that you create time and space for your life outside of that work atmosphere."
"Boom Boom is bigger this time around so it actually makes it easier for us to ground pound him as mini Luigi."
"This game is all about neutral; it's totally back to footsies."
"Smoke grenades are an incredibly important part of making pushes in this game and you should use them at all times."
"Learn to zero your weapon and lead your shots, and you'll be incredibly effective."
"Pokemon Trainer is carried by Ivysaur, but Charizard has insane out-of-shield options."
"Sonic's offense is getting so crazy as well as his defense so this character really does it all and the only weakness he has is his weight that's literally it I I can't think of any other weakness uh for Sonic gaming."
"Pikachu is likely at the very top of the game."
"There is no way, no way to stop a Frank super."
"Whenever we use the star, we can launch it like a hadouken and take that wyvern right out."
"Once we have the silver orb, we will now have all of the items we need to beat the game."
"The bunker is one of my favorite businesses in Grand Theft Auto online and it truly is one of the best ways to earn some money."
"It's a nice slow full game ride to raise the affection of all your Pokémon."
"Converting your kingdom from tribal to feudal in Crusader Kings 3."
"Like, for example, I... started my free-to-play account on the uemia banner and... rolled on raiden and I do not regret it."
"You just kind of Dodge him and then eventually he will do like a big move and then you punch him in the mouth and then his pants fall down rinse and repeat my friends."
"IQ's job is to get a read of enemy gadgetry."
"Good news, power leveling is easier than ever in Beyond Light and imma show you why."
"I win these, I don't lose gulags in this situation."
"The gun Lance is designed to be like an iron wolf: you get off of the monsters face, deal damage, guard incoming attacks, and hop around to reposition or dodge where necessary."
"Thresh...needs to be able to cast their spells in late game team fights."
"This forces you to use more soldiers and have like multiple squads like an a squad of B squad and a C squad kind of thing."
"Life Tap is actually pretty good and I'd recommend that you max it out."
"Despite all the other special weapons... the regular Buster can be all you need to deal with threats."
"Retail row, the best place to loot abandoned markets for dangerous weapons."
"The various suit... makes everything deal us just way less damage. It's one of the best upgrades in the game."
"The missiles are the game's most powerful weapon. Right now, they are much more important."
"Domino for the damage, man, getting into those longer fights."
"Calling him the shrimp pimp just feels right, but as long as you're accurate with his primary weapon, you start destroying with him."
"Lucky pants you can get yourself an absolutely massive damage boost to any hand Cannon."
"When paired together like did you know that stacking a particular exotic with air apparent can help you survive a sniper headshot in PvP?"
"I think Blaze again Blaziken perk like parked up is just it's scary."
"Almost every enemy seems to focus on the center where the eye is."
"This is so wholesome, Bowser, trying to round another team, you protect another dream."
"The Falling Guillotine sword can single-handedly make a mockery out of almost every raid or dungeon boss."
"To complete Ethan Must Die, you'll have to make your way through a remix Baker estate, find a key, and defeat Marguerite in the greenhouse."
"Lulu Chompers was a little bit strong, like Jinx aggro with a bit of elusiveness."
"This game loves to throw you a curveball and completely change how you approach the situation."
"Olimar's style is less about his moves but more about the constant mechanic of managing the pikmin."
"Pokemon Trainer's ability to completely change their playstyle at any moment."
"The real way to play Super Mario World is to try to find all 96 exits."
"Shang Tsung is a zoner... crazy good zoner with really damaging combos."
"Now Samus could stare down a charging foe then in the blink of an eye counter their attack."
"Time to fight Loth Scala, which always allies Otomy."
"It's together for now we're hopping into this blind alright. I mean like I said I know a little bit about the game and we got 50 am already here."
"Finally, Pantheon support, a chaotic force that came out of nowhere, is now a dominant support pick."
"Warlock I love Warlock man and every single month more and more people are see in the hive just cuz this champion is the counter to about 80% of problem fights in the endgame."
"Most of jug's power comes from the fact that it takes like four heroes to kill him a lot of times."
"She gets stronger as the match goes on... her throws are much stronger."
"For Menat, it's all about footsies... her footsies bring you in."
"Let's just use the royal champion's ability now queen still has her protected the heroes health rather and it is going to be the three stars just in the nick of time."
