
Sales Techniques Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"For someone new to sales, how can someone learn to see things from the customer's perspective?"
"It literally is that simple. Pay attention to the person that's selling to you. You can tell if they just want something from you or if they actually care about you."
"That's the sweet spot. You get it to a point where sales start to slow and you bring it down and you stay right there, and then you watch it. This hack works, it works beautifully."
"Salesmanship does not begin until the customer says no."
"You've got to find your own technique in your own way... Everybody sells differently."
"Creating a sense of urgency is a great way to make a sale."
"Fear of missing out is a great way to make a sale."
"Being helpful and adding value, especially for free, you're gonna make a hundred times more sales."
"Every single sale is a combination of emotion, logic, and urgency."
"Sales is actually about listening, sales is actually about connecting with people, forming a relationship, building up trust."
"Every sales script that has been absolutely gangbusters has been a question-based framework."
"The movie ends with Jordan passing a pen to someone at one of his seminars, asking him to sell him that pen."
"That really is what I've noticed from MLMs. They're sort of the good salesmen. The people who succeed are masters at tapping into the hope, the, you shouldn't be satisfied, you can do better, and with us, you will do better."
"Ian's business might revolve around a unique product but his success has less to do with what he's selling and more to do with how he's selling it."
"Sharing bonus material can help you get more sales."
"Instant gratification and superiority are powerful sales techniques."
"By doing some discounts or doing a pay-per-click or doing a lightning deal."
"Even though they're on Amazon, it doesn't mean that you can't sell them for this crazy price that they're selling them for and making bank."
"Sales is not about being a smooth talker, it's about being a master listener."
"Sales will make you money. Sales will make you rich."
"If you want to double, triple, quadruple 10x your sales, you have to get attention."
"The cold call is vital because it puts you in control. You're not a victim, you're not waiting for a phone to ring, you're not waiting for an internet lead, you're not waiting for somebody to walk into your business."
"Your closing rate is going to increase dramatically just from following these steps."
"We need each other in order to co-create the best possible experiences on this planet."
"The science or secret of selling that's very simple."
"It seems a lot easier right I think you can find eight people who can pay that two hundred and twenty-five dollars on sale versus fifty people who want to pay $400 or $120 whatever it was you see it's just like a game you play with yourself."
"Learning how to ask better questions and pre-qualifying your prospect... that's your greatest chance for success."
"Consistency is the secret to good sales daily."
"It's not about selling, it's about teaching and providing value."
"Sales is the process of getting someone to accept help."
"A good salesperson first seeks to understand the true nature of a customer's problem and only then offers a solution."
"Building rapport isn't about magic. It's just about not being perceived as salesy."
"A lot of people think they're just gonna buy right then and there, but it's the follow-up that really seals the deal."
"Scarcity and FOMO are such strong sales drivers that it wipes those concerns away."
"It's a numbers game...ready willing and able just like in sales."
"If you can learn to ask two questions you will be successful in sales and marketing."
"If they can get you inside the RV and get you to talk about your dream out loud, chances are you're going to buy that RV."
"If you're asking the same questions that all other salespeople ask them more than likely at a much lower status."
"A combination of emotion, logic, and urgency triggers every single sale."
"The master key to success in sales is to love the people you sell to so much that you'll never sell them anything that does not do them good."
"Building rapport is crucial. People buy from people they know, they like, and they trust."
"If I'm comfortable and confident... presenting my value... customers are going to say yes."
"Cold calling is the most feared sales method in the entire world, but it made me a millionaire before the age of 25."
"We're not doing the last part of the brain, preacher, that's why you suggest things to people in sales."
"Showing how something like this moves really helps an item sell."
"People are more likely to buy when it's their idea than when it's your idea."
"A good salesman should never take no for an answer."
"The reason triggers are so powerful is because one of the oldest phrases in sales is why you? Why you now?"
"The difference between a good closer and a great closer is this: a good closer can push anybody into a sale, overcome objections, try to motivate you into it. A great closer can pull you into a sale by asking all the right questions."
"Control is the most powerful technique in all of selling."
"You have to master the ability to ask for the sale. Most people never even ask for the sale."
"Maybe I need to learn more about sales. That's when the whole lessons came. Then I bought a book from, it's called Never Split the Difference, read that. Went through all of the books, implemented all of the lessons, and then boom, sales went crazy again."
"People do make decisions and they judge other people based on the first five seconds of seeing somebody and based on your tonality and physical presence people are going to subconsciously judge you on whether or not they want to work with you."
"Boom, this is how you handle objections."
"Escalate the focus of your questions to increase the value of your sales conversations."
"The average sale requires five closing attempts before a prospect is ready."
"One of the most effective techniques that we teach them is that they speak, because if a salesman mumbles, then he can't sell his product."
"It's all about persuasion and finesse; you don't need to beat the customer to death or trick them or deceive them."
"When I close customers this way, when the guys that I trained close customers this way, they closed seven out of ten."
"If you can get higher up and get more optimized in that search engine, you're picking up all the things it wants to hear, then you're going to be able to sell a little bit more often."
"Once you set that upfront agenda, you have them."
"Discover the unusual selling secrets that have produced $34.5 billion in sales for some of the biggest brands and companies."
"He knew that if he delivered something they were pleased with, they wouldn't be too bothered about the techniques he used to sell it to them."
"I'm gonna show you some ideas for doing it live in front of a crowd or using demonstrations like this to draw people into your booth to help you sell stuff."
"It's the best non-sales sales book I've read."