
Truth-speaking Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly."
"There is a line for me and for everybody else. There are certain conversations that they have to happen in the public, they have to happen on YouTube regardless of what YouTube thinks because if it's the truth, it's the truth."
"When you hit the nail in the head with the hammer so hard you speak a truth, so truthful that there's nothing they can do."
"Partners with your blessing Lord watch over and between us in these days and uh Grant that uh every opportunity that we have to speak the truth in love we may seize and we ask it commanding one another to your keeping in Christ's name."
"We need the honesty and courage to speak the truth, including painful truths that unsettle not only our foes but also our friends and most especially ourselves."
"He telling the truth I don't know if y'all paying attention but he's spitting some facts he had to feed his mind I'm killing you gotta tell yourselves that you gotta tell me something because nobody just rolls up and just."
"That's what's missing is the conspiracy in our favor. Talk real, real deal. You can speak it. Ain't nothing but love, bruh."
"There's gonna be a time when we will be able to speak truth."
"We are speaking the truth, the hard truth, without apology." - Vivek Ramaswamy
"You have to call what Donald Trump is doing what it is."
"If I don't speak the truth and try and help other people, I would not feel right."
"Be impeccable with your word. Speak your truth. The truth has the power to set you free."
"Watch your words and speak your truth because that's going to open doors for you."
"We lend them more legitimacy than they will lend to us when we are speaking the truth and they are babbling nonsense."
"Man, don't be afraid. Speak the truth, speak Thy word."
"The odd thing is that what bothers me about our current moment is not all the stuff I disagree with, it's the widespread fear of speaking simple truths."
"This is a new beginning and this is a revelation so definitely feel free to speak your truth."
"That's amazing and on the Democratic side even worse even worse so all of the country can be saved by just one strong person saying the truth and I can't find him."
"It's not about dividing people; it's about speaking about the truth."
"The amount of [ __ ] that they've taken from their family their friends their old churches the internet all for telling their truth and speaking about these horrific injustices."
"Even when you tell the truth now, a lot of people won't hear it and that's a worry."
"Impeccable character allows speaking truth without being controlled by anger or fear."
"Victory and success because you spoke some truth."
"Despite the danger to my life and my family, I am steadfast in the need to speak the truth."
"Speaking truth and being able to go to other constituents and say Here's what is really happening out there here's here's the real facts."
"Sometimes all it takes is one person to step forward and say loudly and clearly something is very wrong here, the emperor is not wearing clothes."
"In light of the rise and fall of mars hill phenomenon... sometimes we need to be willing to speak truth to power regardless on how people may be perceiving it."
"It's amazing what happens when you speak facts and reality."
"I said what I said and I stand by what I said, ain't nobody ever gonna walk me back from speaking facts to power."
"There's power and freedom in speaking the truth that God should not hold you prisoner any longer."
"Speak the truth boldly, even if it's unpopular, because it's what people need."
"Jesus Christ went against the grain a lot. He had to tell people the truth even if it offended them."
"Most people rejected his message. They hated Jesus because he told them the truth."
"I like saying the thing that people don't want to hear even, that is true, and that needs to be said."
"There's a change happening, you will start speaking the truth."
"You speaking your truth to somebody definitely rocked the boat in a certain situation."
"This next coming year is going to call you to really speak your truth."
"No one is more hated than those who speak the truth."
"You got people that's listening and you might go where you go but people listen because you talking facts only."
"Speaking truth in the times that we live in is a revolutionary act."
"No signs that we're haters because you tell the truth about who the open enemy is."
"When you do speak the truth and make a difference and start galvanizing the minds of young men now you're a problem."
"Every time I see a popular social media figure catching hell and backlash from people, oh I already know that they said something that's true."
"I'm on the side of this comedian who's speaking truth to power, thank you."
"Take action or nothing will come of the situation. It's time to speak your truth and release what's holding you back."
"I haven't done anything wrong. I've just spoken the truth as I see it."
"Keep talking the truth because it's amazing how healing clarity is."
"The truth is most of the time they wouldn't even dare say it to your face."
"People who are trying to consistently speak the truth, consistently seek justice, and try to have some integrity, consistency, honesty, and some generosity more and more, those kinds of voices will surface."
"The Jesus who stood before Pilate spoke truth to power."
"I want you to know that you can come out and speak your truth, and that other people will be there to have your back."
"If you speak your truth and in kindness, people might not agree with you, but they cannot get too mad at you."
"Bravery isn't just for the battlefield; it's for those moments of tension, giving us the guts to speak our truth calmly and firmly."
"But he said, I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness."
"Do not feel bad for telling somebody where to get off, do not feel bad about speaking your truth."
"What I've tried to do personally is take this awful monstrous thing and use it to speak some truth."