"The electro dragons are ready to make their move."
"This is crazy guys, but yeah, so if you're interested, we're going to be doing some really cool late-game with purple towers today, it's gonna be awesome."
"Titans and pilots that are on the same team can work together."
"And that's how you do it! That's how you beat the first gym!"
"That's a good card though, that is really good card, no Turkish league players either, that's interesting."
"Zarya's Graviton Surge is one of the most powerful Ultimates, but don't get greedy for big plays. Secure kills on one or two targets for guaranteed value."
"Knock Off frees up options, making the battle more dynamic."
"Baptiste's immortality field change makes him S-tier material."
"Bastion's straightforward damage makes him playable, especially in lower ranks."
"Tracer's mobility and playmaking ability are timeless strengths."
"Ashe's precision damage and versatile ultimate make her a solid pick."
"McCree's versatility and tankiness make him a standout DPS choice."
"This one is particularly significant since it's part of the Sand Kingdom story. In order to make most moons in a world appear, including those spawned by the moon rock, you must complete that world's story."
"Ryu is busted. He can camp, has great aggression, strong combos, and kills early."
"You always want to avoid killing anyone, any humans at least."
"It feels like percent leads and stock advantages are meaningless in this D age of ultimate where it feels more like Tekken one person fighting an opening and then running the opponent through a meat grinder of damage."
"It's really nice to finally shake up the gameplay, and each character is definitely more useful against certain enemies than others."
"Silva has a low skill floor because he's simple to pick up but he has a super high skill sealing because all of his abilities have a skill gap"
"Cybernetic implant... ripper dock... 200 armor... pricey... cheaper method... buying outfits... coolest clothes... stress about mod slots..."
"Your best opportunity comes whenever he's charging up that lightning attack, so that's your best chance to get multiple hits on Super Shredder."
"We're just gonna have our boss refights, the gauntlet, and then the gauntlet and then three forms of Dr. Wily himself."
"Craft more ammo, that's gonna be glorious, isn't it? So good for me."
"The fake Smash Ball... some strategy involved."
"Explosive payload is arguably the best pve perk in the game."
"Banshees always get about 40 kills easily. Make some of those!" - Oh Ali
"Sucrose, taser and crowd control, she's so freaking good."
"Mortal Kombat X: Kano's threat and presence skyrocketed with variations."
"Mountaintop is the only useful Sunset weapon in endgame PVE."
"Navigating a Necromorph-infested environment requires an acute awareness of your surroundings."
"Junker queen does that off cool down so you must stun her you must disable her you must not let her get big cleaves on your whole team giving her extra lifesteal."
"What's it gonna do now goodbye that did a lot as long as it like don't flinch me we're good are you better run coward face it's like a robot it's so weird uh we're just gonna Flame Charge it and see what happens."
"Sonic's neutral B is literally in super Godlike... it is so stupidly good..."
"Misfortune's insane short trading power her ultimate bullet time also helps her DPS from a very safe range and can often wipe entire teams if positioned well."
"Let's use our flamethrowers! Yeah, we gotta get rid of all these little guys."
"Their late game is incredible... Aurelia's backline access tankyness and high damage make her one of the best late-game characters for carrying teamfights."
"The dragon's aerial Mobility, its Elemental attacks are things that you know it will have and so those are things that you can plan for."
"Gibraltar, when he's not launched into space, but yeah Gibraltar and Wraith, the strongest two legends in the game, they always have been and in my opinion they probably always will be."
"I've never seen a colonist do as much as my passionless ones did before."
"So what you can do is just once you go from the Dolly West is climb up this hill where I am and it's going to be Jolteon Galore."
"Combat has changed, shields are gonna be much more effective and more useful."
"Protecting your bloodline is what Crusader Kings is all about."
"Piccolo was a great choice to be in the game."
"This was a 10 v10 dom on carranza raid where I was able to basically patrol that left side."
"Spending thousands of hours on video games? No, I've already decided in this video I'm getting every achievement with only a sword."
"Epic battles and fleet warfare: the awe-inspiring scale of EVE's conflicts."
"In disadvantage, Pikachu is one of the strongest characters due to his recovery."
"I dodged the blue shell with the feather, that was awesome."